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RAMP 2023 - Rabbit's All-Comers Mapping Project [RELEASED!]

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  On 6/11/2023 at 12:47 AM, LordEntr0py said:

Great thing about RAMP is DavidN's automated build system! You can upload your map and a few minutes later download the project with your map automatically built into the project, accessible from the hub map!


Excellent. This hub area is so much better than the previous years'.


I just need to tweak some more things, then I'll be ready to submit mine

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It's done and uploaded! Tested it out in the snapshot and everything appears to be working.


This is only the second map I've ever made, and the first one I've actually uploaded. I think my map isn't too bad for a beginner mapper. I know my detailing and texture work can be better, but I'm sure that will get better the more I do it. I just want to get the actual gameplay right first.


I might try to do another smaller map this week if I have time. 

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I'm amazed at the quality (and volume!!) of people's submissions this year - you're all amazing people and there has definitely been an influx of visibly Myhouse-inspired maps :)


@obake, if you have any suggestions for ratings for length and difficulty out of 5 (with 6 being possible for extreme cases), please feel free to send them to me!

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Just submitted my map after wondering  for a week if I should or not. Wanted to pass along special thanks to you, David, as your excellent tutorials on YouTube were the first useful resource I encountered for building these crazy things.

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Added a third and final map to RAMP2023 which is almost done! This one was supposed to be a speedmap of some sorts during last years heatwave. Since it's now a year later and once again the temperature has reached 30C and above I might as well throw it out there now. It's a short, not too dense map that I aim to actually be completed in about 10 minutes (maybe 11). Hot stuff!

Map spoiler:

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Edited by A Handsome Fridge

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is it ok to submit a map that I just released for feedback since it is my first published map? Would love to get it in, but I can understand if its against the rules.

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Some more quick reviews.


Map 32: Echoless Chamber by Doomride


This one feels almost like an Ultimate Doom map, which is cool to see. I especially like the Spectre trap in the basement.


Map 35: Escape Prohibited by Palindrone


Lighting is what makes this map stand out. The dark, unlit tech areas are also reminiscent of Ultimate Doom, which makes some of the traps more intense.


Map 36: Castle by mbx8rt


A nice beginner’s map. I like the Ramp secret, and mbx8rt does a good job balancing the weapons given.


Map 87: See You Later, UAC-Gator by Obake


My map this year. Clowns everywhere. I hope those who play it have a laugh and have fun!

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I probably should have asked this sooner (and I've quickly checked and not seen anything related) but are we permitted sound effects and music in the wad file? It's nothing special or problematic, just some assets extracted from Unreal, and were appropriate thrown into the wood-chipper that is my Audacity skills.

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  On 6/13/2023 at 5:14 PM, CyberosLeopard said:

I probably should have asked this sooner (and I've quickly checked and not seen anything related) but are we permitted sound effects and music in the wad file? It's nothing special or problematic, just some assets extracted from Unreal, and were appropriate thrown into the wood-chipper that is my Audacity skills.


Yes, these should work! Take a look at your build log (the terminal icon next to your map in the list on https://ramp2023.teamouse.net/download.php once the project has been downloaded at least once since your upload) and you can see what the compiler extracted and included. Let me know if anything unexpected happens

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I'm always happy when ramp comes around and I made a map!



Some Screenshots:


  Reveal hidden contents





It's done and in slot 133 lol - I never got such a late slot even submitting this late


this is getting too popular


always love mapping for ramp!


Have fun

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  On 6/14/2023 at 9:44 AM, Clippy said:

I'm always happy when ramp comes around and I made a map!



Some Screenshots:


  Reveal hidden contents





It's done and in slot 133 lol - I never got such a late slot even submitting this late


this is getting too popular


always love mapping for ramp!


Have fun


finally, you fell into the ramp mapping abyss

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I submitted my map now and tested that it is still working correctly.
Pretty crazy that the website can automatically rebuild the project and integrate the map immediately. Nice stuff!


After searching the hub area for a looong time, I finally found my map. :D Its amazing that there are so many submitted maps. (Edit: I should have watched Davids Hub or Playthrough video earlier. Had no idea you could search for a map in the hub.)


I have some questions though:

- There seems to be some color correction / filter going on. Is that intended or is it added by one of the wads and is just an oversight that its currently used for all maps? I do not mind it, just asking.

- I added credits for the music that I use when uploading the map. I guessed that it will also be shown when entering the map, but that does not happen. Where should the credits for the music be visible?

- I used a sky transfer for some of the skies to have two different ones (two original Doom 2 skies). This does not seem to work here. Is there an explanation how to do the same here?

Edited by Takeo Kurita

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I started on a 2nd map that I hope to finish by the weekend. I'm going to keep it much smaller in scope, as I was surprised that my first map took 10 minutes to complete. I didn't think it was that long.


This map is going to incorporate an idea I had for a secret that I've had for years. The only thing is, it's part of a sequence of events, and I'm not sure how to order that sequence. I don't want to go into specifics, since the main step I'm unsure about in regards to its sequence placement is something I don't think I've seen before in this way, and I don't want to spoil it. I think I have an idea on how to sequence this, so I'll just have to see if players can figure it out.

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  On 6/12/2023 at 6:19 PM, A Handsome Fridge said:

Added a third and final map to RAMP2023 which is almost done! This one was supposed to be a speedmap of some sorts during last years heatwave. Since it's now a year later and once again the temperature has reached 30C and above I might as well throw it out there now. It's a short, not too dense map that I aim to actually be completed in about 10 minutes (maybe 11). Hot stuff!

Map spoiler:

  Reveal hidden contents



..aaand it's officially done now!

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Aw fuck not a member? 


Well map was cool anyway 


There is too many maps here to take on but that name was too awesome lol  


My only qualm is there appears to be weapon access only through secrets which could be bad for those who weren't as fortunate as me to find them 


That old chestnut 



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I am confused. I finished my map and now get double defined error messages, without having double textures. And on top i have 200 textures that are not found in the patch table, but are visible and normal in the wad. Like water and wood. They are there. I can't seem to fix it though. Any ideas?


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The textures in your screenshot are from OTEX - this is included in RAMP 2023's resources, so you should be able to upload it without redefining them!

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I'm kinda late for your event but I still want to give it a shot. I can build a map mostly vanilla compatible and try to finish it for june 30th tops. Would that work??

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  On 6/17/2023 at 11:01 AM, Markguy12 said:

I'm kinda late for your event but I still want to give it a shot. I can build a map mostly vanilla compatible and try to finish it for june 30th tops. Would that work??



Well DavidN himself said that you can send maps untii 30 june so you can make good simple map and send it.

That means you can send map even in last day of June mouth.

Good luck in making your own map. 😉

Edited by Meyland12

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Three more quick reviews.


Map 76: Demon Chainsaw Massacre by Lavalobster93


Demon Chainsaw Massacre brings back memories of my old maps, where traps are not just mean, but sometimes intolerable. I don’t want to be too critical of this map, for it is mostly fun. There is a part that sinks into the depths of being un-fun, however, and that is the last room with Cacos and Sergeants. Perhaps more health and less hitscanners would make it better. On the other hand, the first Cyber room in the outside area is chaotic joy.


Map 83: The Forgotten City of Hell by NilsQ


A cool looking, decrepit city map. Despite the tense atmosphere and music, this one is mostly a breather.


Map 97: Hell Hole by Jeffari


This one transitions nicely between settings, from tech bases to hellish hallways. There are nasty traps here, and if it were not for generous secrets, this map would be much, much harder. A fun experience overall.

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I've added a Dehacked patch to change my map name and the name on the intermission screen. Would that count under the "no Dehacked rule and, if so, would I need to delete the lump?

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  On 6/18/2023 at 6:37 AM, Silhouette 03 said:

I've added a Dehacked patch to change my map name and the name on the intermission screen. Would that count under the "no Dehacked rule and, if so, would I need to delete the lump?



Yes, RAMPART won't allow a DEHACKED patch but you can use a MAPINFO lump instead. :) Like so -


map MAP01 "Your Map Name Here"
    sky1 = YOURSKY
    music = YOURMIDI

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  On 6/18/2023 at 6:53 AM, JaySmithen said:


Yes, RAMPART won't allow a DEHACKED patch but you can use a MAPINFO lump instead. :) Like so -


map MAP01 "Your Map Name Here"
    sky1 = YOURSKY
    music = YOURMIDI




@Silhouette 03 You get to set your map name when you upload it on the site.

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Just uploaded my 2nd map! It's a smaller map, but it took me much longer to make, and it took me longer to beat (if you go for the secret). I have no idea how some people can speedmap, cause this took me like 15 or so hours to make, and it's nowhere near as good as some of those maps, lol. Still, I'm proud of this one.

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  On 6/18/2023 at 9:16 AM, Silhouette 03 said:

Uploaded my first and only map for this project. Hopefully it isn't terrible XD.


Special thanks to @Biodegradable for playtesting( and Clippy for tagging along), @JaySmithen and @LordEntr0py for the help with the map, and @DavidN for hosting these projects for 3 years now. it takes a lot of commitment to host something this big. Thanks to all.


You might want to look into the log for your map in RAMPs download section, because it shows some warnings. 

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