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Neill Blomkamp working on Doom-related project?

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Oh cool, a third IP I love that he can get involved with and then have canceled.


Very interesting though. It’s all speculation at this point but he certainly seems to be hinting towards something.

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6 minutes ago, dasho said:


Writer and director of District 9, Chappie, and Elysium, among other things. He was also attached to the Halo movie back in 2008 when Peter Jackson was directing, and a direct sequel to Aliens for a little.

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1 minute ago, OpenRift said:

Let's see, what movies has this guys made? District 9, Elysium...






Oh no...

Was that movie rough? I've never seen it.

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8 minutes ago, Faceman2000 said:

Was that movie rough? I've never seen it.

It's been a while since I've seen it, but it took an interesting concept and basically butchered it.

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Just now, Andrea Rovenski said:

Chappie rules.

It's the last thing I'd want a Doom movie to resemble. If his Blumkamp's other work is any indicator, this might end up feeling like Call of Doom: The Movie.

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18 minutes ago, OpenRift said:

District 9


Excellent movie!

His shorts studio makes some things that are disturbing and violent too.


However, I think the mood of his output would not fit the Doom mythos - much of his stuff is very dystopian and dark, often with no 'happy' ending. I think Doom needs - well - ultraviolent, almost comedy (if you see what I mean) violence with Doomguy kicking demon arse in a variety of violent and splattery ways. I've always thought that James Cameron's Terminator fits the mood very well - replace Reese with Doomguy, and the terminator(s) with assorted demons and stir well with masses of weapons...


A Blomkamp take might fit better for a Doom 3 style movie though.

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10 minutes ago, smeghammer said:

I've always thought that James Cameron's Terminator fits the mood very well - replace Reese with Doomguy, and the terminator(s) with assorted demons and stir well with masses of weapons...

Who do I have to kill to see young Michael Biehn as Doomguy? The original Terminator is my favorite movie, I would kill to have a Doom movie with that pulpy sci-fi feel.

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For those who don't know, Neil Blomkamp is South African( and Canadian. Not sure if he stays there). I'm South African, so it's always cool seeing talent from here. I've never seen any of his movies though, so I don't know how well a doom movie with him as director would fare.


I should really get around to watching some of his movies :)


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17 minutes ago, Silhouette 03 said:

I should really get around to watching some of his movies :)


Try District 9 first. very highly rated. Definitely an allegory on racism so potentially quite disturbing/upsetting. Definitely worth a watch though. Think Alien Nation, but much darker.

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His latest movie is an upcoming biopic based on Gran Turismo, something about someone playing the game and becoming a racer in real life. I have no interest in something like that, but it got me thinking as to if this is a Doom movie or a movie about Doom’s development.
How many false-starts has there been for a Masters of Doom adaptation now?

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Love District 9 and Elysium but I'd rather see what Sam Raimi would do with Doom. His movies clearly had some influence on Doom in the first place and his use of dark humor, crazy camera work and inventive use of sound could work great. Still a potential Blomkamp movie does sound promising, his visual designs are incredible and he's a known gamer so he probably knows the source material well.

Edited by Wyrmwood

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Every filmmaker has projects that don't come to fruition for whatever reason or don't turn out right. Assuming he is given enough resources and honours the source material, this could turn out decent.

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Some commentary on the evil interstellar corporation and the demons being collateral damage of said corporation's exploitation. It would still be a much better movie than the junk that has come out so far.

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