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how do i connect switches to things that are supposed to move

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Does anyone know how to make the switch in the room I'm standing In make the "lid" go down on top of this tank of acid, its not necessary for the level I just thought it would be a nice piece of environmental detail but I don't know how to make it do the thing (obviously)  I'm using ultimate doom builder if that helps at all.


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To the linedef that has the switch texture assigned to it (it is not necessary that it has a switch texture, but for clarification) set the action "s1 celing lower to lowest floor". put a tag and mark with the same tag the sector where you want to lower the lid.
Remember that it will only work if the front face of the linedef is facing the player.

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20 minutes ago, RataUnderground said:

To the linedef that has the switch texture assigned to it (it is not necessary that it has a switch texture, but for clarification) set the action "s1 celing lower to lowest floor". put a tag and mark with the same tag the sector where you want to lower the lid.
Remember that it will only work if the front face of the linedef is facing the player.

do i have to do that for the celings too?

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