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If doom 2 had more weapons discussion

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If Doom 2 had more weapons along side the Super Shotgun in 1994, what more do you think they could've added despite the engine limitations and ammo type limitations?

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Fun question.
My guess would be more "super" weapons: Super Chaingun, Super Rocket Launcher, Super Plasma Rifle.
Beef those boys up with 3x the damage output (faster/more/stronger shots) for 2x the ammo, add a balancer like increased spread for the Super Chaingun or slower projectiles and it may still validate the older weapons' use cases.

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Super rocket launcher. Big boom with multiple smaller explosions near the impact, quite similar to the firebomb in Rise of the Triad but without the X-pattern. Rivals the BFG9000 in destructive power.

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dont know if anything like this would even be possible with the limitations, but a grenade launcher would be killer

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a rifle for slot 2 (more accurate+higher dmg than pistol)
grenades for slot 5, sorta like a powered-down rocket launcher (slower, limited range)
a knife for slot 1 (more dmg, super berserk)

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I'm of the opinion that it's a good enough roster as is, but I think that a weapon either like the Quake grenade launcher or the Quake 2 railgun would be a blast to use.

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15 minutes ago, The BMFG said:

dont know if anything like this would even be possible with the limitations, but a grenade launcher would be killer

I second that, since the Rocket Launcher is the only weapon that does not share its ammo with another one.


Either that or a Railgun that can pierce through enemies, which would be a blessing against those pesky Arch-Viles.

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you could look at their later titles for possibilities. We'd probably see a grenade launcher, lightning gun, or railgun.


My bet would be on a grenade launcher as it'd fill a niche not already filled (indirect fire), rockets are the only ammo type not to share ammo between two weapons, and it'd be relatively simple to use and not really require vertical aiming (as its primary use would be for around-corners/off-wall attacks and for attacking below where the player's standing).

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Grenade launcher is a good guess, they could repurpose the rocket ammo pool to just be a general "explosives" ammo pool, if they didn't want to add another one.

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The heavy rifle like from the original KDiZD I always thought was pretty good. Had a nice punch, and could function well enough as a 'sniper rifle' for picking off long range enemies.

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50 minutes ago, maxmanium said:

Grenade launcher is a good guess, they could repurpose the rocket ammo pool to just be a general "explosives" ammo pool, if they didn't want to add another one.

Basically what Quake 1 did.

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Maybe a freeze weapon? Something that makes enemies stop moving so you can use them as meat shields or path blockers. Maybe not that useful in the original games (since they are already balanced for the existing weapons) but could create many new possibilities and strategies in more complex, harder modern wads and slaughtermaps.

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Some demonic superweapon that deals damage a lot but it consumes your health or armor while firing

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Plant them on the floor and lead the Demon over to them. It would work very well with the game's engine and would provide a unique weapon in Doomguys arsenal.

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A revolver. It would be nice to have a small, high damage sniper rifle by your side. It would eat multiple bullets when fired tho, to compensate for the high damage output.

Edited by Geqoph

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Demonic weapons: your infamous unmaker and tha claw of evil from beta(there could be a lot of possibities with hellish weapons tbh). Automatic Rifle would be nice, or just make pistol better, faster firing speed would be enough. 

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The Doom 2 weaponry - considering the beefier Doom 2 enemy roster - is already somewhat bloated, with the regular shotgun mostly relegated to filling the same sniping/ammo saving niche as the chaingun, the chainsaw being less desirable than berserk in most situations, and the pistol existing as absolutely nothing more than a fancy button pusher.


And ammo sharing causes even the mighty plasma rifle to end up encroached on since often it's both faster and more efficient to just use the BFG; the only way to guarantee that the plasma rifle stays relevant is to outright deny the player the BFG. For the other shared ammo it's not even a discussion. How do you avoid the same trap with a hypothetical new rocket weapon? It would either overtake the rocket launcher, or end up as a niche weapon that depends entirely on map idiosyncrasies to stay relevant.

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Id like to see grenades! But a little more interesting, like firebombs and gas grenades could be cool.

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Resident Evil styled hand-cannon magnum, one-shots most low tiers, use's it's own rare ammo type, low fire-rate and lengthy reload animation every 6 shots.  

Edited by Wyrmwood

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I like the "better sniping weapons" suggestions. My preferred option would probably be a rifle (the one basic zombies carry would provide a source) that provides better, more accurate hitting power at long range than chain gun double-taps.


A rail gun firing cells instead of bullets would be a higher-end power option.


The magnum revolver suggestion is a cool idea too. Do you feel lucky, hell-punk?

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1 hour ago, ebrl said:

And ammo sharing causes even the mighty plasma rifle to end up encroached on since often it's both faster and more efficient to just use the BFG; the only way to guarantee that the plasma rifle stays relevant is to outright deny the player the BFG.


I disagree. The plasma rifle is really useful in tight or cramped situations since it's the quickest weapon, pumping out a plasma bolt once every 3 tics (~12 per second).

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// The Doom 64 Unmaykr is oddly a good fit... fits the theme of the game, instant hitscan weapon good for long range detail work, good fire rate, upgradeable spread.. not ridiculously op like some russian overkill or brutal doom arsenal pickings...

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I like the akimbo pistol suggestion, but another cool upgrade to weaker weapons would be some kind of a powerful melee weapon. Perhaps something that works outside the point-blank range, like a pipe or a high-tech sword (maybe it could use plasma as ammo).

Edited by Kwisior

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Given Quake 1 added Grenade Launcher and Quake 2 added Railgun, it makes sense that if Doom 2 was to have a couple more weapons, those 2 likely would have been the ones. Plus, they both fill certain niches that Doom 2's weapons don't cover. Grenade Launcher being able to shoot around corners and Railgun being able to sniper better than existing Doom weapons + being able to shoot through multiple enemies would've been interesting.

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A bouncy weapon (lost soul over grenade is a great idea, I can imagine a pain elemental shaped thingy held in the yellow gloved arms),


a piercing weapon - while rail gun may technically suffer from engine limitations, an alien-inspired demon that re-emerges after dealing damage and attacks the next victim in a straight line pattern could work


a useful bullets weapon probably in line with what has been discussed above, e.g. slower firing rate than chaingun and more damage than the pistol (probably rifle-type thing or double pistols),


a cell powered hand gun and a pogo stick


also how about super-ammo - i.e. super bullet clip or super rocket crate that makes your ordinary attack super, until you run out of ammo or pick up an ordinary pack; this could do quad damage, or exploding pellets, or dunno...


with berserk in mind I dont think more melee weapons would be a reasonable addition

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I know that there's no real way they could implement it without it feeling like just another chaingun, but I want to play Doom with the SMG from the title screen




It's only shown here, and I just think sub machine guns are cool as hell. Personally, I think an SMG would've been a better slot 4 weapon, and the chaingun could be the "super" variant (like the pump action to the super shotgun), that has a higher fire rate. I don't know, maybe there's a mod that does that, or one to replace the chainguns sprites with this SMG.


Other than that, I do agree with almost everyone else in the thread that a sniper type weapon would be good, either a rifle that uses bullets or a railgun that uses cells. Shoot through multiple monsters and does a bunch of damage to deal with big crowds and more powerful enemies.

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