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I hope to see Carmack`s next engine.But it`s probably too soon.(and almost impossible)

3D engine can be improved furthur.we got full 3d world,rag-doll physics,real time lighting.what`s next now?soft shadow?liquid physics?
destrutable terrain?large complex terrain enigne?I wonder what Carmack`s next goal is.

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Dark-tenshi said:

I wonder what Carmack`s next goal is.

Soft shadows could be one :-P

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I believe Carmack already said he was working on ways of getting soft shadows into the Doom3 engine.

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I think that thet wont do any thing at E3 cuz of the leak.As for the black out. I think its temp. Maby they will start giveing out info when they find who leaked the alfa.That could be the reason the site isent open.

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AirRaid said:

I believe Carmack already said he was working on ways of getting soft shadows into the Doom3 engine.

Really? Cool! If you're right that is. Got any sources?

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Activision has booked three booths, that alone is a confirmation that doom3 will be shown. Doom3 is definately not going to be released earlier than May, so e3 is probably going to be the medium in which ID are going to make their last minute teaser to a huge audience. (Doom3 is probably looking at a June/July release...someone tell me yes) I am expecting something big and hopefully not too many spoilers.

Carmack might even slip in Quake 4...who knows?

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doomedout said:

Carmack might even slip in Quake 4...who knows?

Why would he do that? Correct me if I'm wrong, but he's not working on Q4...

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But id's not working on Quake 4. Raven's working on Q4.

Unless I totally missed the point, in which case I take it back.

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What I meant by that message was I'm assuming more light will be shed on both titles, and since his whole presentation is enshrouded in mystery, is it not possible if he includes some references to quake 4? I mean it runs on the same engine right? From that standpoint that can be a possibility OR its just some bullshit conjecture and RAVEN might do their own thing. At any rate, I am still wondering what will Carmack will present.

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Will Raven themselves have a booth at E3? It would kick ass to see a little bit of Quake4. But somehow I think they'd have an agreement with id not to show any Q4 stuff before Doom3 is released, so not to take away any of Doom3's thunder.

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I see the coming of Quake IV as a good thing. It'll take the focus off Doom III for a while so expectations will be lower. When people finally get to play Doom III, they will be blown away because their expectations weren't really that huge anymore.

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I agree Disorder, I welcome Quake 4, I'm going to buy it also.
Correct me if I'm wrong but Raven had alot to do with RTCW also but id still promoted it as one of their own.

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man.. Quake IV and DOOM3 are going to rock!. Both game concepts are great. I just cant wait, and the 10th birthday as a release date IS retty cool.. but I dont think the marketing allows it, people want the game to bad.

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Dubh said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but Raven had alot to do with RTCW also

OK, I will correct you. It was Grey Matter and another company for the multiplayer part of it (I can't remember the name) Or the other way around. No Raven

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man.. Quake IV and DOOM3 are going to rock!. Both game concepts are great. I just cant wait, and the 10th birthday as a release date IS retty cool.. but I dont think the marketing allows it, people want the game to bad.

Ditto, when I saw the concept for that Q4 Gladiator, I knew that it was gonna have really badass characters in it - thus the concept is pretty much as cool as Doom's albeit a little different.

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dsm said:

Ditto, when I saw the concept for that Q4 Gladiator, I knew that it was gonna have really badass characters in it - thus the concept is pretty much as cool as Doom's albeit a little different.

Ya q4 is going to rock but..I think that they should have contiued q1 story.Q2 reminded me of the borg a little too much.

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Demons Hand said:

Ya q4 is going to rock but..I think that they should have contiued q1 story.Q2 reminded me of the borg a little too much.

Q1 was a little to medieval for my taste. and Q2 was great.. (really liked that fly effect when you killed some enemy's). I really hope they add fun effects like that to doom3 and q4.

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I love q2.Ill end up buying q4. I will have throuble playing it cuz the whole cyborg thing has been done to death.Imo quake 1 stroy was more oringal then q2. But thats just my taste. Also I would love to see those huge knights in black amor in q1 done with the doom3 engine. But who says we cant put them in hexen3 mod useing doom3 engien.

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Can someone refresh my memory here? I don't remember if Quake IV is gonna be based on multiplayer or on singleplayer like in Quake II.

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Zoost said:

OK, I will correct you. It was Grey Matter and another company for the multiplayer part of it (I can't remember the name) Or the other way around. No Raven

It was Nerve who developed the (awesome) multiplayer part for RTCW. They did get some help and quality assurance from Id.

If Quake4 is going to combine the gameplay of Quake2 with the graphics of Doom3, then it's going to be a great title. But I'm not expecting it anytime soon. It's probably gonna take a year or two. Raven also better be putting at least two years of work into this, because I would hate to see Quake4 getting rushed.

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Imo the Q2 story was the best thought out story of the two first Quakes. Q1 was pretty much Doom's story modified a little.

I can't wait to figure out what the deal with Q4 is. Did the humans miss some underground Strogg warrior factory in their first war against the Stroggies so that the freaks have created a new army or what?
Regardless, it's gonna be neat I'm sure.
Actually, I hope Q4 will account for how the Strogg came into being originally - I don't buy it if they came into being a natural way - they're cyborgs and cyborgs are created by someone. Also, the Strogg technology strikes me as remarkably similar to human technology, which imho seems a little weird.

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dsm said:

Actually, I hope Q4 will account for how the Strogg came into being originally - I don't buy it if they came into being a natural way - they're cyborgs and cyborgs are created by someone.

I'm sure if you think about it you could come up with a way for them to be a natural being.

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The_Aeromaster said:

I'm sure if you think about it you could come up with a way for them to be a natural being.

True, but there's still the problem about the technology. Aliens with guns using bullets? Aliens that have factories/mines/power plants that look a lot like the human versions of these buildings?

A technologically advanced alien race would use some technology that would seem completely weird and inexplicable to human eyes - just look at how much human technology deviate from one another. The Russians have different weapons from the Americans for instance (the basics are similar, but the guns are structured differently and sometimes have different effects).

If the Strogg developed their technology all by themselves, then I'd say that it'd be one heck of a coincidence that their tech happens to be both compatible with (ammo), but also very similar to human technology.

Therefore I prefer to believe that Quake, who stole a lot of human technology through the slipgates, made some experiments involving human cyborg and weapon tech that eventually evolved on its own and eventually turned into the independent Strogg (Q2 has the Quake name in it after all). This could of course be one explanation, but it'd be nice if there was an even better explanation.

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Since we're talking Quake II anyway, can someone tell me what Quake II was all about, storywise? I am almost ashamed to tell, but Quake II is the only game in the Quake-series I've never played :|

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Quake II, the story as I remember. You crash with your spaceship into an enemy base on some planet, and then the fighting starts.

The site of id on Quake II:

Shortly after landing on an alien surface, you learn that hundreds of your men have been reduced to just a few. Now you must fight your way through heavily fortified military installations, lower the city's defenses and shut down the enemy's war machine. Only then will the fate of humanity be known.

I guess I remembered quite well.

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