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[Alpha] Constriction: 1024 - 1024mu2 restricted levels (Play-testers needed)

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Making a shout-out to mappers whose map is still on a yellow (or orange) status at the spreadsheet, this means some issues have been found and need to be fixed. 

@Silhouette 03 @PinkFlamingo @Weird Sandwich @ThatWeNGuy @RataUnderground @SharkyChip @Snikle @TheV1perK1ller @OldManHan 

Issues are pointed out at the spreadsheet. Be sure to add difficulty settings and detail maps where pointed out. You can add additional stuff if you want. I think we will have a 2 month play-testing session until we come with a Release Candidate (August 1st).

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New version!

We Need To Go Deeper by SharkyChip

ZIP file attached. Map is on slot 22 still.



- Balanced difficulty settings a little more (enemies, health and ammo)

- Fixed a handful of misaligned textures

- Re-textured a handful of areas

- Final area is a little different, and less cheesable

- More detailing (middle textures and Things)

- Fixed secret sector being to small and not tagging appropriately

- Cleaned the automap


Let me know if there are still things that could be improved.


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Download: New Alpha 1.1 

With updated maps and fixed missing or wrong songtracks.

Also @SharkyChip someone at the Discord Server spotted that the exit linedef seems unclear.  

"About map20's exit, maybe put an exit sign? I mistaken the teleporter which would bring player to the beginning as the exit in my playthrough" You might fix that for the next update.

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Alright, I'm back with another update. Hopefully the exit is a little clearer now


Changes to the exit room:

- A little more detail

- A proper exit sign

- A tiny bit of decoration around the "backtrack" teleport to signal that it takes you back to the beginning

- A computer area map

- Lowered the brightness of said teleporter to make it stand out less

- An automap arrow that points the direction of the exit in case it's still confusing


Map in slot 22, zip file attached


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@SharkyChip Playing through the WAD currently on HMP. Difficulty for HMP feels well balanced so no comments on difficulty setting. One general map note is that all the vine textures bleed through the ceilings and create a bit of a visual issue (such as linedefs 520 and 521). To remove bleeding midtextures, they need to be on a sector edge (so just connect the current lines and make separate sectors) and the sectors must have a height, texture, or brightness difference. Bit of an odd quirk but the most seamless solution is to make separate sectors for the vines, then make the sector brightness say 1 tic brighter or darker. Visually this lighting difference will be indistinguishable but it removes the mid-tex bleeding.

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29 minutes ago, DFF said:

@SharkyChip Playing through the WAD currently on HMP. Difficulty for HMP feels well balanced so no comments on difficulty setting. One general map note is that all the vine textures bleed through the ceilings and create a bit of a visual issue (such as linedefs 520 and 521). To remove bleeding midtextures, they need to be on a sector edge (so just connect the current lines and make separate sectors) and the sectors must have a height, texture, or brightness difference. Bit of an odd quirk but the most seamless solution is to make separate sectors for the vines, then make the sector brightness say 1 tic brighter or darker. Visually this lighting difference will be indistinguishable but it removes the mid-tex bleeding.

To fix mid-texture bleeding, it's as easy as reducing/adding one level to brightness, so nobody notice changes in light levels. If the sector at one side of the vine is 160, the next one should be 161 or 159, light levels won't have visual differences.

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49 minutes ago, Aeddes666 said:

Some videos.

I didn't knew you could get softlocked like that 💀 will fix in the next version

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