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****Romsu VS Allrealms**** - Doom2, 3maps, UDMF (Update *1*)

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Those are 2 very impressive map!




I did find possible soft lock in the second map, at one point you have a barrier getting up to prevent the player going back to a previous area, however it is possible to have gone back to the previous are before it raise up locking preventing the player form finishing the map it's at 5:35 in the second video.


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4 hours ago, Delisk said:

To jsou 2 velmi působivé mapy!




Na druhé mapě jsem našel možný měkký zámek, v jednu chvíli máte bariéru, která se zvedá, aby zabránila hráči vrátit se do předchozí oblasti, ale je možné se vrátit do předchozí oblasti, než se zvedne a zabrání hráčská forma dokončuje mapu, ve druhém videu je to v 5:35.


ohhhh thnx for playing and feedback !!! nice game play 

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Wow, Romsu se vratil! A ma dalsi paradni mapy! Uz jsem se bal, ze jsi po Cacowardu usnul na vavrinech... Hraji se dobre, i kdyz hledani vypinacu je nekdy matouci a osobne mi taky moc nesedly ty nove prisery. No, alespon jsi to s nimi neprehnal. Taky mi prislo, ze MAP01 je vyrazne tezsi nez MAP02, protoze v MAP02 je pomerne hodne modrych vest, megaspheru a jinych silnych powerupu.


Hral jsem na UV v GZdoom 4.1.0 a MAP02 ma vaznou chybu, hrac muze aktivovat sektor 246 a utect zpet nez se zvedne. To zablokuje postup mapou (myslim, ze tomu zde rikaji softlock). Sektor 1740 se neda prekrocit, musel jsem se skrcit, abych se dostal k vypinaci vzadu.

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yeahhh yeahhh thnx:-) Ted nevim jestli je zaplej překladač nebo jestli sem fakt píšeš česky :-D všechno opravíme !! Sektor 1740 jde projí ale né když je tam ten slepec pinky jeho mrtvola vytváří určitou výšku. Každopadne to neni konec tyhle dvě mapy jsem udelal ted behem pul roku přitom po architeku usilovne pracuji na novych vecech takze bych moc rad jeste do konce roku přihodil další 2-3 !! A jak jsem řikal Romsu vs Allrealms bude ted platforma kam budu hazet všechny mapy co udelam.

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Pisu primo cesky, zadny translator jeste neni tak dobry. To snad neni nic neobvykleho, ze na mezinarodnim foru se najde par cechu?


Kdyz uz je rec o MAP02, tak jsem si vzpomnel jeste na jednu vec: nektere vytahy jde tezko rozpoznat, ze to jsou vytahy. Nejhorsi je to ve vode, hlavne u vypinace, ktery spousti ty mrize. Tam jsem se zasekal asi na 5 minut, nez jsem to nasel.

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hi! completed the 2 maps in [uv] with vanilla weapons, last night and this morning. found several soft-locks:

  • softlock at map01 [x:-1280, y:636, z:-59]:
    if the closet for the baron at the end of the hallway was opened but the baron was not activated, the player may run to the other side of the nukage pond to activate the baron, and thus the barrier at the coordinates mentioned above would be raised without trapping the player. however, the player could no longer access the area for map progression.

  • softlock at map02 [x:931 y:99 z: -0]:
    if the player manages to backtrack before the barrier at the mentioned location is raised, the player would could no longer continue map progression.

small gripes:

  • marauder fight at map02 [x:2844 y:335 z:-43]:
    custom monster (marauder) was too fast and powerful for vanilla weapons. fully rng based to inflict damage on it. perhaps an invul before facing off the monster? please? :P

  • re-using the same location for chaingunners multiple times in map02 [x:208, y:828, z:-0]:
    started to feel a bit too repetitive on the 3rd time. but i do admit that the location is very strategic for monster placement.



the maps are just overwhelmingly beautiful. rather devious with the traps too, baiting/taunting the player before giving the lethal blow. and the custom monsters... very tough, especially the marauder. compared to that monster, the cybie was an easy feat :P anyway, hope you are going to make more awesome maps like these. thanks :)



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Hey there, I gave it a try - I even had a buddy with me and between the two of us, we got lost in what seemed like a switch hunt of some kind. I got a little mixed up in your previous maps but this was a new level of lost lol. Your eye for detail is amazing but you are just too smart for me. Chasing switches, some repeatable, guessing what they do and all that kind of became a chore and a break in the action, slow moving lifts and having to repeat functions over and over didn't help either.


Sorry buddy I guess these aren't for me but good luck with your mapping



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1 hour ago, Clippy said:

Hey there, I gave it a try - I even had a buddy with me and between the two of us, we got lost in what seemed like a switch hunt of some kind. I got a little mixed up in your previous maps but this was a new level of lost lol. Your eye for detail is amazing but you are just too smart for me. Chasing switches, some repeatable, guessing what they do and all that kind of became a chore and a break in the action, slow moving lifts and having to repeat functions over and over didn't help either.


Sorry buddy I guess these aren't for me but good luck with your mapping



ohhh ouuu thank you for the video !!  this switch at the top of the elevator separated you from the correct procedure :-) and this switch reacts to shooting, I don't know why it didn't react to you :-)  by picking up the red key, you have fulfilled one part of getting into the great secret (secret battle)

thank you very much and hopefully you will have better luck in the second map :-))))




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey friend, I tried - I got much further than the last map - but sadly to say, I might not be the guy for this lol. Hopefully you can find smarter, better players


Found things quite hard - the secrets I did find were fantastic and helped a lot but I worry about ppl who dont find seemingly pivotal items.


Anywho the look is super top notch - beautiful detailed shiny stuff - I enjoyed the atmosphere a lot - which worked well with some scenarios like the blind pinkies etc


overall just quite a handful on a blind run



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4 hours ago, Clippy said:


thank you so much :-) the video helped me and fixed all problems. One thing !! fire to evil eye why didn't it work for you again :-DDDD this is true secret you pick up there Rocket lanchuer ! And ou yes Blind pinky blocked your way to the switch.. 


Desktop Screenshot 2023.06.11 -

Desktop Screenshot 2023.06.11 -

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  • 1 month later...

Daaymmm! I just tried a quick session this morning (I died horribly lol) when I had some time to spare and first impression is: WOW that attention to detail in the first map. It's ALMOST over-engineered but not quite and that's a big positive. Amazing job on the level design! I'll play through the mapset later, can't wait :D

Edited by Wo0p

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I gave an honest to goodness try but once again I couldn't finish one of your maps. I barely got a third of the monsters killed. This time I had mapping expert @Snaxalotl who made a lot of Udmf maps as well with me to read the map 


We still got lost lol 


At one point I just had to try something which probably was a sequence break and then I ran out of ammo so I just kind of started cheating and well what can you do


I have to say you definitely have an elaborate mind to construct something so intricate. But at the same time I'm somebody who likes to spend more time fighting monsters than trying to figure out where to go 


Not sure who your audience is here but with extremely complicated and convoluted progression like this you're going to have a hard time finding somebody who's willing to spend such an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out how to progress 


I'm probably not smart enough to play your maps bro


You have an absolutely stunning eye for detail but yeah once again if you want more accessibility for a wider audience you need to make that progression far easier. FAR FAR easier 



Edited by Clippy

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Ohhhhhh thank you very much for the video :-))You found a bug I didn't know...this platform was never supposed to go all the way down..it happened because the switch is tripped :-DDDDshiiit  




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Bloody hells, the first map is tough on UV! I've been trying to get through it for a few days without saves but without luck hahah. It's a bit heavy on "surprise ambushes" but that's the style in Doom wadding nowadays I think so no skin off my teeth (Such a nasty saying lmao). I like the new monsters except... the semi-invis Revenant is a bitch that I hope stubs his toe daily >:(


Some well-hidden secrets also! They're not mindless "punch wall to try your luck" kind of secrets, they're just supremely difficult to find; which I think can be attributed somewhat also to the level of detail in your maps. Which I think is actually a good thing. A secret should be a secret, but not an unfair secret. I'm not saying secret one more time in this-... ah damn.


Also found an oversight I think:





This tiny little glass covered gap is shoot-through. At least for the Chaingunners as I was gunned down the first time through there and was severely confused as to how. So maybe a linedef not given a proper solid property?


Also the green slime in this area (With the 2 Radsuits and the yellow key) doesn't actually hurt you. So no reason for the radsuits! But the green slime in the other areas of the map DOES hurt you so that's why I assume this is an oversight :)

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On 8/14/2023 at 6:51 AM, Wo0p said:



Bloody hells, the first map is tough on UV! I've been trying to get through it for a few days without saves but without luck hahah. It's a bit heavy on "surprise ambushes" but that's the style in Doom wadding nowadays I think so no skin off my teeth (Such a nasty saying lmao). I like the new monsters except... the semi-invis Revenant is a bitch that I hope stubs his toe daily >:(


Some well-hidden secrets also! They're not mindless "punch wall to try your luck" kind of secrets, they're just supremely difficult to find; which I think can be attributed somewhat also to the level of detail in your maps. Which I think is actually a good thing. A secret should be a secret, but not an unfair secret. I'm not saying secret one more time in this-... ah damn.


Also found an oversight I think:


  Reveal hidden contents



This tiny little glass covered gap is shoot-through. At least for the Chaingunners as I was gunned down the first time through there and was severely confused as to how. So maybe a linedef not given a proper solid property?


Also the green slime in this area (With the 2 Radsuits and the yellow key) doesn't actually hurt you. So no reason for the radsuits! But the green slime in the other areas of the map DOES hurt you so that's why I assume this is an oversight :)

YEAHHH yeahh thank you very much for the feedback...we will fine tune it in the next update. yes you are right in the level there is a two-phase secret that unlocks a secret arena with a special fight. the clue is a red skull on the ground in two places :-)


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On 8/15/2023 at 10:13 AM, romsu89 said:

YEAHHH yeahh thank you very much for the feedback...we will fine tune it in the next update. yes you are right in the level there is a two-phase secret that unlocks a secret arena with a special fight. the clue is a red skull on the ground in two places :-)


Very cool! Sounds good, excited to see what you come up with ^_^ (I'm about to try the 2nd map)

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