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E3 is coming...


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According to the E3 website, it is just around the corner (may 15ish.)
that gives Doom 3 about 2 and a half months to be released, if they didnt want it to see 2 e3's. i dont know about you, but either it aint gonna happen, telling from the lack of updates, info given out, etc, or theyre keepin tight lips about the whole subject. im gettin mixed vibes. what about you guys?

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Goat said:

According to the E3 website, it is just around the corner (may 15ish.)
that gives Doom 3 about 2 and a half months to be released, if they didnt want it to see 2 e3's. i dont know about you, but either it aint gonna happen, telling from the lack of updates, info given out, etc, or theyre keepin tight lips about the whole subject. im gettin mixed vibes. what about you guys?

I don't think it will be released before E3. Hasn't id always gone ahead and given us info before release? I don't like the whole being tight lipped about it. Pisses me off more then wanting the game.

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taken from http://www.e3expo.com:

3-1-2003 • Make a date to hear legendary game designer John Carmack speak. This special 90-minute interview (his first ever at E3) makes this year's conference program even more of a must-attend event. Register today!

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Repent sinners!
The End is nigh!
Doom is coming!


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well unless its out by e3, this might have some potential for him to release some info on the game. maybe even *gasp* dare-i-say, a release date?

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Goat said:

well unless its out by e3, this might have some potential for him to release some info on the game. maybe even *gasp* dare-i-say, a release date?

no u may not dare :-P........ahh u gone dun it now....yepp in bout 5 mins yer gunna see 2 guys in black suits and a silenced .45

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I dunno, they might or might not then. It doesn't change my feelings towards it. I WANT THAT GAME. :) (if I had the money :P )

Tyockell said:

no u may not dare :-P........ahh u gone dun it now....yepp in bout 5 mins yer gunna see 2 guys in black suits and a silenced .45

They carry crickets, not .45s.

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They could just not show it at this E3.

Which gives the game plenty of time until that auspicious 10th Doomsday anniversary.

I'm still hoping for it ".soon." tho.

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The_Aeromaster said:

Waiting till 10th anniversary to release D3 = me being in jail for murder and not being able to play it

We'll be cellmates.

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i dont wanna wait for it to be released during the 10th anniversary!!! its too LONG AWAYYYYYYY
/me gets antsy and sad

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I don't care if it's released in 2005 or 2007 or whatever... of course, the game won't be as impressive by that day's standards if so, but personally I don't care too much about Doom 3 itself.

(btw, this isn't a troll :)

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ravage said:

I dunno, they might or might not then. It doesn't change my feelings towards it. I WANT THAT GAME. :) (if I had the money :P )

They carry crickets, not .45s.

lol..u mean the noisey cricket :P

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Dark-tenshi said:

nah,lack of info is not that bad.

Lack of info is perfect - the way I want it. Then we won't get too many more surprises spoiled before we play the actual game.

And I hope the game will have lots of cool, unveiled surprises.

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dsm said:

Lack of info is perfect - the way I want it. Then we won't get too many more surprises spoiled before we play the actual game.

I want to have at least 15 near heartattacks.

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Goat said:

*falls to ground screaming in agony, whilst tearing out hair*

/Me splashs a bucket of water at Goat to wake him up a bit.


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dsm said:

Lack of info is perfect - the way I want it. Then we won't get too many more surprises spoiled before we play the actual game.

And I hope the game will have lots of cool, unveiled surprises.

I second AND third that... find you own damned numbers.

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I've said it before, I'll say it again.

Since the alpha got leaked, I'm happy with whatever release date they decide. I DO want it "When It's Done", and not a moment before.

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AirRaid said:

I've said it before, I'll say it again.

Since the alpha got leaked, I'm happy with whatever release date they decide. I DO want it "When It's Done", and not a moment before.

It's not possible to finish a project completely, so that means we will never see it!

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Shaviro said:

It's not possible to finish a project completely, so that means we will never see it!

It's surely possible to finish a project completely - a project is finished when you've reached the goals for it. The questions is where you put the goal - perfect or just good?

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I don't think Carmack would hold a 90-minute speech at the E3 without promoting his game/technology. He must have something to show.

If Doom III is indeed completed within two and a half months, that would just be to good to be true. Even a little test version with some levels would totally rock. But I'm not counting on it.

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(Int: E3 2003 id Software media presentation)

Press: Mr. Carmack, how soon can we see Doom 3?

John Carmack: Soon. Right now, in fact. We're done and we're selling copies at our booth on the other end of the hall.

Press: [silence]

JC: In fact, we're giving away signed copies to the first twenty people who show up.

Press: [stampede]

JC: (Dumbasses.)

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