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I am a bad player, but I will beat your map (or give you a refund)

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In the same vein as The Lamp and others, I make this my official thread to receive your maps and make videos completing them.

The conditions are the following:

-The map you submit must have been made by you.
-You must indicate in each map the format and requirements. If you do not expressly indicate that it is necessary to jump, use freelook aiming, or crouch, I will play it with vanilla gameplay.
-I will only play maps that their creator is able to complete.
-I only accept individual maps. If you are interested in me playing a map from a mapset, please indicate it by its number.
-Since I will not be able to play immediately all the maps you send and I may accumulate queue, I will not accept new maps from someone who already has another request in the queue. When I complete that map, you will be able to make new requests.

-Post the link to download the wad in your submission. 
-My gameplay is mute as I am not fluent in English. If you want spoken comments while playing, please indicate it, but it will be in spanish.

Okay, ready, who's first?

Edited by RataUnderground

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Sure I love more videos!  I request "Foundation" map04  of my set MEAT MACHINE. Last map and its a long-ish slaughter map.  I say ish cuz it takes me average 25 mins to get through, but a blind run with saves and loads might take double that.  


Comp level 9 boom.  I tested it in prboom and gzdoom.  



Edited by Treehouseminis

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2 minutes ago, Treehouseminis said:

Sure I love more videos!  I request "Foundation" map04  of my set MEAT MACHINE. Last map and its a long-ish slaughter map.  I say ish cuz it takes me average 25 mins to get through, but a blind run with saves and loads might take double that.  


Comp level 9 boom.  I tested it in prboom and gzdoom.  


New requirement, post the link to download the wad in the thread! (I'll play it tomorrow) 

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9 minutes ago, RataUnderground said:


New requirement, post the link to download the wad in the thread! (I'll play it tomorrow) 

Wow my bad, I thought I pasted the link but I didnt.  My original comment is edited with the doomworld link

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Hi! It's nice to see another playtester in the group! I have a map that uses GZDoom and is a UDMF map, no crouching, no freelook and no jumping. It is MAP04 btw.
Have fun!


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Hey, would you mind to test this one? 

I don't really know what it's gonna be called, but for now it is "The Tunnels"

The map is in cl21 but if possible please play it on something that isn't dsda-doom because I've only tested it there and I want to make sure it works fine on other stuff, It uses map slot 19. Ah, y si puedes juégalo mientras lo comentas :P




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22 hours ago, Treehouseminis said:

Sure I love more videos!  I request "Foundation" map04  of my set MEAT MACHINE. Last map and its a long-ish slaughter map.  I say ish cuz it takes me average 25 mins to get through, but a blind run with saves and loads might take double that.  


Comp level 9 boom.  I tested it in prboom and gzdoom.  



This is such a bullshit map... I enjoyed anyway xD (1 hour 29 minutes, It may take some time to be uploaded )


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1 hour ago, RataUnderground said:

This is such a bullshit map... I enjoyed anyway xD (1 hour 29 minutes, It may take some time to be uploaded )


Yeah its more of a damn this is frustrating but fun type of map lol.  4/5 stars ill take it!  Thanks for playing, I just started watching it,and will finish it later tonight 

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On 5/29/2023 at 12:52 AM, GreenSlayer said:

Hi! It's nice to see another playtester in the group! I have a map that uses GZDoom and is a UDMF map, no crouching, no freelook and no jumping. It is MAP04 btw.
Have fun!


That was fun : ) The new enemy surprised me. The only thing that I really don't like about this map is the music. 


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On 5/29/2023 at 1:07 AM, OceanMadman said:

Hey, would you mind to test this one? 

I don't really know what it's gonna be called, but for now it is "The Tunnels"

The map is in cl21 but if possible please play it on something that isn't dsda-doom because I've only tested it there and I want to make sure it works fine on other stuff, It uses map slot 19. Ah, y si puedes juégalo mientras lo comentas :P





: )



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You can try E1M7 of my Confusion Constructions if you like. It's limit-removing Doom 1 (complevel 2 if port has it). No jumping, no crouching, no freelook. I can complete the map without saves in UV-speed (a demo can be found in the topic) but for UV-max I need saves. It's a battle map (not slaughter) that's low on health and ammo, but not so low that you'd need to punch monsters.

EDIT: I don't know what port you're using but it should work perfectly in Crispy and PrBoom+.



Edited by slowfade

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Would you accept a level a level that I also submitted to TheLamp?

Soorry, I got only one map under my belt so far

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@RataUnderground : )

Limit-removing, hectic & carnage-y but no slaughter, lot of environmental detailing, definitely completed and tested ad nauseam on Woof/Crispy

Edited by s4f3s3x

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2 hours ago, RataUnderground said:

Not my kind of game, sorry. Also, weird you included Chex Quest, Heretic, Hexen and Strife Assets in this. 

I mean it is a prototype after all, so things will get ironed out. Really glad you checked it out regardless!

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2 hours ago, s4f3s3x said:

@RataUnderground : )

Limit-removing, hectic & carnage-y but no slaughter, lot of environmental detailing, definitely completed and tested ad nauseam on Woof/Crispy

Stupid and fun or stupidly fun? Hard to say: )


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Here is my wad. You should play it on HMP to start. UV may be frustrating and hard :/




Tested on GZDooM and Crispy Doom.


May display tutti-frutti textures if ran in chocolate DooM (or dos).


There are 2 maps in this wad.


Meant for vanilla. (1 health bonus which is used as decoration can be obtained in GZDooM by jumping, but not in vanilla)

Edited by IHave10Shells

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15 hours ago, RataUnderground said:

Stupid and fun or stupidly fun? Hard to say: )



Thank you, it was nice to see your play! : )

The more playthroughs of this level I watch, the more I'm convinced I need to fix a couple of things: expecially make a more distinct connection to what the switch behind the Arachnotron refers to, and more importantly where the exit is! Everybody seems to have a hard time finding it, even if it's right there and available right from the start (in fact, if a player was fast enough I think it could end the level in less than 30 secs). Also I want the final fight to have spawns way more quickly.

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27 minutes ago, s4f3s3x said:


Thank you, it was nice to see your play! : )

The more playthroughs of this level I watch, the more I'm convinced I need to fix a couple of things: expecially make a more distinct connection to what the switch behind the Arachnotron refers to, and more importantly where the exit is! Everybody seems to have a hard time finding it, even if it's right there and available right from the start (in fact, if a player was fast enough I think it could end the level in less than 30 secs). Also I want the final fight to have spawns way more quickly.

The sector that opens the switch behind the aracnotron didn't confuse me, although it would help a bit if it was shaped like a portal, not a weird column of meat : p
Regarding the exit, yes, it took me a long time to figure it out. It's also true that I'm very bad at platforming.

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Perhaps you remember me, you played my first map: "Death's Garden", back when it first came out earlier this year.


That aside, my newest released map is a old-school style castle map, which takes Doom II's MAP02: "Underhalls" as a loose inspiration.



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26 minutes ago, volleyvalley said:



Perhaps you remember me, you played my first map: "Death's Garden", back when it first came out earlier this year.


That aside, my newest released map is a old-school style castle map, which takes Doom II's MAP02: "Underhalls" as a loose inspiration.



Nice, dark and comfy map, it doesn't remind me too mucho to underhalls, maybe because the castle theming, but I enjoyed nonetheless. 



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4 hours ago, RataUnderground said:

Nice, dark and comfy map, it doesn't remind me too mucho to underhalls, maybe because the castle theming, but I enjoyed nonetheless. 

Thanks for playing! You're one of the very few people, who found the SSG, for some reason, most people playing forgot it and played through the level with the single barrel.


I tried to get the mood and atmosphere of Underhalls, instead of copying it, see my original release post to understand what I'm talking about.

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Hey, would you mind to test this one too? I liked how you did it last time https://www.doomworld.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=228663

The Lamp already played this one, but I want someone's else opinion on it because I really want it to be as perfect as I can make it :P.


Once again, it is in cl21 and play it while doing commentary in spanish, please.

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54 minutes ago, OceanMadman said:

Hey, would you mind to test this one too? I liked how you did it last time https://www.doomworld.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=228663

The Lamp already played this one, but I want someone's else opinion on it because I really want it to be as perfect as I can make it :P.


Once again, it is in cl21 and play it while doing commentary in spanish, please.

Lo siento, no pude acabarlo. O bien está roto, o bien es demasiado desconcertante. 


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