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Caesium Rift - a Boom-format first level

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Really nice map here. Hits all the right notes for me, with engaging combat and fun visuals/architecture.


My suggestion, if you want the yellow key to be more visible, you can put it on a small rock for the player to climb onto in the middle of that blood pool, and make the outer lines of the rock be monster blocking so that no enemies die on it.

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It actually is surrounded by monster blocking lines and I haven't had an issue with it since I did it but I can imagine a situation where it might still happen. Adding a little rock is a good idea that crossed my mind but I'm ashamed to admit I couldn't get it to work correctly when I tried, haha.

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This was actually pretty good! Very nice texture usage in all honesty. Ammo was a little tight which might be your intention. I only found 2 secrets though as it happens. Video will be up in 45 minutes.



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Cool, thanks for playing! Yeah on UV I wanted ammo to be very tight without any secrets found. I played it again and again trying to get it just right so that I was frequently low, but never completely out. It was my way of forcing myself (and hopefully other players) to be more mobile and aggressive rather than just finding a nice choke point and funneling the enemies through it. Hopefully it mostly worked, looking forward to seeing your video!


As far as secrets...

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Edited by Sikreci

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Nice run, didn't give you much trouble at all! Looks like I might have overdone it with the secrecy of the secrets though, haha.

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Thanks for the video and commentary, glad you had fun! It definitely would have been a bit easier if you had found the first secret, which was funny and slightly maddening because it was basically the only computer screen in the concrete room you didn't try to use, haha. I'll definitely be dialing back the complexity of the secrets on my next map, the hints are far too subtle to notice in a fast-paced game like Doom.

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