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Utility for analyzing palette usage in resources?

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Hey all, I've been trying to create a good custom palette for quite a while now. It's certainly a headache given some hard-coded defaults. But, I'm wanting to create something that still decently maintains the appearance of at least some vanilla textures. I'm already aware of some redundancies (light orange/tan, sat pinks, etc). My main area of concern is the grays. They could certainly be reduced in amount, but every time I've tried has resulted in texture degradation and color banding. Now, I'm aware this is inevitable to some extent, but I'm not really sure what else to try (I already try to put emphasis on darker grays for COLORMAP fading).


I'm wondering if there is some sort of utility out there which spits out the number of times each palette index is used, or something like that. I know that @kb1 had something, but he's been banned for a while now. Skillsaw told me in a PM that he knew of one at one point but didn't remember what it was. Could anyone point me in the direction of such a utility, if it (still?) exists?

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