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41 free normal maps for download


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I've created a bunch of normal maps from very high poly geometry.
Since it's new tech some might be interested to toy around with them for the time being...

41 free normal maps for download

Here's an excerpt:

The download is close to 10mb (69mb unzipped), so I decided to make registration obligatory (to prevent heavy file leeching from other places). Sorry about that, but if there's somebody with an interest in mapping he would register anyways...

Note to the admins: no Doom3 files, no leaked content, nothing.

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It sounds interesting. Is there any application out there already that can use this content?

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My pleasure!

In the meantime I've created a second pack of 23 normal maps which could be found following the link above.

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AirRaid said:


/me goes to try some of these in the alpha

Don't forget to give me some feedback - it's a whole lot of work to create these, so I appreciated it when people point me towards the right direction to avoid errors in the future.

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[noob]plonker said:
what are the maps of ?
bare rooms?

Not sure if I understand you correctly.

The normal maps are used to create surface normals for per pixel lighting informations.
So you use them as some sort of 3D geometry layer to create textures.
You can use a flat colored image as a diffuse map for the color information and it'll still look great in gaming engines like Tenebrae or Doom3 of course.

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[noob]plonker said:
what are the maps of ?
bare rooms?

You'd get it more if when he says 'Normal Maps' You think 'Bumpmaps'. Cos that's pretty much what they are - bumpmap info.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those of you interested:

Here it is - the third installment of localmaps.

This time it's big and special.
Not only will you get the rendered localmaps, but you'll also get all the Lightwave source files!
No, these are not the high resolution files - you'll have to SDS and subdivide them to get the same results, but would you want to download 2 Gigabyte of models? :)

The download itself comes 56k unfriendly at 26.24 mb and unrar'd the file will eat 435 mb of your precious hdd space.

Before you start downloading, here's a preview:

As usual all files are heavily oversized at 1024 * 1024 to offer you a wide range of use.

For more information: Normal pack 3 ready for download

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AirRaid said:

You'd get it more if when he says 'Normal Maps' You think 'Bumpmaps'. Cos that's pretty much what they are - bumpmap info.

what so basicly there complex textures and not actual maps like e3/e3_1.map

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Normal maps are used together with diffuse texture maps. Basically they contain per-pixel surface normals, which tells you what the height/angle variations in the surface are. And a game engine (like Doom III) uses this information to do the dynamic bumpmapping.

I think.

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