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Disorder said:

Since we're talking Quake II anyway, can someone tell me what Quake II was all about, storywise? I am almost ashamed to tell, but Quake II is the only game in the Quake-series I've never played :|

Well, the story is pretty simple:
Some fucked up cyborg aliens suddenly invade Earth and a major war between humanity and the biomechanical aliens, the Strogg, ensues. Humanity finds out that the Strogg use some sort of gateway device to travel lightyears almost instantly, so mankind loads as many marines and space fighter crafts on several gargantuan Troop Carriers as they can, send the ships through the Strogg gateway and invade the Strogg planet.
Unfortunately, the Strogg are pretty well prepared for an invasion of their home planet, so the Strogg "EMP'ish" defense system screw up thousands of the one-man marine drop pods, so that they crash.

One marine is lucky, however, and is clipped by a fellow marine's drop pod before the EMP attack - therefore his pods slows down and he is not subjected to the brunt of the EMP defense waves, he still crashes, but survives and then it's time for him to kick some alien cyborg ass.

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Disorder said:

Cool, now I'm in the mood for some Quake IV material (screens, movies, conceptart, etc.).

I don't want any of that before AFTER the Doom3 release!

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Wauw.. its amazing on how fast time can go.. the last e3 was to my feeling just a couple of months ago.. and now we are almost @ the next. cant wait. and I am ready for Quake IV stuff, Cmon raven.

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Shaviro said:

I don't want any of that before AFTER the Doom3 release!

Why? Like I said before the other day, it'd take the focus off Doom III for a while. Which is good, since every doom III screenshot that comes out is being over-analysed. It would lower the expectationlevel. Chances are the game will blow you away completely instead of having a situation in which you simply expected too much of the game.

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I also want to see some Quake IV material. We've basically seen the Doom 3 engine in action, if Raven releases a few screenies that don't show anything that the released Doom 3 stuff doesn't (as far as tech goes), then I don't think it'll harm.

And really, I'd like the focus to be removed from Doom 3 a little. Hell, I'm so curious to see what the Q4 marines are gonna look like that I can barely contain myself.
Let's see some helmets on these guys this time around huh.

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Shaviro said:

Doom3 needs all the attention it can get!

Um, why? So that people can lose interest in it once it's out because they've seen it all?

I get the impression that Doom 3 has already got MORE attention than it ever needed.

I mean, remember when Doom 3 was announced? - everyone just went nuts. Now, after countless info and footage given, people seem to more or less lose interest in the game.

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dsm said:

I mean, remember when Doom 3 was announced? - everyone just went nuts. Now, after countless info and footage given, people seem to more or less lose interest in the game.

That's what you think! The real reason people are not talking much about Doom3 is because of the recent lack of news. People are more hyped up than ever.

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I agree, there hasn't been much news lately but I think we have seen enough for now (with the alpha leak and everything). Anyway, I feel release date is sooner than we think.

I would love to see some Quake 4 stuff. I'm sure they have enough to take a few screenies of the models at least, or give us some more concept art.

I'd also say they are taking a valuable lesson from Doom3's somewhat bumpy road.

But as the saying goes: "No news is good news"

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Concept art would be a really goody - you people have no idea just how much the Gladiator pic has inspired me in my drawings and various idea sketches.

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dsm said:

I'm so curious to see what the Q4 marines are gonna look like that I can barely contain myself.
Let's see some helmets on these guys this time around huh.

That would be cool. Maby they will look like the actionfig. Ya know heavly detailed.Also it would be cool if the charicters get body damage.Bullet holes bleeding and stuff like that.I always hated how the modles in fps look the same ever after ya shoot them 50 or so times.It would be cool if the blood stayed on the floor. So if a baddude gets away ya can fallow there blood trail.

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dsm said:

Concept art would be a really goody - you people have no idea just how much the Gladiator pic has inspired me in my drawings and various idea sketches.

Where is this gladiator pic? I haven't really been following the Quake happenings.

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Zoost said:

I don't like the gladiator pic. It's to cartoonish IMHO.

I like it but the coloring is not that great. They should have made the amor more colors. Thats why I like the q3 skin alot.

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its war godammit :) You dont see soldiers running around in ultra fluffy colours.

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its war godammit :) You dont see soldiers running around in ultra fluffy colours.

Tfc,Sof and h-l had soldiers in weard colors. Also reamber its a game.

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I don't think it's that great of a design. It looks cliche and over the top, and worst of all, not the least bit-scary. I really hope they come up with something better than this.

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DaJuice said:

I don't think it's that great of a design. It looks cliche and over the top, and worst of all, not the least bit-scary. I really hope they come up with something better than this.

I agree, this is the drawing of a 12 year old. Not inspired, not inventive, not surprising, not good.

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Zoost said:

I agree, this is the drawing of a 12 year old. Not inspired, not inventive, not surprising, not good.

I have to agree, although it might look a lot more scary in the game itself. Imagining it with Doom III lighting and bumpmapping already helps a lot to make it look more evil. However, it's still way over the top.

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Zoost said:

I don't like the gladiator pic. It's to cartoonish IMHO.

It's a piece of concept art you numbnut, of course it's cartoonish. And every one who thinks it looks "cliché" or "over-the-top" should take a good look at the original Q2 gladiator.
The Q4 gladiator can BURY the old one.

And even when you don't compare to the old one, I find it hard to understand why you people think it looks bad. It looks badass as Hell - it's not intended to look scary, it's intended to look like a well-oiled battledroid which it does.

Go look at Doom 3 screenies to see scary stuff.

And as for the colours, they're great. I'm tired of all those over-coloured characters in the typical id game.

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Here's the breakdown.

Quake1: Gothic atmosphere. Scary enemies.
Quake2: Military atmosphere. Intimidating enemies
Quake3: Varied atmospheres. Varied enemies. Combination of first 2 Quakes and then some.
Quake4: More Quake2 atmosphere with some Quake3 tossed in? With exaggerated Quake2-ish enemies which are trying to be scary like the ones from Quake1? Not gonna work. Try again, id. Make it one brand or the other. A marriage between the two styles is just going to end in divorce. : /

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It's a piece of concept art you numbnut, of course it's cartoonish. And every one who thinks it looks "cliché" or "over-the-top" should take a good look at the original Q2 gladiator.
The Q4 gladiator can BURY the old one.

And even when you don't compare to the old one, I find it hard to understand why you people think it looks bad. It looks badass as Hell - it's not intended to look scary, it's intended to look like a well-oiled battledroid which it does.

Go look at Doom 3 screenies to see scary stuff.

And as for the colours, they're great. I'm tired of all those over-coloured characters in the typical id game.

First of all, you're assuming that I thought the Q2 enemies looked good. I didn't, the original Quake baddies were much cooler.
Second, this concept drawing is relatively cartoonish in style compared to, say, the Doom3 concepts.
But I'm not criticizing the style of drawing here. The person who made this is obviously very talented with the brush, or whatever he/she used. The design of the creature however is "cliche" and "over the top".

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dsm said:

It's a piece of concept art you numbnut, of course it's cartoonish.

since when is art (drawing or paint) equal to cartoonish? Try to think before you call anybody names, it will make you look more intelligent. Look at it again, and tell me what kind of purpose the design of such a battlebot could have? "uhhhh, I don't know, but it looks cool..". I don't know how old you are DSM, but I guess if you like the Transformers! you will like this piece of concept art.

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Excellent piece of concept art. Think of that think big bastard moving around in the doom engine with lights bouncing off it's armour.

I agree with you DSM this gladiator would easily kick shit out of a Q2 glad

Also, Since when are cartoons NOT ART??

Some dude did up a sketch of a gladiator, yeah it looks like something you would see in a cartoon, because it's only concept art and it was drawn that way to give model designers and idea (or concept maybe) for a gladiator. :|

Nothing Rendered yet!!! I'd doubt the finished product will look like this on-screen. Imagine a concept art piece of the commando in Doom3, that would most certainly look cartoonish done as a sketch but in no way looks cartoonish rendered.

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Vulg@r said:

Try again, id. Make it one brand or the other. A marriage between the two styles is just going to end in divorce. : /

heh. id software is not doing Quake4.

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