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Quality of Life Patches for various WADs

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Posted (edited)

there seems to be a couple bugged secrets remaining in dtwid le namely in e2m7 and e3m1 and e3m4

Edited by TMMMS

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Got four patches 99% ready, just needing the readme and final quick 'did I forget a comma again?' explosion testing.

Survive in Hell now has its Map 33 working properly in ports, Map 28 doesnt use 33's name, and theres the usual presentation touchup. I did not change the broken english text screens though :p

180 Minutes Pour Vivre has a patch that aims to fuse the bonus wad with the main one; the bonus Map 30 is now the finale, with the old Map 30 now a Map 33 that still occurs at the same point, it just leads to the new finale now. Since that bonus wad also actually had a story for the levels, the wad now has a story at all times with the patch :p (Im not sure why the story was entirely removed; if people didn't like the princess thing, the lines referencing her can be removed and the text still makes sense..). The old Map 30 may be a bit weird now though; the bonus wad had a DECORATE lump to do with heartbeats.


Lastly, I found out two really old Doom episodes all over Maximum Doom and various shovelware discs, AS Doom and AS Doom II have map names (unofficial in the former's case, but better than nothing!) so ive generated graphics for those and done the usual stuff. This also fixes the secret exit nonsense of AS Doom, no longer will anyone have to repeat E1M4.


As its my birthday tomorrow, I wont be here to finish them till late in the day, but keep an eye out for new links in the OP just in case I get time due to delays etc.

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I swore this had a widescreen version of the Thy Flesh Consumed intermission map

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Posted (edited)
On 5/25/2024 at 6:11 AM, TMMMS said:

there seems to be a couple bugged secrets remaining in dtwid le namely in e2m7 and e3m1 and e3m4

Well, id software is well known for not fixing impossible secrets so "it's the way id did"😂

7 hours ago, Notsee said:

I swore this had a widescreen version of the Thy Flesh Consumed intermission map

It was uploaded to the Widescreen Assets Pack and Appreciation Thread here.

But it is only a static image and does not have the "you are here" places.

Edited by Siglev

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Posted (edited)

I just noticed something strange, when you use the patches for the ultimate doom wads, when you finish episode 3 "D_BUNNY" does not play in the endgame and instead it continues playing "D_VICTOR" maybe it is a behavior of umapinfo?

Happy birthday by the way. 🎂

Edited by Siglev

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9 hours ago, Siglev said:

Well, id software is well known for not fixing impossible secrets so "it's the way id did"😂

It was uploaded to the Widescreen Assets Pack and Appreciation Thread here.

But it is only a static image and does not have the "you are here" places.

I can fix that 

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Posted (edited)
On 6/1/2024 at 6:35 AM, Siglev said:

I just noticed something strange, when you use the patches for the ultimate doom wads, when you finish episode 3 "D_BUNNY" does not play in the endgame and instead it continues playing "D_VICTOR" maybe it is a behavior of umapinfo?

Happy birthday by the way. 🎂


It likely is an issue with UMAPINFO, might want to bring it up with the port devs to see what the best solution is. I know I can set text screen music, but I doubt I can set the ending music.


Anyway, AS Doom and Survive in Hell are ready. I accidentally overwrote the 180 MPV readme with AS Doom's in a whoops moment, so 180MPV is not technically ready, I had to seperate the DECORATE lump into a seperate wad, as it broke the original Map 30 (Now Map 33)'s IoS fight by stopping it from shooting cubes  , but only in GZDoom. This DECORATE lump seems to be purely cosmetic, it just makes heartbeat noises in the new Map 30. I'll recreate the text file later, I have a birthday dinner event to get ready for

Edited by Devalaous

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On 5/31/2024 at 7:23 AM, Devalaous said:

As its my birthday tomorrow, I wont be here to finish them till late in the day, but keep an eye out for new links in the OP just in case I get time due to delays etc.

Happy birthday Devalaous!

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Posted (edited)

180 MPV now has its readme, also added a graphics-only Dystopia 3 patch so that @PKr's widescreen graphics get some use. I also have a patch with the Osiris graphics from that same post mostly ready, and it also covers 'I, Anubis', the precursor to Osiris, which 2 of PKr's widescreen edits also cover (Only the 'I Anubis' titlepic is different). Lastly, another 1994 megawad will get the treatment, something called Rage Doom, which has levels missing like Gusta's Hell Medley, requiring xINFO to bridge the gaps.

Edited by Devalaous

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another issue with dtwid lost episodes


e4m6 has 2 lost souls outside of map boundaries or rather between walls.

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Ive said this before, but I don't fix things that a quick noclip can fix, only things that cant be solved ingame like secret sectors that were improperly deleted by old buggy editors

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Posted (edited)

After playing all the way through "DTWID: The Lost Episodes" with the patch i found one last mistake.

The automap shows that level e5m7 is called "Decayed Refinery" but it is actually called "Sanguine Refinery",

it seems that the curse of "dtwid le" will never end. 😂

I hope it's the last one.


Edited by Siglev

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Siglev said:

After playing all the way through "DTWID: The Lost Episodes" with the patch i found one last mistake.

The automap shows that level e5m7 is called "Decayed Refinery" but it is actually called "Sanguine Refinery",

it seems that the curse of "dtwid le" will never end. 😂

I hope it's the last one.


Its called Decayed Refinery in Eternity in the original EMAPINFO, Sanguine Refinery everywhere else, including the WILV graphic. Ive updated the file, as the EMAPINFO version is likely a mistake, and I clearly copied the name from that file into the UMAPINFO. A small fix, but a fix nonetheless.

In other news I started playing Scythe today and had the game crash on start with hundreds of errors, and I freaked out about how somehow noone even tested the patch for a popular megawad, and how I myself apparently didn't test it...only to find out Doom Launcher had decided to launch it with ZDoom instead of GZDoom >_>

This is what those 'old' files in earlier patches are for, ZDoom is so obsolete now that a lot of my ZMAPINFO lumps will crash it, because of the author field and other newer additions.


(Non Doom related: The therapy im doing for my hands is working so well that its hard to believe I couldn't even lift my arm a while ago or grip a fork properly. It was so bad I was terrified that I'd need surgery like my mother did, she has a terrible massive scar down her arm from tendon repair due to overworking. I am lucky indeed it hadn't gotten to that stage yet)

Edited by Devalaous

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rage Doom and DoomCenter E1 Contest are up, and this means the entire backlog ive ever had is now complete, and all those missing links in the OP are filled. I'll undoubtedly find more old wads to bring into the modern day for delvers of dusty forgotten history, but for now, im pretty much done and more focused on actually playing the game. Biowar and Equinox are this month's Megawad Club's picks, and both have patches here, so im getting to not only use them, but also more people will find them.

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1 minute ago, Devalaous said:

Rage Doom and DoomCenter E1 Contest are up, and this means the entire backlog ive ever had is now complete, and all those missing links in the OP are filled. I'll undoubtedly find more old wads to bring into the modern day for delvers of dusty forgotten history, but for now, im pretty much done and more focused on actually playing the game. Biowar and Equinox are this month's Megawad Club's picks, and both have patches here, so im getting to not only use them, but also more people will find them.

Thank you.

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