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Science Fantasy Movies with the Same Plot

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Just what the title says. What are some Science Fantasy movies that share the same plot. Let's try to avoid the connections between the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and Harry Potter and anything related the Mavel and DC comics. Let's not open up that can of worms, because that is a deep rabbit hole.



The Thing (1982) & AVP: Aliens vs. Predator (2004)


An expedition made up of hired guns and scientists head to Antarctica to investigate a strange phenomenon. What they find is an alien race who need hosts to inhabit to multiply and survive. What ensues is a battle for survival where they resort to blowing the aliens up resulting in only a 'single' human survivor.

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Maybe this doesn’t count but it should:


Outland (1981) follows the same plot lines as High Noon (1952). In the late 70s/early 80s director Peter Hyams wanted to make a Western but was constantly shot down. Told that westerns were dead, the new in thing was space and sci-fi. So his compromise was to make a film that is basically the Wild West in outer space. Both films follow the same basic formula but the setting and characters make them feel unique from each other, so it isn’t identical or a remake in any sense but it follows the same basic story. In my opinion, Outland is the better telling of such a story and is far more believable despite being science fiction than the old western. 

Edited by CAM-7EA

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Prometheus, Alien, AVP and The Thing are basically At The Mountains of Madness. 

Edited by Mr. Freeze

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10 hours ago, Rudolph said:

Every Ghostbusters movie.

It's easy to find similar movie plots from the same franchise or production company. It's like saying that all The Mummy and Pirates of the Caribbean sequels have the same plot because they are in the same franchise. Let's try to find similar movie plots that are not from the same franchise.



Deep Impact (1998) & Armageddon (1998)


It should be obvious how these two movies are connected and how they share the same concept and plotlines. These movies are about a large space boulder heading for Earth. If humanity doesn't team up to stop them, it would lead to a cataclysmic extinction level event (ELE) for the entire human race. They send a team up to the space boulders to blow them up, but surprisingly NASA already had our most advanced spaceships in their back pocket. Spoilers: they finally blow up the space objects with the sacrifice of their oldest team captain.

Edited by Halfblind

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Deep Rising (1998) & Virus (1999)


A group of people on a boat find a big abandoned ship in the middle of nowhere. Their own boat gets destroyed in the process of getting there, and they get trapped on the ship and discover some survivors and a dangerous entity that wants to do horrible things with them. One by one, they get picked off until only a few remain. One person in the group betrays them and get what they deserve. Both movies end with the last survivors escaping and the ship exploding in a spectacular fashion, killing the big bad.

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