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[Alpha] Constriction: 1024 - 1024mu2 restricted levels (Play-testers needed)

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My map is around 50% complete - I let some other projects I’m involved with take priority but I will for sure have this done by the deadline.

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, this is still an early version, I still have to choose a midi, detail a little more, improve the aesthetics a little bit...
But for now you can test it if you like.


Map##: 12
Name: Bath
Author: RataUnderground
Music: (not decided yet)
File: https://mega.nz/file/ZCYCxL6K#_FTY68XWETEkoRlrVorcNCnamhyjjPN78eFb1332Lbo




Edited by RataUnderground

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  • 2 months later...

Hey, bumping this thread a little bit as we will need some Playtesters while we are finishing our maps. So, be sure to check out our Discord Channel. We are getting close to the soft deadline and I want to save some time with QA feedback in the meanwhile.

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On 11/8/2023 at 12:58 PM, RataUnderground said:

Okay, this is still an early version, I still have to choose a midi, detail a little more, improve the aesthetics a little bit...
But for now you can test it if you like.


Map##: 12
Name: Bath
Author: RataUnderground
Music: (not decided yet)
File: https://mega.nz/file/ZCYCxL6K#_FTY68XWETEkoRlrVorcNCnamhyjjPN78eFb1332Lbo

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Must have missed this submission. A playtest is as good now an ever.

I like the concept of the map, just a couple direct and somewhat unorthodox encounters. Basics seem fine. Obviously the map could use some detailing tuneups but the base works (I think with the title and the tile choice, some extra marble pillars and maybe water features would look good ans well as a cloudier sky. The monster dispensers could be turned into water fountains/falls. I'd also obscure the 2nd conveyor since looking down the long hallway looks a bit goofy presentation wise, same with the little audio tunnel on the first conveyor, sector 29).

  • the pain elementals in the final area are kinda pointless due to the pillars. Moving them might force the player into the pit trap which would be really bad if lost souls also filled the mix. I'd likely just remove these. If ammo limiting is desired i'd remove the 20 shells in the pit with these elementals since they consume about the same ammount of shells to kill fully more or less.
  • Players can get softlocked in the pit if they fall back into the sides once the floor raises
  • Players can also trigger the floor drop while staying on the steps. I'd move the trigger closer to the middle pillar
  • Technically how the switch above the pit is designed the player can go outside the bounds of 1024 (Furthest point is 1064 at vertex 82. This could easily be brought in to the limit without impacting game play design dramatically).

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I wanted to make one more update for my map #29. I fixed some visual stuff, added 50 health before the exit trigger and made it so the revenant teleports closer once the mastermind dies.

I also fixed up that extra map I said I might add. It's pretty small and simple compared to my other one. Please put it anywhere you can in the wad.

Map##: ???
Name: Bloodache
Author: Mycomedes
Music: "Straight From Hell" from Xenophage Alien Bloodsports

File (For both): https://mega.nz/folder/nWpGEYxY#cpfIwAVSrYBhNaBzzMpcHA

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, we are reaching March, I want to make a shout-out to all mappers who haven't been around for a while, to see how their maps are going:

@PRO-RC @SharkyChip @Snikle @mr-around @Faceman2000 @ThatWeNGuy @Kyka

We need to have 32 maps at least at some playable state (underdetailed/without difficulty settings implemented) by March 31th. I can only extend this to April for those who really need the time and at least have something going on. So please tell me is you are still working on it, or you want to withdraw the slot/share the map to someone else to finish it. I wanted to use this time frame to know if someone wants to drop out, so I can get other mappers to give it a try. So we can finally pack this thing up.

Remember March 31th is just a soft-deadline, so all maps should be in a playable state, but not necessarily finished, so, we can have play-testing sessions to fix things/add details and have this thing finished by June.

EDIT: Remember you can check the other maps by looking at our Discord server, where we keep the dev-team updated.

Sorry for the shout-out, and thanks for reading.

Happy mapping !

Edited by DJVCardMaster

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I'm still here, been mapping slowly on and off since the project announcement. There's still a few untextured sections that I want to fix, but I'll post some WIP shots soon.

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Name: The Lost Shores
Author: DRON12261
Music: "The Sandwalker" by Tristan Clark (from Eviternity 2)
Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mvkk1n-676KXlXim0LRDj72FuKTsazMr/view?usp=sharing

This wad can be run without resources, I have already included inside all used textures, as well as custom palette and other graphics from the alpha version of the project.

All 3 levels of difficulty are implemented and be prepared to not have it easy at UV.

One more important remark, I also wrote ZMAPINFO for the map (and not only), and if you will move the map and then also implement different MAPINFOs, for GZDoom you have to manually write actions for default tags 666 and 667 separately (for some unbelievable reasons it manages to reset all default behavior if there is ZMAPINFO in which you just write the map name, and so on. It's as dumb as possible, but the hell with it)





Edited by DRON12261

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1 hour ago, DRON12261 said:

Name: The Lost Shores
Author: DRON12261


Updated the map (v4, same link):
- Fixed the bleeding sky
- Rebalanced ammo for each difficulty level (and add pinky on easy at the end), now there will be no ammo oversaturation at the end

A huge thanks to @DFF for feedback and tips with the sky

Edited by DRON12261

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On 2/26/2024 at 1:24 AM, DRON12261 said:

Name: The Lost Shores
Author: DRON12261

Updated the map (v5, same link):
- fixed one small unnoticeable bug with one texture
- added 2 super secrets in out of bounce, they are not marked in the stats and have no hint of their presence on the map, but those who are very persistent will be able to find a way to look at the backgrounds more closely).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

After quite long time, i had finally some time to do some fixing on my map!


The issue of the map being unable to be fully 100%-able is still unaddressed. Please add a teleport back to the main area at the final room.

Edited by DJVCardMaster

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Posted (edited)

Uh, i missed that! I'll see to put a teleport to that area!



Ok, added the teleport from the subway outdoor exit to the indoor area.

Edited by Walter confetti

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  • 3 weeks later...

Today is, technically, the last day to submit layouts, yet, some of the mappers still need some more time to finish their layouts, so we are going to have one more week of soft development before the first 32-map alpha version.

Happy Easter everyone!

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Wow, what a long but intense mapping session. Stayed up until 5am last night and have been working on the layout all day today so I can finally hand in a playable product. Half of the map was made in the last 12 hours, the rest was made last year and was abandoned at some point for personal life issues. The map is on the MAP22 slot, as the level was initially inspired by MAP22 from Doom II but lost that spirit along the way. I am open to suggestions, and feedback, since there might be some texture oversights or bugs I may have not noticed. Also let me know if the ammo and health starvation is too much. Difficulties are not implemented in this version


Name: We Need to Go Deeper
Author: SharkyChip
Music: Stock music for now (I'm in too much of a rush to think of a MIDI before handing the layout in)
Download: See attachment


Layout screenshot:





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Posted (edited)

There are some issues with your map @SharkyChip


First of all, nitpicks, be careful with those small areas that are outside of the boundaries of the 1024 map. Really minor, you should move those nodes back no problem. But take special care of the areas marked with a "!" sign, as those you can access them by straferunning, those should be blocked for the player aswell.

Other problems that I've found is the poor referencing with switches or things you have to hit to proceed, I would prefer if you use switch textures or "door" textures for some things, as those are not that clear. Here are some spots where a clear visual queue (switch) would be prefered. The blue door is also a bit unclear.




In the second image, for example, you already have the same texture with a switch, if I'm not mistaken.



Ups, here there is a default texture, be sure to remove them all. Remove all instances of default textures/flats.

My biggest problem with the map is that the final area looks a bit rushed, its gameplay is really grindy, I would reduce the ammount of enemies sniping you and make the player stay in this area for a little bit longer while fighting. You can easily skip this area. Also, I get the idea of the long lift, but maybe it hurts gameplay. Another issue is related to ammo, it feels a bit tight at the end of the first part, and then there are lots of rocket crates, more than 50 rockets can be acquired here. I would give the player a backpack or something.

Also fighting the cyberdemon in this area is a bit awkward, I would make him stay for a bit after you can exit while you have to dodge his rockets, and then I would make him be killed by a crusher (Just an idea).

Overall it is fine, but some improvement needs to be made to gameplay, specially for the "hell part".

Then, the usual, more detailing or better texture alignment should be made.

For now, it works. More feedback will be given at the playtest stages these days. I've added the map to the OP.

Edited by DJVCardMaster

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@DJVCardMaster I'll definitely look into those things.


3 hours ago, DJVCardMaster said:

be careful with those small areas that are outside of the boundaries of the 1024 map

I think the switch at the bottom should be inside the 1024 boundary if you move the square you made a little bit down. As for the other details, I'll just go ahead and fix them, since they are very easy to correct (especially the one on the right as it serves literally no purpose). 


3 hours ago, DJVCardMaster said:

Other problems that I've found is the poor referencing with switches or things you have to hit to proceed

Yeah, that mostly comes from the inspiration the map initially had (hence the shape of the starting room as well). There are quite a few things in Doom II's map22 that don't use textures that are normally interactable. However, is this ultimately hurts gameplay I can look for otex textures that fit the theme and replace them


3 hours ago, DJVCardMaster said:

Remove all instances of default textures/flats

Oh yeah, I'll definitely have to change all instances of doortrak


3 hours ago, DJVCardMaster said:

My biggest problem with the map is that the final area looks a bit rushed

Yeah that's because it is. It really only has the aesthetic I wanted but the gameplay could definitely be improved. It's current state is a product of a series of "patches" I kept implementing for problems I continuously noticed when playtesting. I can completely revamp that encounter, especially with more time at hand. The cyberdemon does die from a crusher once you activate the yellow skull switch, but I agree the space you have to move around is still very restricting, cover-less and just uncomfortable to navigate in general. A rework is definitely coming to that whole area.


As for the rest, I'd personally like to get other people's feedback on the long lifts, as I think is makes sense in the context of descending into hell and is a detail I do particularly like. Then again, if it does hurt gameplay I can make it more "normal". Also, the ammo is on the tighter side, and I agree it could benefit from loosening that a bit. Oh, also, there is a backpack in a secret, but either way, since the hell part is going to change, I'll decide what to do about that when mapping.


Anyway, thanks for the feedback; I'll do my best to align with the standards of both the project itself and doom mapping as a whole so I deliver a better product next time (hopefully sometime this week)

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1 hour ago, mr-around said:

MAP20: Esoteric Detention Tower (v0.9)

Map Description: A nice 1024 building with mixed themes (medieval, tech).

Notes: The map is not actually 100% complete

Author: @mr-around

Music: ---not (yet)---

Port: Boom-compatible, MBF21-compatible

Bugs: many

Download: !! Click Me!! Constriction1024 - map20 (by mr-around).zip


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I've given you an extended feedback response at the Discord server. Some things will need to be changed ASAP. Also, I've uploaded to the speadsheet a version that removes 3 unexistent textures. Be sure to remove those "BLUMAP" textures when fixing the map.
Possibly the layout will need to be revamped and the IOS exit definitely needs to be changed into a regular one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Scorpius I was looking through some of the maps in the latest compilation of the set for inspiration/possible missing themes for my map when i got around to playing your map for the first time (Castle Vendetta). Noticed a couple technical issued i'd mention but game-play wise the map had a good overall design and balance, not really any comments there.

-Sector tag 23 is missing a proper sky transfer tag. 
-sky around the exit teleporter pillar is cutting off the pillar a lot, making it dissapear and several angles. kinda a tricky thing to handle with how doom draws skies. Not a huge issue but is noticeable.
-Linedef 150 has some HOM effects going on, don;t see anything out of place so may just be a nodebuilder issue, moving a vertice on that line seemed to rectify the issue.
-Linedef 534 (wall by the angled shadow effect) does not match the brightness of the angled shadow you made. This is some quirk with how doom handles lighting specifically on flat 90 degree lines where these lines are shaded brighter than lines at the same light level that are angled (because the shadow is made up of tiny triangular sectors not at right angles, they appear darker than the straight wall next to them). This can be fixed by moving one of the two vertices on that wall by 1 pix so that the line is at an angle. If needed i can link a screenshot to show the uneven lighting in-game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I've decided to open three slots for this month, as I really need 32-maps to be made. So I will give mappers a new deadline for 1st of June.

Taking into consideration the following:

@Heretic926's map (MAP32) will not be finished, and it's in a "half-way" done state, because of time constraints, Heretic has decided to withdraw his slot. 
@mr-around's map is really green and not in an acceptable state, so it will get rejected.
Some additional rules for the three new slots:

-MAP32 slot should be an unconventional map, hence the "super-secret" status. Heretic has worked on something previously, so you can ask him personally for the original map if you want to work on it and have a finished level. 
-All three slots must be finished into a playable state by the 1st of June, so accept the mapping challenge ONLY if you have spare time and you believe you are going to finish it by the end of this month.
-People that have already worked on a map previously can ask for a slot only if his/her previous map/maps are finished with a Yellow or Green status (according to the spreadsheet of the project).
-Don't speedmap.
-No IOS exits or death exits. (You can do something interesting with romero heads if you are working on MAP32, but only if you believe you can stage something well)
-No one-time only rooms, be sure all your map can be backtracked if you exit an area.
-As it was before, anyone that wants, can still make a map without asking for a slot, that will be added into the >MAP32 slots as ultra-secret maps (Those could be moved into regular slots if mappers do not finish theirs). 

Sorry for the delay, we are still on it.

EDIT: @DFF has taken the MAP32 slot

@ViolentBeetle's additional submission will be added to the last slot, we are covered, thanks!

We are also looking for playtesters, aswell!

Edited by DJVCardMaster

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4 minutes ago, Gothic said:

I'll take the map 11 spot.

Added to the OP! You can check our Discord Server to see how progress is going.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@DFF Thanks for the heads up! Sorry I didn't see it until now.


I have updated my map: VENDETTA-V3.zip


- Added sky transfer to sector tag 23.

- Raised most sky sectors to match the height of the exit teleporter (hopefully it should not cut off now).

- Fixed linedefs 534 and 415 not showing the correct brightness.

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3 hours ago, Gothic said:

Sorry, but I'm withdrawing, my map is just not working out

Sad to hear, Gothic, don't worry!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I have a new version of my map. All feedback has been addressed. Map is on the map22 slot and the midi is included in the zip file


Name: We Need to Go Deeper
Author: SharkyChip
Music: Gravelord's Lullaby by AD_79 (from Judgement's MAP02)
Download: See attachment


Edited by SharkyChip
missing important information

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5 hours ago, SharkyChip said:

I have a new version of my map. All feedback has been addressed. Map is on the map22 slot and the midi is included in the zip file


Name: We Need to Go Deeper
Author: SharkyChip
Music: Gravelord's Lullaby by AD_79 (from Judgement's MAP02)
Download: See attachment


Definitely an improvement to the final area, I would put a barrier with two pinkies, forcing the player to awaken the wall of enemies, as I could by pass al that fight by dodging the AV and the Demon once. The rest of the map addressed all issues. For now looks fine! 

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Alpha V1.0 RELEASED:

Download Alpha V1.0 here

32 maps made and placed in their final slots until release. Almost all CWILVs and graphics are made, some maps need a midi choice for the final release.


Some things will need to be fixed/added before a proper release candidate comes in the way, this is compiled for playtesting purposes. Play-testing sessions start today. Green maps at the spread sheet do not mean those are final, green means that they are in a final state with no errors to be found, but testers may find some other bugs that passed by during previous testing sessions.

Play-testers are needed, please come and join us at our Discord Server.

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