spacelion88 Posted May 29, 2023 (edited) Spoiler hey everyone!! according to neo new age lore on the internet, the MANIFESTATION energy abilities are getting FASTER as the planet's ascending! Whoah weee!!! I've heard some amazing nobodies on TikTok proclaim that a psycho-spiritual cosmic force is soon to bombard the planet Earth in real life making it so that THOUGHTS WILL BECOME THINGS INSTANTLY! That means if you have a picture of an ice cream cone sitting on your desk, just looking at that picture could cause an actual real physical solid ice cream cone to FORM FROM the very DARK MATTER that permeates all of existence in the multiverse!! What THAT means is if that energy is real that those wild'n whacky TikTok kids are claiming then you might want to be cautious about playing Doom when the Cosmic Ascension Wave X 2.0 sweeps the Earth! You might just accidentally form a group of hellknights busting down your door. And they just wouldn't have been there if the sun turned purple and you looked at pictures of marshmellows instead. You want giant marshmellows??? Or ya want Hellknights?? Anyway I don't know if all that new age "law of attraction stuff" is true because I've been spending A LOT of time staring at legal pornography of mature consenting adults in healhty consensual situations all my life and those sorts of experiences havne't , uh... "manifested" yet. How strange. BUT WHERE DO YOU WANNA BE WHEN THE WORLD ENDS???? It's comin' up according to my friend on the street who's eyes are always rapidly jittering horizontally like a flashing neon gif. If there are exit points in various timelines, some esoteric robed blurs roaming the cathedral whispered to me near the rail room; they said : "shortly after the 1990's, all the images will be conjuring vessels for reality. Barny the Dinosaur will become a real life dinosaur in the flesh!! The tulpa manifestation process will be sped up from 9 months of intense concentration amidst fasting to simply 5 minutes of passive observation of an image!!!" Whaaaaat????? That's INSANE!!!!!! Well to be honest I can't vouch for much evidence. I've had about 900 sacred kundalini orgasms of cosmic sensual manifestation willpower whilst imagining this wild fantasy of a giantess succubus stomping this one building where these bad people live who did bad things ot me once. It's been a few years and no giant demon woman has come stomping through any city. Just those silly MMD videos you find floating around on various websites. So it seems to be we're safe from anything like the Stay-Puffed Marshmellow Man incident from the movie Ghost Busters. far no instantaneous magic manifestation has taken place. So I guess we're all safe just like in the 90's! hahaaaah! Play all the violent horror games you want and don't worry at all about the consequences! Just in case those fierce TikTok ramblers might be actually correctlyright in real life, well, then, here's this Doom wad, called "Star Haven: Getting High in the Afterlife." It's a revamped upgraded sequel to my previous "Star Haven" pk3 I released a few years back. What does it look like when you crossover from a traumatic war-like event? What kind of thought forms do the simple-minded masses melt into and unconsciously chisel around them? Three sacred extra-dimensional beings made of purple smoke appeared in my room and guided me to design hidden sacred geometry into these Doom maps such that there will be a hidden code that only certain occultists will uncover less than one hundred and fifteen years from the release of this crazy cartoonish mod. Nah just kidding This is all for entertainment purposes only. Right then, let's get into more detail for what exactly this is. You're all here in this forum post reading this, because YOU are the BEST of the BEST of the BEST. And whatever battles you fought and however many cyberdemons you had to rip and tear , it may have left some PTSD grooves in your DNA brain architecture. So if you feel like you need some spiritual guidance on how to be your own therapist from an independent spiritual perspective, I and several time-travelling scientists from a floating train station in the sky have designed this Doom wad to aide in the "decompression" phase for souls who've been recently relieved from an "End of the World" exit point. Have at it! <a href="" title="Download S T A R Haven GHIA - Mod DB" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="S T A R Haven GHIA" /></a> How to play this: 1) drag the file "S_T_A_R__GHIA.pk3" over gzdoom.exe 2) select freedoom2 as the iwad (included in this download) ( you can use any iwad you want but the new maps ONLY work with Freedoom2.wad.) basic gist: - "Star Haven" is about performing Energy Healing on spiritual dimensions. - You use light weapons to calm down frantic thought-forms. - This is a single player experience only for right now and I have only tested it on GZDoom so far. some things you should know about this Doom mod : Spoiler "Star Haven" wasn't exactly designed to be hugely challenging as a gameplay experience, aside from visual appeal and entertainment. As an animator and an artist my primary focus is on story telling, character design and setting. So the maps here probably won't blow anyone's mind but I have at least tested them through to make sure they're decent enough to run through and not be bored and. I have found the GZDoom and other ports to be very fulfilling creatively with what you can do with a lot of 2D artwork and textures. This is just something I got lost in , enjoyed putting it all together. So for those who may not be familiar with this project, the "Star Haven" doom mod (based on the web comic), is intended to play like a total conversion, where all the weapons, enemies and powerups line up exactly with vanilla Doom (Even though this mod is far from Vanilla compatible in so many ways). The basic premise however is that you take on the role of a spiritual light worker transgressing various dimensions that are populated by workaholic souls who don't know how to relax. As a light worker, you have to blast wandering thought-forms with mental clarity energy that forces them to take a step back and take a nap and re-assess the situation. Spoiler "Star Haven" itself is a spiritual realm between worlds where traumatized souls end up. You as the player will fluctuate randomly between physical places and spiritual realms, just like ghosts often do in real life. As with many ghosts in real life who don't know they're dead, the environment becomes a dream-like place of illogical architecture. This is all meant to be open to viewer interpretation. "Star Haven" is designed so you can replay old Doom wads you're familiar with, but with a completely different theme. You could say it's possibly similar to "Gloombusters" but with more of a spiritual/fantasy setting and more humanoid looking characters. You're basically exploring the spiritual realms of some of the physical locations where bloody battles took place between man and demon. However, although I love playing tons of Doom maps with this Star Haven "overlay,", there might be problems for some people. First of all there's a dancing mushroom girlnamed Flayce who's tripping on shrooms and when you do that in Star Haven you change sizes randomly. Flayce's superpower in the comic is that she can hypnotize others if she's not attracted to them. But in this Doom mod her super power is to dance around in multiplied forms in order to energetically heal the environment. It may not look like it but she's doing wonders to distract some deranged creatures and clean up some dirty energies! Flayce spawns around all the health bonuses, armor bonuses, and clips. She doesn't block projectiles or anything so it doesn't affect gameplay other than being in the way visually, which I like a lot, which is why i did it. But some people might not like that.. I first replaced the Candelabras with Flayce dancing, and then I found out that I liked having tons of Flayces dancing wildly around all the maps on mushrooms. It makes me very happy when I play this now. ...but some people may not like it. Fair warning. -The Blur Artifacts have all been replaced with glistening mini-stars that serve no other purpose than to be visually dazzling and light the area. The reason for this is personal : I survived an abusive relationship with an ex-girlfriend who used to use the Blur Artifact in real life to sneak around the house and steal my stuff so she could pay for her blue jabs. That relationship lasted only 2 weeks, because I was waiting to see if Putin would comment out the code for the blur artifact to keep spawning in her house. kept spawning every morning and I never used them because I'm not dishonest. So she can live in her house with her blur artifacts I want no part of them right now. Too many bad memories lol. Spoiler -One problem I haven't figured out is that the Arachnotron and Mancubus replacements (hollywood spider and barbarian baboon), don't activate the tag666 properly on map07. I have included +BOSSDEATH & A_BossDeath in the DECORATE code & also commented them out and it seems to not make a difference. So after defeating all the Hollywood Spider Babies and the 4-armed Barbarian Baboons on map07 you may have to jump at the platform to exit the level. crouching is disabled for this mod but jumping might be necessary at times, so lighten your load and practice some parkour! Anwyay here's info on the maps : Spoiler The first map shows us Traviel Pinedancer living in a mortal flesh body on one of the "Custodian's Terrariums," (cause you guys know everytime they nuke these places the Dark-City Shadow People just put everyone to sleep and move them to another flat earth right?). Pamela the Afterlife Goddess sends Traviel and his friend Flayce to physical Earth to do cosmic light work and they do NOT like it. Earth is a gross place, a "second chakra" planet coated in red-orange dirty toxicity of retarded mutants. But it's still a place worth saving acording to the Galactic Federation of Light & Friends. Traviel is not happy about getting nuked, since he had conspiracy theory videos lined up on VoidTube, but he's pretty relieved to get to just leave physical reality and go back to being a breatharian. (no more need for food) Before the mushroom cloud , The artificial civilization has been destablized enough by tons of shamans who have been reincarnated into a profoundly sick society, amongst those retarded mutants. Unconcious wizards conjured the means to end all life. As soon as the nukes hit, a holographic screenshot is taken of a fiery orange limbo. It's very interesting what can happen when you nuke a city. So many souls at once not knowing they're dead. It generates and entire astral formation from collective belief. This is what you're tasked with escaping at the beginning of the game. Once you escape the Purgatory Party Entrance Spectacular Adventure Scene, you can re-visit the Hydro Electric Plant from the Freedoom2. Now there's a whole city outside. Explore through the streets and alleys and make your way to the highway, crossing over a dirt bridge and into a squatter's den where you'll see a cutscene about Traviel's crazy-ass ex girlfriend. The episode titled "Retracing Steps" contains maps created by my late friend Corey Roamer. He recently died from a Fentynal stroke, which shocked me because I never thought he messed with any of stuff, just beer and weed. Years ago Corey told me "if I ever get f****ed up make sure you do stuff with my Doom wads." So I found some of his old weird Doom wads and revamped some of his maps for this episode. One of Corey's maps that really turned out pretty nice is the "Red Clock Research Facility." (MAP809). Corey had high hopes for his "Red Clock" series, it was going to have cutscenes showing FreeDoomGuy jumping out of a train, interrogating characters in the backrooms, and uncovering information about the mysterious Red Clock. But then he died in real life. The "Red Clock Research Facility" is a military base located far out in remote forest areas, and has portals to other worlds. Freedoomguy was busy searching for a mysterious individual who supposedly possessed the means to stop the mysterious "Red Clock." This individual deliberately hid himself in purgatory, where he likes to stay. He has a nice house there. Freedoomguy meets up with Traviel and Flayce briefly in the "Nother World," (i haven't made that cutscene yet), and it's funny cause FreeDoomGuy just arrived from the Red Clock Research Facility, whereas Traviel and Flayce are going there to escape the purgatorial backrooms. Anyway I have tested "The RedClock Research Facility" on all difficulties with pistol-starts and it's super fun on the next to hardest difficulty (Ultra Violence in Doom2, Wild Drug Trip in this mod). You have to really keep moving, run around corners and grab the weapons just in time. The back area outside behind the base might be a bit confusing at first but just look around and you'll get a feel for what's going on. Just have to defeat Pamela (The cyberdemon replacement) and a door will open to the exit path. The first episodes have a linear single player campaign. After that I have a bunch of weird large empty maps , some of which might be fully playable but I haven't tested them through so play at your own risk. They are in being developmented and stuff. I included them because I myself very much enjoy exploring doomers' unfinished maps. Also you are free to re-use any assets (made by me) in any way you want in your own projects, as long as you credit me and link to Brian Leostar the animator and the the "Star Haven" gumroad link as well as this mod. you can buy my comics from -That means my maps, if yo want to edit them, change them, add to them, copy paste etc. have at it! -Only thing I'm asking is please do not take my characters and throw them into "Grezzo" style gore-filled doom wad or something like that. The maps are fine, you can use them in your bloodiest brutal doom 64 games. In fact one of the ideas behind this project was that the light workers travel through environments that carry the trauma of war, and their purpose is to heal the energy there, and help the traumatized souls cross over or relax. but I do NOT want to see someone using a rocket launcher on the dancing girl or the star ladies for example. That would be really messed up. This is intended to be a "PG" level of violence. If for some reason someone REALLY wants to do that, well, we all have free will. As an artist I fully respect if someone is compelled to do what they're going to do expressive-wise. I'm only ASKING you not to, pretty please, that's all. It's a Doom wad, and the internet exists. I doubt the creators of Pokemon hoped to see their Pikachu in a doom wad one day getting brutally skull-fucked by close range shotgun pellets around every hallway. HOWEVER, go to my youtube channel and you will see my opinion on free-speech. I am pro-1st amendment above all else. I would literally DIE in real life fighting for free speech for anyone to be a rude abnoxious vulgar deviant misanthrope clown-troll on the internet, so that we could have free energy technology and prevent cancer. You tolerate free speech, and you counter bad speech with better words NOT stifled communication. You can say what you want, you can draw what you want, rule34 it up, saw it up, if you REALLY want to. sometimes people are compelled to do things. Vince Li REALLY wanted to rip that guy's intestines out on that bus in Canada and now he's walkin' free. True story. I seen it on Law and Crime channel on Youtube in real life. But that was mental illness. He believed he was defending Earth from an evil alien. if you have any questions please email me although keep in mind if I don't reply right away it's because I'm busy using a BFG9000 on the "Nuts" amount of shitty spam scam bots I've been swarmed by in my inbox. But I try to reply to people all ways always Edited May 29, 2023 by spacelion88 link not embedded properly 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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