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noescape.wad - 5 icon of sin maps, cl 9

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Wow this stuff is super cool. The possibilities are really limitless with this, I'm impressed how you managed to create 5 completely different maps gameplay-wise, this monster sorting mechanism is very powerful and so cleverly done.


For me map 03 was the most interesting in terms of a setup creativity, but 05 was the most engaging, somehow this simple room is just so fun.


I think there are several things that may (or may not) make these maps a bit more engaging. Feel free to consider or to ignore.

1. While coming up with own rules is cool, I feel like adding more defined challenges will benefit replayability. For example, regular exit opens after 7 minutes, secret opens after 10 minutes. That way you have two challenges with different difficulty, but you still can stay in the map for as long as you can for a "survival" mode. Yep, this kinda makes the wad name not exactly true anymore, but maybe it's not a big deal :)

2. In addition to 1 it would also be cool to see some of the maps (01 and 04 in particular) to transform as time goes on. Maybe opening new area (and allowing spawners there) on a timer. Not sure how easy it is to implement delayed spawning with this though, but as a simpler thing - opening new stashes with ammo and powerups and small shortcuts. Map 03 (the fortress defense one) kinda has some simple elements of this in a form of releasing cybers until you reach the end of that corridor with an invuln.

3. This feels like something that should be very fun in coop (in theory). And I understand that coop is not particularly popular, but I think it's a good idea to add at least some rudimentary coop support to the maps.


But anyway, the wad is already very impressive as it is.

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