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Classic styled doom64 monsters project (WIP)

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July 31 UPDATE: I uploaded my work to realm667: 64Cacodemon.zip



Latest sprite:  




  • Vanilla pk3s for doom2 mods and doom64CE, and .pk3s with new zscript behaviors.  These behaviors include: a random gas cloud, weakness to plasma/bfg, a arc of death-like spark trail to its ball lightning, more limited eyesight and hearing range, the player is capable of shooting its eye out for critical damage sending it into a blind fury, dropping a "cacodemon cell" organ that gives the player 30 cells when killed normally, exploding and removing itself from the map if killed with plasma or bfg, and "afterspark" effects if the player is hit directly and on its corpse when it dies.  Just being close to the lightningball without getting hit could still cause some damage, with the direct damage getting nerfed slightly to compensate all these added damaging effects.
  • Doom 64's original cacodemon design (or doom 2, if you're using it there) can be summoned as "Beholder" and it has 200 hp, making it a lesser cacodemon kind of like the hell knight to the baron of hell.  You can change the name to whatever you want, but it's what I went with for the chained floating head with arms.
  • The vanilla caco uses whatever is the default cacodemon sounds. The enhanced one has sndinfo definitions and sounds folder providing the classic cacodemon sounds from doom 1 to make it more "authentic" to the original even when used in doom 64.


I'm also renaming this thread to "classic styled doom64 monsters project" since more people are having a go at monster redesigns; the goal being to have a set of monsters for doom 64 that are both more faithful to the anatomy seen in doom1 and doom2 and fitting to doom 2's overall darker atmosphere.


Here is another take on the cacodemon by Craneo:



And an imp (also Craneo):


TROOA1_L - copia.png




Old OP:


Wasn't sure if this belongs on Creative Works board, but my intention is to finish a full set of sprites to replace the cacodemon for use with Doom 64 Retribution/CE/Brutal/etc.  


A lot of doomers complain about how the cacodemon looks in Doom 64 — it's kinda obvious the guy doing the art was given sprites of the cacodemon and pain elemental and got them mixed up (or their original idea was to have the cacodemon shoot two electric balls until they got a nastier idea...).  So instead of being a whiny baby, I want to do something about it.  I drew this up today:

DRAFT 1:               DRAFT 2:              DRAFT 3:           FINAL:

cacodemon.png.46c94b3e52001bc7e569f7351e0dbd53.png          HEADA1.png.29821b4f722da132d65bb668e8cac658.png           HEADA1.png.a17ee64fb2f44d0d1ed09303034f45af.png       CACOA1.png.457dfadc0379eccea4778f00e293b3bb.png


Before charging ahead and making the rest of the frames, I want feedback to make sure this is going in the right direction.  I suspect Doom64 has it's own palette, but I'm too cheap to pay $5 for an official Doom64 wad to access it.  I used the standard Doom playpal.  If someone has the doom64 palette, can they please hook me up here?


Doom 64 uses darker colors for its monsters.  The "pain elemental" sprites use even darker reds than this.  They're also "darker" aesthetically.  The cacodemon rework should be creepy and terrifying, but I think it's also important to have a lot of consistency with it's original design, which is a hard line to toe with how silly the original looked.  Getting the "muzzle area" right is a challenge because I don't want it so light it looks like a Goof Troop snout.


Give suggestions or critique if you have any, or any sprite editors feel free to download it and tweak it yourself as I'm about to go to bed posting this.  Once I have a side and back sprite done I may import it to magicavoxel to make a model.  I also want to make a new blue/cyan ball lightning projectile instead of the fireball the doom64 one spits, and if I get too ambitious, an XDeath explosion that causes splash damage (not a faithful addition, but an idea I think could be interesting.  Maybe triggered by plasma/bfg because of an electric conduction).  Ehh... I'm getting ahead of myself there.  Thoughts on this front sprite?  I'll keep the thread updated.


PS: i lost the passworld to my old account on an ancient email address so Happy First Post to me.


Edited by VikingBoyBilly

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The only thing that botched the Cacos for me were those stupid arms they gave them, I could never get used to them. 

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The Cacos were the worst of the DOOM64 re-designs IMO. They looked like monsters from a Jim Henson production.

Edited by TasAcri

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12 hours ago, Immorpher said:

@Nathan Silver maybe this could eventually work for Everdoom as a tougher caco?


In my honest opinion, not really, because I want to stick out with just the Doom 2 cast and few other enemies that are added into the mod.

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  • 1 month later...



This project is not dead.  Actually I've been working on it steadily and it's almost done.








Edit:  Craneo on twitter made his own edit and it's a big improvement of making it look N64-ish.  



Looks like this project still has a long way to go.

Edited by VikingBoyBilly

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  • 1 month later...

So I finally created a DW account! as I needed a more stable place where to post resources as I left ZDF due to a recent controversy and also recently left Twitter due to it being detrimental to my mental health in general, ya I did that edit, may finish it, I also did a edit of the D64 imp with a more classic-like design using bits of Thief666's old x8 upscaled sprites, I am unsure if I should progress on this dude as AFAIK Thief666 isn't around anymore and I want a confirmation if I can use it in order to continue it, until then tho I'll keep that on the backburner and focus on a lot of other D64-related sprites (the caco posted above included, probably)

TROOA1_L - copia.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Craneo that looks awesome!  I love your work.


Also, I released my cacodemon to the realm667 bestiary.  You can play doom64CE or any other doom64 mod on gzdoom with the cacodemon sprites replaced with the one I created.  Go up to the first post to check it out!  And keep an eye on this thread for more monsters in the future.

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it's late at night, I was kinda bored, decided to do a quick sprite edit of Doom 64 DoomGuy to give him his classic uniform/armor.
colors are a bit fucky, probably due to paletization, which was a mistake on my part as I should of just used posterization and not the built-in D64 player palette (which D64 palettes can be a bit hard to work with for me sometimes tbh, so it prob. won't work well with the player 2, 3 and 4 palettes)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Killer sprite work there! I can tell you've improved a lot since your initial effort in May (particularly in term of shading etc.).

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  • 4 months later...
On 5/4/2023 at 5:42 AM, TasAcri said:

The Cacos were the worst of the DOOM64 re-designs IMO. They looked like monsters from a Jim Henson production.

So does the original. 

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Forgot to post this here didn't I? A Classic-styled 64Mancubus made using an upscaled NMN Harkubus chest and a heavily edited Blood fat zombie face

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4 hours ago, Craneo said:

Forgot to post this here didn't I? A Classic-styled 64Mancubus made using an upscaled NMN Harkubus chest and a heavily edited Blood fat zombie face

Damn, that's terrifying 😮 

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  • 2 months later...

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