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Playing Megawads overriding altered sprites

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Doomworld friends, 

I come to query your collective wisdom!


I would like to play megawads such as 180 Minutes Pour Vivre,

specifically using GZDoom,


BUT! Without the obnoxious, gratuitous changes to revenants, mancubi and so forth.


Is there any command line, console command, or other sorts of black magic you can suggest?

Bestest of all possible regards,



Esquire, PHD


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First, you'll need an editor like SLADE3 or XWE to remove the custom sprites, if you're using SLADE3 you should start setting up the Base Resource Archive such as Doom 1 or 2.  I recommend watching this tutorial video by Avidichax on how to do this. Make sure to set up the color Palette panel to 'Doom'. Second, open up the wad file of the megawad you're playing and scroll down the entries list until you find a marker called SS_START, after it there's a list of altered sprites, find sprites that have names like SPID and SKEL: remove them, save the wad and now you're good to go.

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