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Radio Free Gehenna: A Retro Community Project (Featuring Zero Fancy Presentation)

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I might want to move my map to a later slot but I don't know yet. I'll keep you posted.

Edited by Logamuffin

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On 6/11/2023 at 11:09 PM, DJVCardMaster said:

MAP TITLE: Rusty Appearance


MIDI: Tool - Stinkfist (Instrumental)

DESCRIPTION: Wood and Iron map, possibly totally misplaced in-between all techbases that are populating the first slots so far.

DOWNLOAD: Download V1


(Sorry for double-posting)


RUDE-Doom HNTR demo:



Pretty cool map. It took me a lot of tries in order to finally beat the map. This map is pretty intense.


The wood and iron aesthetic really does remind me of those old Doom 2 maps from the 1990s, good job.

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On 6/6/2023 at 3:19 PM, LoneAlpha2401 said:

It's done

Screenshots (Taken in Chocolate Doom):

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MAP TITLE: The Drain


MIDI: Dirty Tricks- from Xenophage: Alien BloodSport by Bobby Prince

DESCRIPTION: A short Romero inspired map, similar to D2 Map17

DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11-3GFLcNdBkkqm94GUeyJtxvgrVoBQVU/view

NEW DOWNLOAD (Why can't I get a release right on the first try): https://drive.google.com/file/d/113XbI8YDtFC8vxnkPjTmYxBY0zLYR7o0/view


RUDE-Doom HNTR demo:



Another one I had to give up. This map was so difficult.


There were so many revenants, and just barely enough ammo.


I think the amount of revenants (and possibly pink demons) in the red key trap is a bit much for HNTR. I kept dying around this point so I cannot comment on the parts of the map past this.

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On 6/23/2023 at 7:42 PM, Yop said:

Had some fun with the Waterfall textures.

Default map name in game because i'd imagine a DeHacked would be all put in when all maps are collected. 

Any Issues let me know so they can be patched up.


MAP TITLE: Waist Deep in Gehenna


MIDI: Vem Quente Que eu Estou Fervendo - Ersamo Carlos

DESCRIPTION: Just a "stronghold" level with some tunnels.

DOWNLOAD: Waist Deep Download



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Sorry for the double post. I was going to try this map, but RUDE could not play it because it was in Hexen map format, and I'm pretty sure Crispy Doom doesn't support the Doom-in-Hexen map format either.

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On 6/24/2023 at 12:42 AM, Yop said:

Had some fun with the Waterfall textures.

Default map name in game because i'd imagine a DeHacked would be all put in when all maps are collected. 

Any Issues let me know so they can be patched up.


MAP TITLE: Waist Deep in Gehenna


MIDI: Vem Quente Que eu Estou Fervendo - Ersamo Carlos

DESCRIPTION: Just a "stronghold" level with some tunnels.

DOWNLOAD: Waist Deep v2 Download



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Update: Added Secret Exit, Changed Format no longer hexen format, adjustments made for lower difficulties.

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21 hours ago, Nikku4211 said:

Another one I had to give up. This map was so difficult.

Should I tone down the difficulty on this? What does @AtticTelephone think?

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On 6/21/2023 at 9:10 PM, Nikku4211 said:

Map 21 and 31, please.


On 6/26/2023 at 5:36 AM, gamingcooler said:

I'll take map 17


Have good mapping sessions.

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On 6/21/2023 at 11:30 PM, AtticTelephone said:

MAP16 for you.

Have a good mapping session.


Hey, sorry for the absence. Got a little caught up with other things and haven't had time to start mapping yet, but I'll get to it soon enough.

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Sorry for the triple post.


My map is done, unless there is a bug. Thanks to all the playtesters!


MAP TITLE: Sleep Dirt

MAP NUMBER: placed in MAP14

MIDI: Cascade.mid by AD_79

DESCRIPTION: A medium sized map with some difficult encounters and exploration. Both deathmatch, multiiplayer wiith extra enemies and ammo is supported but untested.

Edited by NeedHealth

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11 hours ago, Axuris said:

MAP06 V2:

Moved the SSG

+Added a Rocket Launcher

+Added more ammo for all skills




RUDE-Doom HNTR demo:



I really appreciated the extra ammo, though I didn't really use the rocket launcher. I also appreciated the new location for the SSG a bit.


I was struggling with the high amounts of enemies in the cramped space where you get the blue key, but then I realised I didn't even need the blue key in order to finish the level as I could fit through the opened yellow column with the blue column still closed.

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10 hours ago, Nikku4211 said:

as I could fit through the opened yellow column with the blue column still closed.

I suppose I'll leave that in as a quicker way of exiting if you're not going for 100% kills.

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Started map 16 today. Didn't see what other mappers made yet, so the textures might change. For now, the idea is a primarily a  bricky kind of place. Here's a view of the starting room:



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6 hours ago, Nikku4211 said:

How much detail is too much?

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Stuff like Support beams and alcoves with lights can go a long way in adding that little bit of detail, not too much detail, but still a good amount.
hell even like corpses, small amounts of nature stuff can also fall into that category.

Edited by Yop

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2 hours ago, Matt Eldrydge said:

More screenies. Anyone got tips for outdoors areas, specifically ones with lots of rocks?


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add trees that's a given. also see a brown area on the other side of the river, could put some brown stalagmite objects there.
Oh and if you're working with lots of rocks that can give you opportunities to weave it into gameplay however you'd go about doing that is up to you tho.

Edited by Yop
removed redundant sentence cos i can't read xd

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On 7/1/2023 at 7:44 AM, NeedHealth said:


Sorry for the triple post.


My map is done, unless there is a bug. Thanks to all the playtesters!


MAP TITLE: Sleep Dirt

MAP NUMBER: placed in MAP14

MIDI: Cascade.mid by AD_79

DESCRIPTION: A medium sized map with some difficult encounters and exploration. Both deathmatch, multiiplayer wiith extra enemies and ammo is supported but untested.



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Map name: WRFG

Map number: 21

MIDI: A Thousand Leagues Below by Jake Kaufman from Shovel Knight

Description: A short map set in a cave with bases. Some slight difficulty setting support. No multiplayer.

Download: MAP21.7z






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On 7/7/2023 at 10:14 PM, Matt Eldrydge said:

More screenies. Anyone got tips for outdoors areas, specifically ones with lots of rocks?


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Have a look at this video by Dragonfly which is a great tutorial for designing outdoor areas. I use this technique every time I want to do cliffs and such, this is more for scenery than gameplay I guess, but the principle applies - don't worry about making the shapes look perfect, you can smooth them out later with extra vertices once your geometry is settled.


Screenshots looking killer BTW!

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On 7/12/2023 at 1:58 PM, Somniac said:


Have a look at this video by Dragonfly which is a great tutorial for designing outdoor areas. I use this technique every time I want to do cliffs and such, this is more for scenery than gameplay I guess, but the principle applies - don't worry about making the shapes look perfect, you can smooth them out later with extra vertices once your geometry is settled.


Screenshots looking killer BTW!


On 7/7/2023 at 8:11 PM, Yop said:

add trees that's a given. also see a brown area on the other side of the river, could put some brown stalagmite objects there.
Oh and if you're working with lots of rocks that can give you opportunities to weave it into gameplay however you'd go about doing that is up to you tho.


Thanks to both of you! I managed to work on map 16 a little more and I'm happier with the overall feel of the main outdoors area now. Gameplay wise, it's definitely proving to be a bit on the tough and compact side - my idea is for it to be something of a break map, I guess? Something short that doesn't waste your time and gives plenty of thrills for its short runtime.


More screenies below:





I don't really do doomcute that often, but I think a single couch is fine, right? :P




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@AtticTelephone If you remember, could you @ me when this megawad is compiled? there is a part in my map that might fail if nodes are rebuild or the map is saved one more time.

Edited by NeedHealth

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