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I will play your WAD and make a video with commentary [ON HIATUS]

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@thelamp thanks man! I felt bad for the frame rate drops, the map is a bit demanding with it's openness and details. You'll probably get fps drops in the other maps as well, so if you don't want to deal with them, i'll understand. However, i like to recommed you to give LZDoom a shot, it will solve the fps problems, and you won't even notice the difference. 

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Hey lamp, thanks for this thread. It's a fun idea for onlookers, but a lot of work for you, so thank you for your service.


I thought it would be fun to drop one of my earliest maps here. I made the base in 2020 and polished it for a decino viewer submission at some point in 2021. It's hilariously bad in places (I had no clue how to do teleport ambushes and I didn't understand what pegging/unpegging was), but I think it agrees with the 90s aesthetic you enjoy. Please load with TNT.wad (lol) and it's in the MAP02 slot. 



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Thanks for the kind comments everyone! I like being exposed to a wide variety of different stuff and this thread is definitely doing that for me, as will be made concretely evident in my next post (video uploading)









Edited by thelamp

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1 hour ago, MtPain27 said:

Hey lamp, thanks for this thread. It's a fun idea for onlookers, but a lot of work for you, so thank you for your service.


I thought it would be fun to drop one of my earliest maps here. I made the base in 2020 and polished it for a decino viewer submission at some point in 2021. It's hilariously bad in places (I had no clue how to do teleport ambushes and I didn't understand what pegging/unpegging was), but I think it agrees with the 90s aesthetic you enjoy. Please load with TNT.wad (lol) and it's in the MAP02 slot. 




When i first saw this i was like "Mr. dean of doom himself mad a map. I got to check it out". So i checked it out and i got to say i'm not really a big TNT Evilution fan myself but i did enjoy it....but as a mapper i do have to criticize a bit but don't worry i won't be like "god you suck at mapping" or "never touch another map editor again". No it's more like "here's what you should do next time to get better".


The layout was good for a TNT wad, the fake wall made me laugh because i remember in all the videos of grading wads you get a little annoyed with fake walls and secrets that uses fake walls (don't worry i do it too), the enemy placements are ok but man the baron was bullshit, sorry for my french but it was.


The use of textures was kinda hit and miss with me, i felt like you wanted to go for a theme but it kinda fell flat in some areas i know i know you said your self "It's hilariously bad in places" but hey gotta start somewhere right? i did like how you used the fire blue in the one room where it's a one time teleport trigger (had to noclip to get out) and the cave with the blood pit was a nice touch and some of the textures we're mis aligned and in the room with the fire blu walls i found a HOM effect (sorry i didn't screen shot it for ya). 


Overall since i'm not a TNT fan i did enjoy it but not bad for a first time mapper. I give it a C with a difficulty of D (please don't sue me for this joke)


Now when you said you didn't understand what pegging/unpegging was, it's basically when doing doors, you click on the wall and there should be a thing that says unpegged lower or upper (i'll put a screen shot in to show you). what it means is when opening and closing the door(s) the side textures will either stay put (unpegged) or move with the door action (pegged). 


Since i'm a mapper and a fan of your videos mt. pain i'll give some advice when it comes to mapping from what i learned from mapping.


Think of a theme and use it: What i mean by this is think of a theme you want for you map and run with it. For example when i did map 31 for Theme Gawad #1 it was supposed to be a node to Wolf 3D, but i scrapped it since it was not working out how i wanted it too, So i instated went with a cavern style map with hellish corrupted in it as my theme. Another example is when i redid map 03 for the same community project i decided to go with a abandoned mine theme since the theme called for earthy underground style map. Oh fun fact map 03, i remade that within a week and then took two months to flush it out so it wasn't so shitty. 


Play around with the map editor: Just mess around with it, come up with some ideas and see if they work, i mean i do that all the time and i have some maps i work on when i start getting mapper burnout (and trust me mapper burnout is a major pain in the ass), but messing around with the editor you can come up with some great ideas and even some unique stuff, like a pointy upside down cross or a pentagram that's messed up, well what ever it maybe it'll be unique regardless.


Work with vanilla format for mapping: I started with Vanilla formatting i.e Doom 2 (Doom format) then i worked my up to the boom format (still figuring that one out) and finally UDMF to me UDMF is great since you can do a lot of crazy things with it but man it is confusing when first starting it. 


Lastly and i always tell people this since i learned it as well.....Always play test your maps before releasing it and always listen to feedback / criticism : I learned this the hard was when i first started. But now since i'm getting better at mapping i always play test my maps before releasing it and what ever i missed people will let me know what is good and what is bad about the map. Also always always listen to feedback / criticism this will help in the long run trust me on this i'm having lamp go through my ultimate doom wad since i updated E1 when sandwedge played it last. It dose not matter if the feedback or criticism is good or bad, always listen to it regardless.


Well i hope this helps Mt. pain, again as a mapper and a fan of your work i feel like you can make good maps it just take a few tried but you'll get better at it over time. God i feel like a teacher giving a lecture to a student lol. But can't wait for your next video of your dean of doom series :).


P.S very last piece of advice: If your ever stuck on making a map, play wads and get inspiration from them and incorporate it in your own map. Also don't copy and paste other people's work, that's just lazy and boring.


(forgot the screen shot i was talking about)

Screenshot 2023-05-14 131745.jpg

Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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Heya lap, have you ever played the master levels? I've made a remake of 2 maps! it would be cool if you can play them and give me your opinion on them

So far only map one and two are complete

Master levels Lmao.zip

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i don't know if you're willing to do joke wads, but i would appreciate some overall feedback on the enjoyability of the first map of a project i'm working on. it's plays jokes on the player at times, but i don't want it to be so annoying that it makes people stop playing, if you know what i mean.

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Eh, just because if possible (cuz was released almost a year ago), is just a little map that I did to distract myself for something ongoing irl in 7 days, and I would love to hear your feedback, Ik that I did some bad things there but having more feedback will be awesome to know what I shouldn't do in next maps :')



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Hello. Would you mind to test this one?

It's gonna be the last map for the Doomed Urbex CP.

It's map 20, and It's for complevel 21.


Edited by OceanMadman

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14 hours ago, thelamp said:






Sorry for all the troll room nonsense and the layout, while the death laval pit was my idea, the layout is me staying close to the original map

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4 hours ago, Korni27 said:

Sorry for all the troll room nonsense and the layout, while the death laval pit was my idea, the layout is me staying close to the original map

yeah I watch some videos of those original level and I get why yours are they way they are haha. The death lava pit was so confusing but kinda funny in retrospect!






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1 hour ago, Worriedidiot said:

@thelamp Thanks for the vids as usual!

Just wanted to mention that MAP08 and MAP10 aren't made by me but guest mapper @azerty instead.

Probably should've said that before huh :p


1 hour ago, azerty said:

Thank you for playing @thelamp :) 

The set has been super fun thanks for making it!






Edited by thelamp

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oh shoot i messed up up that post yeah haha damn here it is for real this time





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