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[RC4.0 - mostly final release] Cleanout – A Boom compatible Ultimate Doom slaughter wad

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12 hours ago, epicyolomaster420 said:

Great news everyone! After what feels like forever this megawad is finaly fully finished and complete. It may have taken over 2 years and 1100 hours to get here (100 from everyone else involved in the project: @Proxy-MIDI, @AnArchaicApparatus, @DavidN, @Razza, @Herr Dethnout, @Philnemba, @noob_killer012345678  & 1000 by yours truly), but it was worth it. It is now about as close to perfection as I can make it, is something both I and all of you can truly be proud of and is (at least for me) a magnum opus of the highest order, comparable to only the most high quality megawads such as Sunlust, Eviternity, Heartland and even Sunder. I could not have done it without all of you however so consider this my final thank you (speaking to everyone who I've pinged so far)! I hope everyone likes playing this megawad as much as I liked working on it!

And while I'm on the subject of people liking this megawad I would like to call out a person who I think would really quite like it and a person who' s feedback on this (not so) humble project of mine (ours) would mean the world to me. The person I am talking about is @MtPain27. You see I am a huge Dean of Doom fan and have watched more or less every single Dean of Doom WAD review episode that was ever been put out on YouTube. Moreover I have even tried to encompass every bit of feedback the good dean has ever given out on the WAD's featured in the show into the design of this megawad, so MtPain27 if you are reading this, know that (if this isn't too much too ask) I would love nothing more than to see Cleanout get it's very own Dean of Doom episode (apart from Cleanout getting a cacoward of course, though I know that's out of both your and my control - maybe you can put in a good word for Cleanout to your veiwers though...)



I think "Cleanout" will be mentionned at least for the cacoward. This deserves it. ;)

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24 minutes ago, Proxy-MIDI said:


I think "Cleanout" will be mentionned at least for the cacoward. This deserves it. ;)

Thanks. I certainly think it deserves at least that too (though if it were up to me I'd give this a full cacoward and not just a mention...). 

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Just so everyone is aware I found some more minor issues in the levels and corrected them. I made many little small fixes, but neither of them change too much in terms of gameplay. The fixes were saved directly into the zip's that the OneDrive share links go to (one of the benefits of having a OneDrive folder constantly synking with the cloud and having the zips with the wads shared via a share link - I can just open the zips & make changed into them directly via Slade instead of having to rezip and reupload every time. Now that I think about it I really wish I thought of this kind of arrangment sooner, lol...).

Also just wanted to throw out 2 terms I've been thinking of using to describe this wad since the very start of it's but for some reason never did: 

1. I often like to think of this wad as "The Sunder of Ultimate Doom" (for obvious reasons...) AND

2.  I often use the term "Cleanout quality" when comparing other levels of mine to those I made for this project, as most of these maps are very high quality and some are even my finest work.

Not sure if either of these 2 will stick but I just wanted to throw them out anyway. Use them as you please (so long as it's not for talking trash...).

Edited by epicyolomaster420

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I played a few maps of these and I'll admit thinking this was going to be some kind of trashy TimeofDeath knockoff. And while it's not like the combat and design is exactly streamlined, it definitely doesn't feel like that in the maps I played at least! It definitely does the Hell Revealed thing of not necessarily throwing swarms at the player right away. Industrial Zone (E1M5) had some really good ideas specifically. Plus, the modified Lost Souls really forces you to reevaluate the best plan of attack! Finally, that's a very snazzy soundtrack!

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3 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:

I played a few maps of these and I'll admit thinking this was going to be some kind of trashy TimeofDeath knockoff. And while it's not like the combat and design is exactly streamlined, it definitely doesn't feel like that in the maps I played at least! It definitely does the Hell Revealed thing of not necessarily throwing swarms at the player right away. Industrial Zone (E1M5) had some really good ideas specifically. Plus, the modified Lost Souls really forces you to reevaluate the best plan of attack! Finally, that's a very snazzy soundtrack!

I'm glad you liked it and also want you to know that the further into the megawad you get, the bigger, more ambitious and better the maps get, so if my assumption (that you've only played phase1 and maybe a part of 2) is correct then you still have a lot left to see & experience. Phase 4 in particular is quite unique in terms of doom1 map design at least (I've never seen anyone else ever make such big & Sunder like maps all with 4 digit kill counts for Ultimate Doom before), so I suggest you check it out. Also just out of curiosity: Which soundtrack are you reffering to here (the original or the un-original one)?

Edited by epicyolomaster420
fixed typo

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21 minutes ago, LadyMistDragon said:

The Original one! :D)

Then in that case you & I both have Proxy-MIDI and AnArchaicApparatus to thank for that. They're the ones who made it, though I too made a contibution in the form of deciding which song should go to which map (only some were written for specific levels). 

Also nice profile pic. I wonder where you got it (I had to go to trouble of making mine...).

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On 11/7/2023 at 9:38 PM, epicyolomaster420 said:

Great news everyone! After what feels like forever this megawad is finaly fully finished and complete. It may have taken over 2 years and 1100 hours to get here (100 from everyone else involved in the project: @Proxy-MIDI, @AnArchaicApparatus, @DavidN, @Razza, @Herr Dethnout, @Philnemba, @noob_killer012345678  & 1000 by yours truly), but it was worth it. It is now about as close to perfection as I can make it, is something both I and all of you can truly be proud of and is (at least for me) a magnum opus of the highest order, comparable to only the most high quality megawads such as Sunlust, Eviternity, Heartland and even Sunder. I could not have done it without all of you however so consider this my final thank you (speaking to everyone who I've pinged so far)! I hope everyone likes playing this megawad as much as I liked working on it!

And while I'm on the subject of people liking this megawad I would like to call out a person who I think would really quite like it and a person who' s feedback on this (not so) humble project of mine (ours) would mean the world to me. The person I am talking about is @MtPain27. You see I am a huge Dean of Doom fan and have watched more or less every single Dean of Doom WAD review episode that was ever been put out on YouTube. Moreover I have even tried to encompass every bit of feedback the good dean has ever given out on the WAD's featured in the show into the design of this megawad, so MtPain27 if you are reading this, know that (if this isn't too much too ask) I would love nothing more than to see Cleanout get it's very own Dean of Doom episode (apart from Cleanout getting a cacoward of course, though I know that's out of both your and my control - maybe you can put in a good word for Cleanout to your veiwers though...)! 


@MtPain27 I just thought I'd remind you, now that you're online, that I gave you a ping about this megawad in this post of mine that I'm guessing you haven't seen yet (or at least haven't responded to). I hope I'm not being a pest, but I just wanted you to see it!

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4 minutes ago, s4f3s3x said:

Hey, uhm... where's a download link for RC3.0?

The download links are right here (in the opening post of the thread - under the screenshots section and above the credits & embeded Nirvana combat design tutorial video). 

On 6/1/2023 at 5:58 AM, epicyolomaster420 said:


Cleanout: Original soundtrack - ost (composed specifically for this project):


Cleanout: Un-original soundtrack - ust (songs selected for the maps from other WADs and games):


Edited by epicyolomaster420
added quote

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4 minutes ago, epicyolomaster420 said:

The download links are right here (in the opening post of the thread - under the screenshots section and above the credits & embeded Nirvana combat design tutorial video). 

 Oh. I thought they were only donwloads of the OST, not the levels.

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2 hours ago, Maribo said:

Man... don't go repeatedly pinging someone in attempts to get them to review your WAD. If they think it's interesting enough on its own, then they'll get to it on their own time.

OK I get the memo. I won't ping people like that anymore.


2 hours ago, Maribo said:

Also, I don't know if you know about this, but uh... It's not really kosher to wholesale copy pieces of existing maps without the permission of the authors, even if you write down what you copied. The Sunder text file perfectly allows it, so you're fine there, but you've also got stuff in here from Profane Promiseland, Sunlust, and Going Down - of which, the latter two expressly forbid their reuse in their idgames text files and the former's RC1 readme doesn't have any clause regarding reuse/remix permissions at all. Your text file indicates that you only contacted I_G about the Sunder portions, and I've spoken to Dubzzz and he says he was never contacted about the Profane Promiseland pieces, which means that you've straight up copied material made by 4 or 5 other mappers without even asking them.

Yea I know, but I thought that if I changed what I copied enough and then went to the trouble of acknowledging who and where I copied it from that it would be enough to make it OK. I also never thought to read the WAD README's. If despite all this I still somehow did upset anyone, than I am sorry about it, but also don't really care enough to go do any drastic redesigns. I already spent more than enough time on this WAD as is.

2 hours ago, Maribo said:

Ripping from other WADs aside - what's the reason that the big OTEX pack couldn't be trimmed down to what's used in the actual WAD and compiled together into the two separate soundtrack versions? Looking at the OP of this thread is like reading a massive wall of text, with two separate places to download the essential resource pack and the actual WAD containing the maps itself, sandwiched between the general info and a screen-space dominating music credits list.

There is a very good reason actually and that is that I have no idea how to compile a list of all the textures from OTEX used in the WAD and then copy-paste only the textures from said list into the WAD itself short of either doing it manually for every single one of the levels (which would be a gigantic amount of work that I don't feel any need or want for doing) or using doom tools which are way too advanced for me and I also have no intention/interest of learning how to use. I will consider moving the download links closer to the download link of the modified OTEX wad though, so if nothing else I at least thank you for suggesting that.

2 hours ago, Maribo said:

And maybe I'm just nitpicking now, but come on, man:

On 8/27/2022 at 8:18 PM, epicyolomaster420 said:

Have any of you ever set out on a project so ambitious that it took on a life of its own and ended up getting too much for you? I for one certainly have and this is most certainly one of them. [...]

Yes you are nitpicking. I see nothing wrong or untrue about that sentence and I meant every single word of it!

2 hours ago, Maribo said:
On 11/7/2023 at 9:38 PM, epicyolomaster420 said:

[...] It may have taken over 2 years and 1100 hours to get here (100 from everyone else involved in the project & 1000 by yours truly) [...]

[...] this (not so) humble project of mine (ours) would mean the world to me. [...]

Don't do this weird mine (actually ours) + highlighting working hours shit. The WAD wouldn't even be complete if you didn't open it up to others, and at that point it is just as much their work as it is yours.

OK I will admit that the project wouldn't be where it's currently at without the help of others & will even go as far as to say that it's almost as much other people's project as it is my own, but I do not see any issues in highlighting just how many hours I invested into it relative to everyone else. It's something I find perfectly natural and even important to mention so if you don't like it I suggest you find a way to deal with it!

2 hours ago, Maribo said:

dubbing yourself the "Sunder of Ultimate Doom"... I dunno man

First of I'm not dubbing myself as the "Sunder of Ultimate Doom", but am saying that for the megawad. Secondly I find no issue in giving it this tittle and fully stand by it!

2 hours ago, Maribo said:

Your last few posts in this thread don't really cast a favorable view on this WAD

I strongly disagree! I'm coming off exactly the way I want to be. If you or anyone else doesn't like how I communicate than that is not my problem. I've already spent enough of my life worrying about what people think to continue caring about how I may come off to some people. I've learned that no matter how much you tread on eggshells you will always end up being not liked by some people so I've decided I will no longer give a shit about them hatters!

I do admit you raised some helpful points and that maybe this reply is therefore a bit too harsh and confrontational, but some parts of your post really did rub me the wrong way so I just couldn't bring myself to write it any nicer than this.

Also in case anyone may have gotten the impression that me refusing to do some of the things I wrote about in this post means I am lazy, please know that I am not. I am simply burned out from working on this project (as I have been almost countless times throught it's development) and just want it to finaly be over so that I can move on with my life. If you don't believe me than I encourage you to start a project like this of your own and see for yourself how hard it is too put 1000 hours into something (especialy if you didn't plan to be investing anywhere near that many). I can almost guarentee you that you will believe me then and not feel a need to judge afterwords...


That's all for now!

Edited by epicyolomaster420
fixed typo

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Since the thread got re-open I had restored the download links.

I will admit I did go a bit too far with the copy-pasting and that I really should have read the README's before doing it too see if it's even allowed but it's all fixed now so whatever...

Enjoy the WAD's I guess...


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Very exciting news everyone: I've just made a super epic trailer for Cleanout that I wanted to get out to all of you: https://clipchamp.com/watch/P4pwxQeJudD. Not bad for 3 hours work... (I'm not joking - I legit managed to slap this masterpeice together and record all the footage for it in only 3 hours)

Also I've made some relatively significant changes to the last 4 maps (E4M5-E4M8) and would like to apologize for my low motivation and I don't give a shit attitude that I've displayed in my last couple of post. I just didn't like being so publicaly called out for my mistake and forced to do all that extra work that I had to, even though it ultimately proved to be a good thing (as it not only resulted in all these changes I've made to these last 4 maps and the trailer, but also saw me find some progression errors in the maps that I had to replace the copy-pasted bits in - namely E3M2...).

I hope this super epic trailer and these modifications are enough to make you all forgive me... 

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3 hours ago, epicyolomaster420 said:

I just didn't like being so publicaly called out for my mistake and forced to do all that extra work that I had to, even though it ultimately proved to be a good thing (as it not only resulted in all these changes I've made to these last 4 maps and the trailer, but also saw me find some progression errors in the maps that I had to replace the copy-pasted bits in - namely E3M2...)

You're upset that you got caught, and you haven't even fixed the plurality of what people are taking issue with. P1M4 (and by continuity extension P1M5) still rip the starting room of The Singing Void from Sunder wholesale because I can only assume you thought it looked cool.



I can't even understand the story as to why P1M5 and P1M6 have a nearly identical section (near the start of P1M5) but given your track record I can only assume that not even your fellow guestmappers are safe from having pieces snatched for your maps. Personally I would be livid. That's not even considering P1M7 and P1M8 lifting IWAD geometry under the guise of making references, which is out of my scope. 



Your attitude and grandeur that you apply to this wad does not at all match up with what's actually going on in the maps. I won't even touch on the quality, all hovering around various levels of "my first map", but rather the asinine belief that you're making something on the scale of Sunder while actively stealing from it. Your ideas about reuse are wrong, the vast majority of this site is against them, and you have no chance of lasting if you continue to freeboot people's work. 

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4 hours ago, epicyolomaster420 said:

I just didn't like being so publicaly called out for my mistake and forced to do all that extra work

I can't find the right words to properly describe how shady and self-serving I've found most of your posts to be in this thread so far, but what I will say is that I'm glad I didn't join this project as I was considering doing around when it started. I wasn't a fan of how most of the slots were already taken by you and that it seemed like you just wanted others to finish the rest for you, at least that was my take away.

It really looks like I dodged a bullet, especially as you've been calling it "the Sunder of Ultimate Doom" whilst stealing geometry from Sunder, and other wads at that. The fact you still have copypasted stuff from existing wads doesn't line up very well with attributing yourself 1000 hours of the work on this wad, does it.

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4 hours ago, General Roasterock said:

You're upset that you got caught, and you haven't even fixed the plurality of what people are taking issue with. P1M4 (and by continuity extension P1M5) still rip the starting room of The Singing Void from Sunder wholesale because I can only assume you thought it looked cool.

Yes I thought it looked cool so I used it! As far as I'm concerned though that's perfectly okay as 1. Insane_Gazebo allows it (as I have spoken to him about it) and 2. The Sunder README says and I quote:


* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. Seriously, go have some fun! It's not like I'm getting paid for this.


Also I fixed what I needed to fix to get the wad back on the site and rectify my mistake of copy-pasting from wads that don't allow it. As far as wads that do allow it are concerned I see no issues in leaving those sections there, especialy because IN MOST CASES I AT LEAST MADE THE EFFORT OF RETEXTURING AN/OR CHANGING THE GEOMETRY AROUND before I called it a day so as far as I'm concerned that makes it even less of a problem! If you or any else has a problem with that than that's your problem not mine!

4 hours ago, General Roasterock said:

I can't even understand the story as to why P1M5 and P1M6 have a nearly identical section (near the start of P1M5) but given your track record I can only assume that not even your fellow guestmappers are safe from having pieces snatched for your maps. Personally I would be livid. That's not even considering P1M7 and P1M8 lifting IWAD geometry under the guise of making references, which is out of my scope. 

Again I thought it looked cool so I used it. AnArchaicApparatus already told me they don't mind so again I see no issue in this. Also people make stuff that looks very much like stuff from the IWAD's all the time so again I see no issues. Also I changed up what was copied more than enough so yeah...

4 hours ago, General Roasterock said:

Your attitude and grandeur that you apply to this wad does not at all match up with what's actually going on in the maps. I won't even touch on the quality, all hovering around various levels of "my first map", but rather the asinine belief that you're making something on the scale of Sunder while actively stealing from it. Your ideas about reuse are wrong, the vast majority of this site is against them, and you have no chance of lasting if you continue to freeboot people's work. 

Big disagree there, especialy with what your saying about the quality of the levels. Some of these maps (of mine) are absolute masterpeices, as far as I'm concerned. Also if the vast majority of this site is in disagreement with me than I suppose I'm not going to use this site anymore and go somewhere else. I don't intend on letting my view's get challenged by haters such as yourself!

3 hours ago, knifeworld said:

I can't find the right words to properly describe how shady and self-serving I've found most of your posts to be in this thread so far, but what I will say is that I'm glad I didn't join this project as I was considering doing around when it started. I wasn't a fan of how most of the slots were already taken by you and that it seemed like you just wanted others to finish the rest for you, at least that was my take away.

It really looks like I dodged a bullet, especially as you've been calling it "the Sunder of Ultimate Doom" whilst stealing geometry from Sunder, and other wads at that. The fact you still have copypasted stuff from existing wads doesn't line up very well with attributing yourself 1000 hours of the work on this wad, does it.

Your problem, not mine.

3 hours ago, Nirvana said:



Since I couldn't find any information about who made the track (becuase there was none) and it was available right from the suggested music page and was free and in an official microsoft video editor I can only assume that the person that made it knew & consented with the fact that people are going to use it in they're videos and share them around (since that's the whole bloody point of the app in the first place) and that the song is therefore copyright free and that the author doesn't want to be / care about being credited by name. If my asumptions are incorrect and the author still somehow expected people to try to find they're name in spite of none being provided and respect copyright even though the damn track can be freely used by everyone and there is no warning of it's use than they are a complete idiot, who deserved to have this sort of thing happen to them! Therefore I see no issue with what I wrote!

3 hours ago, LoatharMDPhD said:


Again, if you think this wad or even the trailer is a knock off than that's your problem, not mine! I put a lot of effort into making as many areas as original as I could, only copy-pasted when I ran out of ideas/time and even then made an effort to change up what I copy-pasted so it's not completely identical, and if people don't see that than that's just sad...

2 hours ago, baja blast rd. said:

The link in the video doesn't work. I clicked it and everything. 



That's because it's not a link embeded in the video (as I don't know how to insert those and truth be told, didn't even think of making it that while making the trailer), but rather a link you're suppose to re-type in to your browser and then follow. I thought that would be obvious when clicking on the link didn't do anything.

Edited by epicyolomaster420
fixed typo

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4 hours ago, knifeworld said:

The fact you still have copypasted stuff from existing wads doesn't line up very well with attributing yourself 1000 hours of the work on this wad, does it.

Actually it's 1100.

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3 minutes ago, Ravendesk said:

Actually it's 1100.

1100 hours is the total number of hours spent on the wad when accounting for other people's time investment as well. 1000 hours is just the amount I invested myself, so he is right there.

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3 hours ago, epicyolomaster420 said:

Also if the vast majority of this site is in disagreement with me than I suppose I'm not going to use this site anymore and go somewhere else. I don't intend on letting my view's get challenged by haters such as yourself!

Your problem, not mine.


I can understand that you feel attacked by a mob and want to fight back to defend yourself. 


This arguing is not the way mate. 

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