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How to make Inventory Bar always show.

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I want to make it so in my ZDoom mod, the inventory bar always shows, no matter what, even if the inventory is empty.

How would I do this?

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I only know the SBARINFO way (there must be a ZSCRIPT way somewhere).

You have to replace the standard Doom status bar with an identical one, but that draws the inventory bar in any circumstances somewhere in the screen.


So you just need to remove the statusbar inventory command and add the drawinventory command somewhere in the normal statusbar, with the alwaysshow flag.

So something like this:

drawinventorybar Doom, alwaysshow, 10, INDEXFONT, 0, 134;

For the fullscreen statusbar instead, I didn't directly tried it, but I believe you don't really need anything else, unless removing the inventorybarnotvisible and the statusbar inventoryfullscreen.

If you want to keep the style of the fullscreen statusbar, though, you might want to make it translucent, so write this instead of the one before:

drawinventorybar Doom, alwaysshow, translucent, 7, INDEXFONT, 50, 170;

Which is like the original.


You can find everything here.


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