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I will play your WAD and make a video with commentary [ON HIATUS]

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Hey there. Here's my wad. It's my second wad ever, and i plan to make 32 maps in it. Only the first two levels i've done fully, i wanted them to be really hard, but in the end, they came out almost tedious. I'm not really proud of map01, but i think i've nailed map02. Here are the requirements:


Name: CPR (Cyberdemons' Party Room)

Map format: Boom

Ports i tested with: Prboom+, DSDA-Doom


Maps: MAP01-02 (so far)

Music: Scythe, Doom II


Difficulty settings: No

Multiplayer placement: No

Build time: 2 months in spare time (the reason these maps turned out so crappy is because i'm very lazy)

Textures: Scythe II

Requirements: Boom-compatible sourceports, or atleast boom complevel. Some walls don't lower if you aren't playing on Boom.

Bugs: Missing textures


(if it says it is uploaded from Hungary it's because Hungary is my motherland, and my location is still set in Hungary) (i never want to go there ever again)




I hope you will enjoy playing it (cus i didn't lol).

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I'd like some feedback on this 


It took me a lot of time to make it but I had no comments. I'm doing a similar mapset right now but I?m starting to consider it a waste of time since no one ever answers to my threads. If you'd like you could give this map set a shot. It's more of a narrative than a game, it'll take 40 minutes to watch it. Try not to pause since the visuals and the music are linked.


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5 minutes ago, Xantius said:

Hey there. Here's my wad. It's my second wad ever, and i plan to make 32 maps in it. Only the first two levels i've done fully, i wanted them to be really hard, but in the end, they came out almost tedious. I'm not really proud of map01, but i think i've nailed map02. Here are the requirements:


Name: CPR (Cyberdemons' Party Room)

Map format: Boom

Ports i tested with: Prboom+, DSDA-Doom


Maps: MAP01-02 (so far)

Music: Scythe, Doom II


Difficulty settings: No

Multiplayer placement: No

Build time: 2 months in spare time (the reason these maps turned out so crappy is because i'm very lazy)

Textures: Scythe II

Requirements: Boom-compatible sourceports, or atleast boom complevel. Some walls don't lower if you aren't playing on Boom.

Bugs: Missing textures


(if it says it is uploaded from Hungary it's because Hungary is my motherland, and my location is still set in Hungary) (i never want to go there ever again)




I hope you will enjoy playing it (cus i didn't lol).

sorry i forgot to send in screenshots

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2 minutes ago, memeboi said:

I'd like some feedback on this 


It took me a lot of time to make it but I had no comments. I'm doing a similar mapset right now but I?m starting to consider it a waste of time since no one ever answers to my threads. If you'd like you could give this map set a shot. It's more of a narrative than a game, it'll take 40 minutes to watch it. Try not to pause since the visuals and the music are linked.


i'll check it out


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Id love if you could play through my wad bruin keep, link here

Its a single long map (35+ min, 1300+ monsters), with action-packed slaughter like combat and a difficulty akin to grade a- or b+ using mtpain27's scale. Difficulty settings are implemented.


Its only the second map i've released, try going on hmp or hntr, the last two fights are kind of devilish. Its made for prboomplus/helion/gzdoom cl -9. I tested it mostly with gzdoom. Cheers

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Thanks a lot, lamp! It's great seeing someone play one's map. Your playstyle is so fast that you didn't notice all the map changes that I thought were easily noticeable! But it's difficult to say whether that's my overexposure to the map or if it's just the speed (or my slower speed). The more I'm distanced from these, the more I have to admit that this wad really is for a niche audience, and I got a bit carried away with all the sector tricks (which those mapping for other than vanilla/limit-removing might not even notice) instead of focusing on gameplay. Well, my next maps are going to be more traditional, with battles and less obscure puzzles. I think I really need to learn to guide the player better, among other things.

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10 minutes ago, thelamp said:

So. This is my other account, i'm Xantius i hit the posting limit/day. About map01... It didn't broke, in the mancubi area, there was a tiny room where you had to step in to progress. I send you a video about it. 


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4 minutes ago, supdol4944 said:

So. This is my other account, i'm Xantius i hit the posting limit/day. About map01... It didn't broke, in the mancubi area, there was a tiny room where you had to step in to progress. I send you a video about it.


Thanks! I was just confused about the truck due to the HOMs I didn't notice the red mark on the floor there

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A noble cause Mr. Lamp. Here's my stuff, four UDMF maps in order from easier to harder. Tested in hardware mode in LZ and GZDoom (software mode doesn't handle the newest one very well): 










For more information: 



Edited by Tangra666

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(message to "The Lamp, etc...")


got my... "epic" I guess we're gonna' call it... Clippy played this guy in january, think he did, well, he made it! any way. ... you're more than welcome to try "baby's first doom WAD" maps 1-10 are playtested, and janky and honest, and maybe even enjoyable. i've yet to learn to add UMAPINFO to this iteration, future tense it will be there. i recommend HMP, as it was designed using that skill and sporadically modified with some tweaks for difficulty. it's GZDOOM map as i cant figure out how to PrBoom+fork for ubuntu to work, no fatal errors i know of with any other ports but i'm unable to verify personally as again, im a linux wierdo... pistol start tested, continuous is easier, freelook ok, no jump no crouch. also i will include BFDWOAR.WAD... baby's first doom wad: Oops! All Revenatns (and one shotgunner) Edition for shit's n' giggles. weapon and ammo drops have been added to offest monster changes... it's not meant to be fair, or playable for that matter, unless you're coincident...


01: What Fresh Hell is This? par 00:95

02: Container Area par 03:30

03: Transfer Station par 00:90

04: Former Human Rescources par 00:90

05: Assholes INC par 01:50

06: Ground Zero Cafe

07: So I Came Out Blastin'

08: E Pluribus unum

09: Tearing Reality par 00:45

10: Sanctum Santorum


slim trails, HOM, Vindictive obtuse and yeah that's a secret secrets are par for the course. map 04 has a softlock that is intentional should that spectre scare you so hard you fell off the building.


good god what have i done...


"My God, It's full of stars..."



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Hey man, I thought it would be cool to see what you think of my WAD from 2005 which I remade in 2020 called "The Redux".


Originally in 2005, it was called "The Reason" http://www.doomwadstation.net/thereason/


This was my first published WAD back in the day and I remade it in 2020,


this link contains a WAD where map01 is the remake and map02 is the original.

Edited by Dubbag

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12 hours ago, Powerlord said:

Thanks for giving the map a try! Unfortunately the map doesn't seem to work the best with woof, it didn't play the custom music and nobody else has reported a similar HOM in that early room. The darkness was actually intentional for the most part, I'm sorry if it frustrated you often. The level was meant to build up atmosphere and be fairly easy, which is the majority reaction I got from my playtesters. In fact, most of the playtesters said that last room was an anticlimax! Sorry if you didn't have the best time with it though, if you'd like I did implement skill levels so perhaps playing on hurt me plenty in something like gzdoom would give the vibe I was intending. As mentioned in the text file, this map was a lot about working on my sector lighting and the like, so I doubt I'll make a map dark like this anytime soon.

Just a little update, no pressure to play the map again or anything (since the light level is unmodified) but I updated the map to fix the mapinfo so the custom music should work, and it should fix the hom you saw in the early part of the map. No trouble if you don't play it again, but if anything just letting the other people who might be interested know they can give it a try and it should work probably in software renderers now. Thanks again for giving the level a try, and thanks for all the attention and feedback you're giving lots of us mappers.



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I finished this thing recently.

Would be really really cool if you gave at least a couple of the maps a go :)


Thanks in advance!

P.S. MAP11 is kinda broken currently

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6 hours ago, thelamp said:





Sorry for the lack of comments and such. I'm taking notes on your feedback and so far your enjoying the maps but now as far as the dark lighting goes, i took that from snax's maps since she had some dark maps as well. Trying to stay in the realm of dark and spooky if that makes sense. But i am taking notes and once your finished with them i will let you know what i did to fix it the first time and what plans i have for the rest of ep.2 since i had to restart mapping E2M6 since it was turning out bad.

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