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Radio Free Gehenna: A Retro Community Project (Featuring Zero Fancy Presentation)

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49 minutes ago, LukeJR said:

You choose

MAP13 it is then. Have a good mapping session.

21 minutes ago, Heretic926 said:

I'll take MAP09, always wanted to make a map in single digit slot.

Your wish is granted. Have a good mapping session.

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Started texturing map 04 earlier today to get a good grasp on vanilla mapping. I've been listening a lot to a MIDI cover of Drowning Witch by Frank Zappa (it was sort a kind of inspiration anchor), so I think I'll go with the same name for the map.


Now, this will be my first vanilla map. I don't tend to detail too much even, but I'm restraining some of my usual habits to work around with flats not being able to be offset.


Ingame screenshots with LZDoom's software renderer:




Also, just so you can have an idea of the size I'm going for: image.png.975cdf9f8838929544895dcf7662e194.png


Layout not final, but the building by the water pond is the final destination.


I kinda go crazy with border textures, so it's been fun finding out I can only use one texture offset per line. :P


Overall concept is that of a slightly urban place, with the action taking place mostly indoors. Might throw in one archvile (the titular drowning witch) in an encounter towards the end.


On the topic of water, could we get some WFALL textures to work with? It's alright if not.

Edited by Matt Eldrydge

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12 hours ago, Redead-ITA said:


Here is my map for the project!

and here is the screenshot!


I've tried my best to keep the detail simple here but if it's needed i can remove some.

It's pretty good stuff, very short though. Submission accepted.

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4 hours ago, Matt Eldrydge said:

On the topic of water, could we get some WFALL textures to work with? It's alright if not.

I don't know if most Limit-Removing ports support WFALL texture animations, but sure. I'll make a new texture pack with the WFALL textures.

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9 hours ago, AtticTelephone said:

Actually, @Redead-ITA, you forgot to submit with the template, so you have do that if you want your map accepted.

Right Sorry

MAP TITLE: UAC Public Library 


MIDI: (leave empty if none)

DESCRIPTION: A bite sized map intended for breezy gameplay while keeping up the pace.

DOWNLOAD: https://www.doomworld.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=239169

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Got some more progress on map 04 too!






The first area seen here is mostly done, just gotta tweak monster and item placement. With some luck I'll finish it next week.

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I've finished my MAP07 submission! I call it..


Map Title: Caving with the Monsters
Map Number: 07

MIDI: Peaches in Regalia by Frank Zappa, midi sequenced by AtticTelephone

Description: A quite difficult and strategic finale map for the previous 6 maps, lots of imps and hitscanners. I encourage you to snipe the mancubi using your shotgun or chaingun.

Download: AlFarisM-CavingWithTheMonstersV4.wad (Google Drive)






Edited by Al-Faris M
Updated the map again

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1 hour ago, Al-Faris M said:

I've finished my MAP07 submission! I call it..


Map Title: Caving with the Monsters
Map Number: 07

MIDI: Apostrophe by Frank Zappa (I cannot find info on who sequenced this though. I found the MIDI on freemidi.org)

Description: A quite difficult and strategic finale map for the previous 6 maps, lots of imps and hitscanners. I encourage you to snipe the mancubi using your shotgun or chaingun. There are two secrets which can give you 2 weapons early, and there's a secret that gives you a plasma rifle if you're fast enough on switch hunting. I won't give a hint on the rest of the secrets to not ruin the fun in finding them.

Download: AlFarisM-CavingWithTheMonsters.wad (Google Drive)


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The midi you used doesn't have any drums, do you think you could use a different one? Anyways, accepted.

25 minutes ago, s4f3s3x said:

I could try with MAP32? Got some curious Zappa ideas

Have a good mapping session.

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12 minutes ago, Lorcav said:

I'll take Map 30 please!

I'm actually thinking of having MAP30 in a sort of Megiddo style where it's a hub that has several teleporters to different mini-levels made by different mappers who've already made other maps in the setlist. I think it would be more representative of the megawad as a whole instead of having an ending map made by one person. Would you like maybe MAP29 and then I could give you a spot in MAP30?

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[Ignore this, it's because I wasn't using the texture pack (I think) and that's my fault. I noticed this as I was playing other maps designed for this mapset.]


Original post was about HOM

Edited by Guff dotD

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13 hours ago, AtticTelephone said:

I'm actually thinking of having MAP30 in a sort of Megiddo style where it's a hub that has several teleporters to different mini-levels made by different mappers who've already made other maps in the setlist. I think it would be more representative of the megawad as a whole instead of having an ending map made by one person. Would you like maybe MAP29 and then I could give you a spot in MAP30?


OK that works for me to do a level and a hub section. 


Let me know if you'd prefer I took an earlier map rather than be in 29/30 sequentially

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23 hours ago, AtticTelephone said:

The midi you used doesn't have any drums, do you think you could use a different one? Anyways, accepted.

Yes, I do, I used Mr. Green Genes as I think it's more fitting for the general theme of the map. Updated the map in the OP: I did some balancing and replaced one of the secrets as I think the secret was quite unfun to get.

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16 minutes ago, Al-Faris M said:

Yes, I do, I used Mr. Green Genes as I think it's more fitting for the general theme of the map. Updated the map in the OP: I did some balancing and replaced one of the secrets as I think the secret was quite unfun to get.

uhhhh the Mr. Green Genes midi doesn't have a bassline, but I respect the fact that you were dedicated to having a Zappa midi. Do you mind if I replace that midi with one of my Zappa midis like Peaches in Regalia or maybe the Black Page?

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4 hours ago, Lorcav said:


OK that works for me to do a level and a hub section. 


Let me know if you'd prefer I took an earlier map rather than be in 29/30 sequentially

I'd prefer if you did MAP29 and a section for 30, as I think I'll design the hub. Let me make sure the 29 slot is reserved for you.

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11 minutes ago, AtticTelephone said:

uhhhh the Mr. Green Genes midi doesn't have a bassline, but I respect the fact that you were dedicated to having a Zappa midi. Do you mind if I replace that midi with one of my Zappa midis like Peaches in Regalia or maybe the Black Page?

I have heard the original song before and thought the midi was accurate! Oops.
No thanks, I really like the song and I prefer to keep the midi.


Also, I would like to make a section for MAP30.

Edited by Al-Faris M

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4 minutes ago, Al-Faris M said:

I have heard the original song before and thought the midi was accurate! Oops.
No thanks, I really like the song and I prefer to keep the midi.


Also, I would like to make a section for MAP30.

Alright that's reasonable, I'll keep your midi and also make sure you get a spot on MAP30.

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8 minutes ago, Matt Eldrydge said:

Since we're talking about MIDIs, you can find a bunch of Frank Zappa MIDIs here. Doomkid has a ton of stuff and also tuned them so they sound good - there's also 300 and such Frank Zappa MIDIs, just scroll down.

300 midis?! That's fascinating. Thanks for recommending me this.


9 minutes ago, AtticTelephone said:

Alright that's reasonable, I'll keep your midi and also make sure you get a spot on MAP30.

Thanks for giving me a spot for MAP30! And you know what? I change my mind, you can replace the midi if you want to :)

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