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Traumatism [WIP Doom 2 Vanilla Mapset]

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Really enjoyed these three maps, so when the first playthrough didn't capture the audio I thought I'd do them again:



Difficulty progression feels on point and the combat ramps up in a satisfying way. I also really like the visual continuity between the levels, the exits/starts and the rail bit near the end of MAP03 that recalls part of MAP02. Texturing reminded me a bit of STRAIN or Memento Mori. Really good set of maps, I'll keep my eyes open for the next ones!

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So far, only played first map. I'm not very good at Doom so I got my a$$ kicked a

few times already. When I initially entered the map, I thought it was too realistic

setting for my taste but once I started playing, I really appreciated the texture

details. For instance, the glass doors which block shots as well as the "blinds"

windows. Good stuff!

For the record, I'm more afraid of hospitals and most medical settings than I am

of Doom, hell, scary movies or anything in the genre of horror.


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  • 1 month later...
On 5/15/2023 at 7:05 PM, Solmyr said:

full Doom 2 episode

What does that mean? I thought Doom II did away with the episodic format all together.


Anyway, I am getting strong System Shock 1 vibes from this mapset! Also, seeing how the Former Marine (nice spritework, by the way) wears a backpack, I cannot help but wish they could drop one on death... not sure if it would be balanced, however.


The new Chaingunner sprite appears to be covered in light beige pixels and I am not sure if it is a glitch or exposed skin.


In MAP03, it would be nice if there could be a stairway to the balcony in the opening room, especially since the mapset is trying to be realistic.


Finally, I could not locate the second secret in MAP04: I got the secret Soulsphere and Berserk, but I have no idea about the other.

Edited by Rudolph

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1 hour ago, Rudolph said:

What does that mean? I thought Doom II did away with the episodic format all together.


Just means Sol's aiming for the WAD to be about the same length as a Doom 1 episode, which is usually 9-10 maps. That's usually what someone means when they refer to something being an "episode" in terms of length, even if they're using Doom 2 format.


1 hour ago, Rudolph said:

The new Chaingunner sprite appears to be covered in light beige pixels and I am not sure if it is a glitch or exposed skin


I believe he's wearing beige camouflage



Edited by Biodegradable

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@Biodegradable Thanks for the playthrough! I'll rework part of the maps to add at least one secret per level. About that "Thirsty Burst" vending machine while its name sounds weird it's from one of Doom 3' vending machines lol.


2 hours ago, Rudolph said:

What does that mean? I thought Doom II did away with the episodic format all together.


Anyway, I am getting strong System Shock 1 vibes from this mapset! Also, seeing how the Former Marine (nice spritework, by the way) wears a backpack, I cannot help but wish they could drop one on death... not sure if it would be balanced, however.


The new Chaingunner sprite appears to be covered in light beige pixels and I am not sure if it is a glitch or exposed skin.


In MAP03, it would be nice if there could be a stairway to the balcony in the opening room, especially since the mapset is trying to be realistic.


Finally, I could not locate the second secret in MAP04: I got the secret Soulsphere and Berserk, but I have no idea about the other.

Glad you liked it!


About the Doom 2 episode format, it's like Bio said, I'm aiming for 9-10 maps.

While Doom 2 ditched the episodic format, the closest thing we have are the maps that end in text screens.


The Former Marine could drop backpacks in MBF 21 and it's extended dehacked support, since I'm aiming for vanilla dehacked if they drop backpacks so would the former human. If the Former Marine dropped a different kind of backpack that doesn't double your ammo capacity but gives some of its ammo would be neat, maybe i'll implement it for zdoom based ports.


About the Chaingunner's sprites, those light beige spots are the result of palette conversion, the Chaingunner is wearing woodland camo, i'll have to recolor those spots as gold or dark yellow.


The second secret is on placeholder i forgot to implement in Map 04. Sorry.

Edited by Solmyr

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Ah-ha! I knew it - about the Chaingunner's sprites and the missing secret, that is.


I would also suggest making the lift behind the yellow door in MAP02 able to go down again; on my first playthrough, I made it to the exit without getting to clear out the whole level and I could not backtrack because of the one-way lift.


Speaking of MAP02, I trust the unreachable exit to the Reactor Complex is foreshadowing... as well as a Doom 3 reference? :P

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15 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

Speaking of MAP02, I trust the unreachable exit to the Reactor Complex is foreshadowing... as well as a Doom 3 reference? :P

You're right it's both, and MAP 02 is meant to be a hub map so it will be revisited one more time.


I'll rework MAP 02 lift.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Another cool map! The pacing and difficulty curve of this wad feels on point so far. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Screenshots remind me of a silent hill tribute map from a megawad... whose name I can't remember!


Creepy stuff.

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That is a lot of keycards.


Possible bugs:


- MAP04 - The backpack alcove locked by a red keycard can be gotten without the red key by bumping against the wall.


- MAP05 - Not sure if windows were supposed to be able to walk through.


- MAP05 - One of the monitor keyboards in the corrupted hell area is untextured.



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56 minutes ago, horselessheadsman said:



That is a lot of keycards.

Lol, well they always get discarded between levels so the UAC needs to have some extra surplus of them lying around.


About the bugs and missing computer flat; all fixed. 

The windows on MAP 05 are meant to be passable.


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Just downloaded the wad and will give it a spin later today. Looks really cool! I saw you mentioned that the maps so far use IWAD MIDIs. Would you be interested in an original soundtrack for the set? :)

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4 hours ago, LightningBoltForever said:

Just downloaded the wad and will give it a spin later today. Looks really cool! I saw you mentioned that the maps so far use IWAD MIDIs. Would you be interested in an original soundtrack for the set? :)

Thanks for the offer but since this is my first mapset the IWAD tracks are just fine.

Edited by Solmyr

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  • 1 month later...

I just finished playing through the maps and really enjoyed it

I really liked the simple but well thought decoration and that snappy combat


The only error I stumble to was this grafical one, I played it in DSDA


One I din't quite liked, was the windows of hitscaners in map 5, but, that just a dislike for hitscaners of my part

And I relly liked punching revenants in Map 6 :D altough, the backpack secret is kinda pointless


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  • 2 weeks later...

So far so good. First map reminds me of System shock and the style of other maps reminded me of Blake stone for some reason. I like when people create places that are used by men and not just some generic corridors. Some call it "Doom cute", I call it a "good design".

UV + fastmonsters playthrough:




Edited by CortexReaver

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I already played map 07, and it was fun, as I expected, but maybe a little easy because there were a lot of medkits, I'm not saying that you starve the player with health, but, you should reduce the medkits. (In my opinion)

And I din't found any bugs

Edited by Buhseo_

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  • 7 months later...

stumbled upon this and i think its great actually and i hope it gets finished


in the meantime i noticed an enemy outside of map boundaries near the backpack and the red key switch in map04


in map05 theres a missing terminal texture in one of the siderooms of the arena with the spider mastermind the one with the wall with blinking eyes and the skullhead switch

Edited by TMMMS

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