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Quality of Life Patches for various WADs

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9 minutes ago, Agitatio said:

I assume these supersede similar fixes by NightFright?


That would be the reasonable assumption since some of these fixes are a bit newer, but the best thing to do, even if it's quite time-consuming, is to check for yourself by opening the patches in SLADE and comparing them.

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3 minutes ago, DreadWanderer said:

That would be the reasonable assumption since some of these fixes are a bit newer, but the best thing to do, even if it's quite time-consuming, is to check for yourself by opening the patches in SLADE and comparing them.

That's the plan.


On 6/30/2023 at 12:34 PM, Devalaous said:

Doom the Way id Did series

Adds UMAPINFO support for Lost Episodes (enabling Episode 5 and 6 for Woof and DSDA Doom) and widescreen assets for DTWID, UDTWID and DTWID:LE

Has IWAD incorrectly set to DOOM2.

Edited by Agitatio

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1 hour ago, Agitatio said:

That's the plan.


Has IWAD incorrectly set to DOOM2.


I use a frontend and read the txt and/or the Doom Wiki to double check before booting up, but strictly in terms of lumps then yeah that is an oversight.

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7 hours ago, Agitatio said:

I assume these supersede similar fixes by NightFright?


NightFright's patches are generally just for ZDoom family stuff. I do incorporate some parts of some of his stuff with credit, but generally mine support a much larger amount of ports now that UMAPINFO has finally taken off


7 hours ago, Agitatio said:

Has IWAD incorrectly set to DOOM2.


I looked in the wrong place at first, I forgot there is a GAMEINFO in the Widescreen patch for regular DTWID as well as UDTWID, that's where the error was. Its fixed now.

Edited by Devalaous

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1 hour ago, Devalaous said:

I looked in the wrong place at first, I forgot there is a GAMEINFO in the Widescreen patch for regular DTWID as well as UDTWID, that's where the error was. Its fixed now.

Apologies for not specifying where the issue was. Thank you for you work!

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It really is fantastic work, in my opinion this thread should be pinned along with the UMAPINFO appreciation thread and the Widescreen Assets one, but that's just me (maybe). Lots of dedication, thanks again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm getting this error in GZDoom 4.11.3 running the fix for Doom 2 the Way id Did

"Script error, "d2twid_fix.wad:UMAPINFO" line 133:
Expected identifier but got string constant "YOU HAVE WON! YOUR VICTORY HAS ENABLED" instead."

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Fixed. GZDoom was giving me issues with UMAPINFO again and not giving me text screens for some reason, so I made UMAPINFO force them out. I missed a field there.

Naturally, this bug was reported during the window after a full Windows reinstallation, during a period I did not have dropbox, or access to my patches, forcing me to download all the editing tools faster.

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Fixed again, hopefully for good this time. I confirmed the latest GZDoom is now having issues with UMAPINFO and is acting like it does with ZMAPINFO, where you have to define *everything*, so I had to edit it further and define the text screen music. Is GZDoom not giving higher priority to ZMAPINFO anymore if UMAPINFO is present?


On 12/25/2023 at 8:43 AM, Quill said:

Maybe this will suffice?



This is now implemented, thanks!

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  • 1 month later...

I did some maintenance on several wads to fix minor issues in 2002 ADO and Base Ganymede and a couple of others, and have just now finished a patch for Morior Invictus which cleans up the very very messy internals and fuses MI Extra into the main levelset as an extra episode. Ive also made patches for all three 100 Lines megawads (The two halves of Doomworld's one, and the RDC one), and created a brand new one (100linesO.wad) made up out of the 17 outtakes that are today in very real danger of going missing for good, as many of the links have succumbed to linkrot. Big thanks to the people that still had them after all this time for supplying me with them!


Ive also got some partially done ones for a few really obscure megawads and episodes that I found on Doom Wiki's 'notable wads' page


No links to anything yet, but in the coming days I hope to reorganise that opening post


EDIT: First pass of the reconstruction done, need to do better descriptions and package the patches ive made since the last update, but not today. Re-typing that post set off my carpal tunnel.


EDIT2: Heretic Midi Pack has been updated with a fixed E6M3/E4M1 that has the exit from its origins as idMap01 'fully' restored (I didn't add the exit sign on the roof in front of the door, as im pretty sure Heretic doesn't have those!). Taking the exit will loop you back to E6M1 in both GZDoom and Eternity. DSDA currently doesn't support UMAPINFO for Heretic apparantly, as the lump was entirely ignored by it, and taking the exit attempts to go to E6M4, which crashes the game. It WILL save your stats for E6M3/E4M1 though!

Edited by Devalaous

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First post is updated with several new patches.


  • 100 Lines 4-Pack (Contains brand new megawad made up of all 17 outtakes from the DW project)
  • World of Deth (32 map vanilla megawad largely forgotten, but listed on the 'notable wads' page on Doom Wiki)
  • Morior Invictus (Cleaned up, MI Extra is now an episode instead of a side wad)
  • DBP01 to DBP10 (General QoL on each to unify them as a series; originally each and every DBP had wildly differing polish due to the month long development)
  • Stomper (Cleans up the presentation of Beta 2, now its gt a bit more presentation to it)
  • Hexen patch in need of testing (100% kills fix for final hub, restores unused music and a developer map)

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17 minutes ago, Ginji23 said:

Any idea where to obtain this "10_1800.wad"?


I figured it was still up and available, but it seems its gone missing just like the russian Doom 2 In Name Only


Here is my copy

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On 8/23/2023 at 6:34 AM, Firebert said:

Earthless: Prelude

xINFO lumps, DEHACKED lump, and widescreen graphics by me.


the ZMAPINFO for this has an unnecessary "clearepisode" command, which prevent gzdoom from starting up

you should either remove it or add an "episode MAP01" definition immediately after


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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Restored the links to D2TWID and Doom 64 for Doom 2 in the OP. Check it later for new links to patches for Cygnus IV, Talosian Incident, Vile Flesh and Incineration. Three of them had been sitting 99.9% complete in my WIP folder for months, and I did a quick one for Vile Flesh today that simply fixes the .deh it comes with by converting it to a bex with fixed typos and map names that match the CWILV graphics, and adds the usual GAMEINFO.


EDIT: Also added Bedlam and Aliens TC


At some point I'll add Firebert's stuff to the OP as well, but after I run a check on the issues people are reporting.


EDIT2: Found some errors in Trooper's Playground, fixing them up.

Edited by Devalaous

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Coming to say the same as @DreadWanderer, too.


I love this project, a lot, I have quite a few wads downloaded myself, and these patches have proved significantly helpful in improving the polish of these mapsets.


So here it is, @Devalaous


Thank you for making these :)

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Just remember that I touch them up every now and again to tweak things, since the ports I aim these at supporting are always in development and sometimes break things (ie now I have to add ZMAPINFO because GZDoom at some point in dev builds stopped reading UMAPINFO perfectly; Trooper's Playground didnt trigger the castcall in GZDoom and read the 'endcast' as 'endgame' basically), so be sure to check the 'last updated' date on Dropbox to see if its up to date.

I probably should have versioned things like a sane person, but its too late now and im not THAT good at organisation.


Most things from now on will likely be really really niche stuff, things I find and play and see 'Entryway' on the map then sigh and open up Slade again.

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Devalaous said:

Just remember that I touch them up every now and again to tweak things, since the ports I aim these at supporting are always in development and sometimes break things (ie now I have to add ZMAPINFO because GZDoom at some point in dev builds stopped reading UMAPINFO perfectly; Trooper's Playground didnt trigger the castcall in GZDoom and read the 'endcast' as 'endgame' basically), so be sure to check the 'last updated' date on Dropbox to see if its up to date.

I probably should have versioned things like a sane person, but its too late now and im not THAT good at organisation.


Most things from now on will likely be really really niche stuff, things I find and play and see 'Entryway' on the map then sigh and open up Slade again.

Thank you so much for this amazing project. These patches really come in handy and improve a lot the experice. 


I can relate wiht the part of the "Entryway" when starting a wad, man I aways check the textfiles and see the mapset names (when is avaliable there) it triggers me when I don't see the same name in the automap or intermission screen... ><

Edited by Auron

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But what if the mapper genuinely wanted to name the level "Entryway" and you don't know? This would be "Schrödinger's Entryway" 😅😅

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Auron said:

Thank you so much for this amazing project. These patches really come in handy and improve a lot the experice. 


I can relate wiht the part of the "Entryway" when starting a wad, man I aways check the textfiles and see the mapset names (when is avaliable there) it triggers me when I don't see the same name in the automap or intermission screen... ><


With earlier content its fair enough, as Dehacked was either limited, frowned upon or nonexistant, but it gets really weird with stuff like Scythe 2, which *has* a Dehacked patch, but the level names weren't updated, or stuff like Suspended in Dusk, where the levels have no names whatsoever. Armadosia is frustrating, 32 levels, and *all* of them have no names. Cant really patch that at all, heh.


I just updated the 32 Hours trilogy patch btw, for some reason the 32 Hours in Pain Map 2 fix had never saved into the wad, and it took me 4 attempts just now to get UDB to actually save the invalid sector deletion to trim the 17 secrets down to the proper 3. I had this same problem with Slaughter Until Death's second map earlier, sometimes it just doesn't save my changes, then the fix gets published without the fix, and I look incompetent (again). I hope its actually saved this time, would be great if I had friends that played Doom so they could test these with a fresh set of eyes.


EDIT: Cleimos Duo, Plutonia 2 and the PRCP Duo updated as well

Edited by Devalaous

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Posted (edited)

doom_wsbar2 is broken, doesn't load up.


EDIT: It's because it's named "STBAR2" instead of just "STBAR"

Edited by Scorcher
Fix found.

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13 hours ago, Scorcher said:

doom_wsbar2 is broken, doesn't load up.


EDIT: It's because it's named "STBAR2" instead of just "STBAR"


Good catch, fixed.

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How did that get through? I tested them myself before releasing the update the other day, apparantly it didn't upload on dropbox properly, the one on dropbox is somehow the partially completed update instead of the finished one. This kind of thing is always frustrating. Fixed. Let me know of anything else and I'll get right on it.

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Speed of Doom (also on the opening post)


Last one for a while. Thanks to people not believing my carpal tunnel was real, I was forced into a situation where ive now lost the use of my left arm for anything but the most basic of movement, thanks to heavy tendon damage. This kind of thing is slow to heal, and my wrists have already been on a sliding slope downwards where they dont heal fast enough, so it might be quite some time till im typing up things two-handed and actually playing this game again.


In the meantime, the templates are there for you guys to make your own easily for anything you wish

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