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First time mod!

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Hey Gents!


I'd like to present my first mod for doom.

I've made maps for doom in the past, but this will be my first foray into the modding side of doom.

My goal is to familiarize myself with sprite-work, sound editing and scripting by trying to touch upon all aspects of doom.

So far I've managed to edit 5 sets of enemy sprites, most weapon sprites (to change the colour of doomguy's gloves) and a few decorative items.

This mod really has no theme or direction, it's merely to help understand what goes into making mods.


I've compiled my work so far into a quick video to show off my progress where I've detailed a few more ideas I have for my mod:


I'll make more update videos as I continue work on my mod.


Ps. I've attached the most up to date version, check it out and let me know your thoughts <3

Mod test.rar

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Heh; I'm not watching your video. I don't need to get sucked into any Youtubes right now.

But I did play your mod; just stock Doom II, I guess; I haven't opened up the file in Slade

or anything, just loaded up in the ol' Rocket Launcher 2.0. I like your modified zombieman

and shotgun guy. What I really liked was your chaindude tho'! I tried getting him that color

about two years ago but it didn't work. He'd be green in my paint program but when I'd

load him up in a game, he'd always turned out tan! HOW did you DO IT?!


Anyhow, if you want to look at my DECORATE beasties at all; there's a whole slew of them

up on my website:


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There no maps yet, they are planned but I've just only finished the Gfx stage

Green Chaingunner was done through photoshop hue/satruation changes in RGB mode.

I had completed all the Imp sprites as well, but didn't like the look of them. Beside the stock version looks cool already.

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