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List of dropped item IDs?

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In making my mod DOOM+ ...


I was trying to make the shotgunners and chaingunners drop shells and a box of ammo instead of a whole ass weapon. Anyone know how to do that?

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I would say to make a custom version of the monster via inherit, and only modify the drop item property.


DropItem "itemname" 256


Edited by Desfar

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In dehacked, what you can do is you can swap the positions of these items. So if you want chaingunners to drop boxes of ammo instead of chainguns, swap the positions in the Things list for the chaingun and the box of ammo. Same with the shotgun and the shells. You don't need to change the IDs, those are just for the map editor.

Edited by maxmanium

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The way pickups in Doom work is that what matters is the sprite that's displayed.


So if you switch around the weapon with the ammo (by cloning the ammo's properties, including especially the spawn state, to the weapon and vice-versa), then they'll drop the "weapon" item but it'll look and behave like the ammo item.


If you also switched around the editor numbers, then it'll look like nothing changed; except the drops.

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