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Is it possible to rename textures in the map when changing texture names in slade

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i just changed a bunch of textures names in slade3 and now i have to rename every texture in my 10 map wad is there anyway to change the texture names in slade3 and them matching with the thing in doom builder

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Go the opposite way. Rename the textures you're replacing with by what is tagged in your wad.


Edited by CFWMagic

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13 minutes ago, CFWMagic said:

Go the opposite way. Rename the textures you're replacing with by what is tagged in your wad.


so just replace pretty much every texture with the replaced thing?

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Ultimate Doom Builder has find function, that dubs as find-and-replace. Not sure if SLADE would have something like this, but in a pinch, UDB can help.

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14 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:

Ultimate Doom Builder has find function, that dubs as find-and-replace. Not sure if SLADE would have something like this, but in a pinch, UDB can help.

i use DBX
but i could just install and just delete udb as soon as i finish

Edited by Shakariki Heisenberg

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10 minutes ago, Shakariki Heisenberg said:

i use DBX
but i could just install and just delete udb as soon as i finish

It probably has it too. But I can't be sure.

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