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Can anyone help trace these maps from Doom: Pack I and Pack II from the microsoft store?

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Years ago, Dwars made a video showcasing a Doom sourceport that was on the Microsoft Store called Doom: Pack II. It was a glitchy, half-baked, probably illegal piece of trash sold for "free" on the Microsoft store until a little while after this video when it was taken down.

However one thing of note about this port (out of many) was that instead of having the base vanilla set of levels, it had 40 "new" levels, even in map slots that you can only warp to. Plus count Pack I (aka Doom 1) which goes all the way to e6m9 and you got over 90+ stolen BRAND NEW ORIGINAL LEVELS!!!


So yeah, this dev stole 94 maps from some doom  mod archive like /idgames or the Wad Archives (Rest in Peace) and slapped them onto their trashbin port without even crediting them (tho what do you expect from a game where you can Buy Nothing for $1.19).

So what I'm curious about is if anyone knows who actually made them, where they came from, and where you can get them now. So here I have a zip containing all the levels between 2 wads plus the extra "Try Summer" wad that has nude demon women replacing the imp, pinky, and Baron of Hell. (which I'd also like to trace back to the source)



Special thanks to @wertercatt for preserving the wads on your personal archive, and to @Wadmodder Shalton for compiling these into readable wads (which have all the IWAD content crammed into it and I scraped them of for the purpose of redistributing for this thread except for the mangled entryway)

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12 minutes ago, Wadmodder Shalton said:

Uh Actually, I identified most of the levels in this post.

Holy hell thank you! I didn't know this thread existed and I was tempted to post this in the "Known lost WADs of our history?" thread


You're a credit to this community!

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