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Doom mod with soulcube, unmaker and ...

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i created a gameplay mod for doom/doom2 where you gain 1 soul per kill, and use 111 of them to unleash the soulcube (you can store a maximum of 666 souls)

also killing BaronOfHell CyberDemon MasterMind you gain 1 demonic key, after 3 demonic keys are collected you obtain the unmaker.

the unmaker works like a railgun, uses 2 or 4 souls per shot (1 per ray, 2 rays center and 2 rays on the side if fire is held)


item powerups can be picked up in inventory and used later, but they are lost when going to the next map

all monsters have only 80% of hitpoints and some of them received a boost (ranged attacking more often, there is the invisible D64 nightmare imp too)

invisible monsters are really invisible when not hurting or attacking, revenant shoots 2 missiles each doing half damage (instead of 1 missile, and all missiles are seekers)


the quantity of health and armor that can be gained has been reduced, the max cap is now 100 for both (mega sphere gives only 50 armor, soulsphere only 50 health)

the berserk powerup heals 25 immediately, gives the melee damage boost and a 120s hp regen effect (1hp per second)

max bullet ammo raised to 300 and 600 with backpack


here is a video i made 2 years ago, this is before all the modification that i made this month.


here is a video i made 2 years ago, this is before all the modification that i made this month.

here is the link




Edited by dremor8484
update 5.2 modified unmaker

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hum... i am already playing doom so i guess it would not be a big deal to make some updated videos :D

do you have any idea/suggestion where i could host them (other than youtube)

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No, sorry - You dont have to, I was just interested to see more is all.


The main reason I ask is because we get a lot of Unmakyr and not much else. 


We do see the soul cube, but not at good vantage. Its hard to make out.

Edited by Dreamskull

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3 hours ago, Dreamskull said:

We do see the soul cube, but not at good vantage. Its hard to make out.


ops... then i guess this video doesn't help ^^



in an hour or two i will post a video where i use the soulcube, i usually never use it... unless i am almost dead with no medkits and there are a lot of enemies or a tough boss... i get kills + life refill to 100% :D

Edited by dremor8484

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ok, in this video you can view:

the soulcube (2 times attacking)

berserker powerup regenerating 1hp per second while tinting screen a mild red

stashing powerups, and using a stashed powerup immediately after spotting an arch-vile

the new bfg graphic with the visual countdown before the shot, and the bfg ball that shakes the screen

the demonic voice (one out of possible twelve) that plays when a boss is slayed and drops the demonic key (for the unmaker)



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  • 3 months later...

version 6.0


revenant dual shot improved

now shotgun is replaced by double barrel shotgun... (unless it drops off possessed shotgun guy) (so double barrel shotgun is found in doom1 and its wads)

now when you pick up a chainsaw you cannot switch to fist, when you use berserk you cannot switch to chainsaw... so you always have the most damaging melee weap.

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