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Songs which seem to be infinite

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TL;DR: What songs do you know that feel longer than they are (and which you really enjoy)?


There are surely a lot of songs in this world which have a long duration and, therefore, are objectively long. However, some compositions don't even have to be, because they are composed in such a way that the melodies or lyrics seem endless (which I think is genius). Sometimes you can listen to a song and you may get the impression that it has been playing for a very long time, even if you are not in the second part yet.


Couple of good examples I think would be:


Pitbull feat. Elephant Man, Daddy YankeeRah Rah



Jewel feat. Abou TallTel #4



Do you also have this feeling, and if so, what songs can you put into this category (some of those that you really enjoy)?

Edited by Geniraul
Clarification in brackets.

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Maybe this doesn’t count but Sunglasses at Night by Corey Hart. The radio/single/video version is shorter than the album version, and I much prefer that version because it doesn’t seem to drag on and get a little repetitive like the 5 minute version of the song. 

radio/single/video version:



album version:



I love this song and the album version isn’t bad or anything, but usually I do prefer extended versions of tracks, but here it just seems to go on and on and seems to feel better as the shorter version. Maybe it’s because I heard the shorter version first for years before I ever heard the album version. 

Edited by CAM-7EA

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Pianist Erik Satie composed a short piece called "Vexations"; in the notes he instructs the song is to be repeated 840 times. It takes approximately 18 hours to play. Some people believe he wrote it just to annoy the crap out of his neighbors.

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i dont know if this quite fits the required metrics of the question, but the ending part of "Hummingbird" by Seals & Croft (the part that repeats "don't fly away~") always feels like its longer in my memory than it actually is, like it feels like it should be a long chunk of the song when it's really only maybe a minute or something



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Creep by Radiohead. Soooo drawn out. Makes me feel sleepy everytime i hear it. Also anything by drake cause he's about as energetic as your average ancient Egyptian mummy.

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6 hours ago, Bucket said:

Pianist Erik Satie composed a short piece called "Vexations"; in the notes he instructs the song is to be repeated 840 times. It takes approximately 18 hours to play. Some people believe he wrote it just to annoy the crap out of his neighbors.

Well, if we're going by songs that are purposefully written to last a looooooonnnnng while without much thought given about them being actually listenable, let alone enjoyable, then allow me to introduce you to John Cage's As Slow as Possible; a performance of which is undergoing in a German cathedral, the recital started 21 years ago and it will not be completed before the year 2640. Yes, it'll take over six centuries to play it.

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On the topic of the longest song: the Longplayer. The song that started in 1999 and wont end until 2999 without repeating itself. You can stream it at different times in the next millennia and it will never have a repeating sequence.

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I liked the album for the most part but this one I would always skip because it seemed to drag on forever.

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When i first saw this, it gave me the impression to have the duration of 30 minutes prog rock suite... but in the style of completely schizo Japanese pop:


Edited by Walter confetti

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On 5/13/2023 at 6:38 AM, Murdoch said:

Creep by Radiohead. Soooo drawn out. Makes me feel sleepy everytime i hear it.

What about this version?


Edited by Individualised

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where the river goes by stone temple pilots, one time i listened to all of core while riding in a car. it felt like forever waiting for that song to end


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First thing song that came to mind was Dopesmoker



And then Mirror Reaper by Bell Witch


And the third was Sun Baked Snow Cave by Boris and Merzbow but I can't find a link for the whole thing so here's a little sample that doesn't do it justice. 


And any song by Earth. I don't know, take a pick. 


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The first one that came to my mind was "The Rape" by Nomeansno from Dance of the Headless Bourgeoisie. It's only six minutes long, but it seems to last forever, it changes tempo so many times and it's almost painful to listen to. I'm not going to bother to extrapolate my feelings on it, but it came to mind.



Edited by Jello

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