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Radio Free Gehenna: A Retro Community Project (Featuring Zero Fancy Presentation)

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Radio Free Gehenna (title inspired by Radio Free Albemuth) is a CP with the only theme being retro, as you are limited to only the textures provided by Doom 2 and the texturepack below (scrapped together from the Parallel Phobos texturepack, Deus Vult, Scythe and Dystopia 3 + some cavern crap from an old wad called Mayan Temple). The texturepack also includes titlescreen and intermission music from Requiem + title and intermission graphics, as well as sky textures.





As said above, you can only use textures from the pack and Doom 2.


All maps must be Limit-Removing, nothing else.


Detailing should be restrained a reasonable amount for the sake of visual consistency across maps.


Zappa references in your map titles will make me like you more.


You cannot submit a map if you have not claimed a mapslot.







MAP01 - Chainie (Completed)

MAP02 - Redead-ITA (Completed)

MAP03 - EagerBeaver

MAP04 - Matt Eldrydge (Completed)

MAP05 - Logamuffin

MAP06 - Axuris (Completed)

MAP07 - Al-Faris M (Completed)

MAP08 - DJVCardMaster (Completed)

MAP09 - Heretic926

MAP10 - AtticTelephone and Joe-Ilya

MAP11 - Doomlust

MAP12 - LoneAlpha2401 (Completed)

MAP13 - LukeJR

MAP14 - NeedHealth

MAP15 - Yop

MAP16 - Matt Eldrydge

MAP17 - GamingCooler




MAP21 - Nikku4211








MAP29 - Lorcav

MAP30 - Attictelephone, Lorcav, Al-Faris M, Heretic926

MAP31 - Nikku4211

MAP32 - s4f3s3x




All map submissions must follow this template:





MIDI: (leave empty if none)




Deadline is the end of August.


Texture Pack Here.

Edited by AtticTelephone

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Just now, Doomlust said:

Map 11 slot for me plz.


Have a good mapping session. Also, I forgot to note that custom midis are both allowed and encouraged. I'll add a MIDI thing to the Map Submission Template.

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1 hour ago, EagerBeaver said:

I like to experiment with different textures. Sign me up for slot #3, please.

You seem quite eager, have a good mapping session.

43 minutes ago, Chainie said:

i'll take map01

Have a good mapping session. Make it a good one because it's the intro to it all.

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Interesting, but i have too many other Doom projcets needed to be completed first, good luck with the project! Did this project have any kind of theme or it is free for all?

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7 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

Interesting, but i have too many other Doom projcets needed to be completed first, good luck with the project! Did this project have any kind of theme or it is free for all?

The only theme is retro, and one of the rules specifies restrained detailing.

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Just now, Matt Eldrydge said:

Hey, I'm interested in giving this a try. Could I get map 04? Also, I assume the format is vanilla Doom 2?

Have a good mapping session, also, yes it is Vanilla Doom 2.

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I'll take Map05 please!


19 hours ago, AtticTelephone said:

Zappa references in your map titles will make me like you more.

I'll call my map "Cosmik Debris" or something :)

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1 minute ago, Logamuffin said:

I'll take Map05 please!


I'll call my map "Cosmik Debris" or something :)

Have a good mapping session, also, Cosmik Debris is a bit of a strange title if you aren't making a space map. Maybe you could try "The Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbecue" and have a bunch of hanging corpses over burning barrels. That's a Zappa track AND it would fit the map.

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Sign me up for MAP07! I would like to make a boss map (like Dead Simple), but I wont go too harsh on difficulty since it's the MAP07 slot :P
May I ask, does the "retro" theme imply that the maps need to look like old 90's Doom maps? If so, then I find that excellent!

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Just now, Al-Faris M said:

Sign me up for MAP07! I would like to make a boss map (like Dead Simple), but I wont go too harsh on difficulty since it's the MAP07 slot :P
May I ask, does the "retro" theme imply that the maps need to look like old 90's Doom maps? If so, then I find that excellent!

The retro means it shouldn't look like any modern fancily detailed maps. Have a good mapping session.

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