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[RC4.0 - mostly final release] Cleanout – A Boom compatible Ultimate Doom slaughter wad

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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, Razza said:

I can't believe I'm having to say this, but did you really take a part of my removed map and stick it in your e1m9 replacement?






Your replacement is on the left in these images, mine is on the right. I never gave you permission to use any parts of my map in this replacement, and you never reached out to me to ask if it was ok (not that I would've said yes). This is the exact shit that people dragged you in the mud for and why I wanted my map removed. Why? What makes you think doing this is okay?

To be brutally honest (which I suppose is what this situation calls for) I did indeed have this area copy pasted in the editor to start with, but I then made changes long before ever pushing a release, that I thought were substancial enough to set it apart. I removed all the intricate, hard to draw details and areas, retextured everything and even changed the layout somewhat and added another cage from which the demons come from and in my book this made the area diffrent enough to rightfully label as something based on your map rather than something stolen or as some people are calling it plagiorised, which brings me to my next point, which is that:

12 hours ago, Terrcraft said:

you said that that you "changed the geometry" but what does that mean really? change of texture, monsters? move a few sectors?

that is exactly what I did, though I did not even think to consider it plagiorism as all of you are saying that it is. It seems I have a very diffrent view on what I consider to be plagiorism than everyone else does...

I will admit that I did for a second consider that it may not be OK, but then couldn't stop thinking how it would be nice to get the megawad wraped up by the end of the year (2023) or if not then at least ASAP after that, so I convinced myself that it is OK and even thought of it as a nice, efficient and clever shortcut for a time. I let my ambition and desire to wrap things up blind me again and I am sorry for that.

12 hours ago, Terrcraft said:

you cant create

That's not true. I can create I just don't have much time for doing it so I often find myself resorting to short-cuts such as these and not stopping long to think whetever or not what I'm doing is OK.

12 hours ago, Terrcraft said:

you are untrustworthy, and i wont be suprised to see a ban in your future

No I'm not. I just get blinded by my ambition and desire to get shit done quick sometimes, so I take shortcuts to success and even not consider if such shortcuts are "by the (rule) book" sometimes. This is also my official answer to this question:

12 hours ago, Terrcraft said:

Whats your method i ask?

 I know this isn't the best way of doing things and that it comes across as untrustworthy at times but it's just in my nature and not something I know how to change...

11 hours ago, roadworx said:

i probably should've listened to everyone saying that you were full of shit, in hindsight. i figured that since you're a kid (and you are a kid, for fuck sake no adult adds the months to their age lmfao) that maybe you were just misguided and needed to be humbled, but no, you're just an asshole


11 hours ago, roadworx said:

you're just as conceited, manipulative, and incapable of creative thought as you had originally come off as

Big disagree on both those points as I never wanted to break anyone's trust, be manipulative in any way to anyone or be an asshole but just genuinly did not consider what I'm doing to be wrong in any way.


11 hours ago, roadworx said:

the worst part for me is that i actually defended you elsewhere after you had "apologized" because i thought that maybe once you wisened up and started taking this more seriously, you could become someone pretty cool and actually start making some really neat stuff

I'm sorry you feel that way, though I will have you know that I did actually learn something then (more specificaly that copy pasting entire areas and just retexturing things is not OK and that just mentioning you copy-pasted something in the credits and who you did it from does not make doing so OK either) so I do still consider that the experience did wise me up a bit and genuinly think I was on my way towards making great and original stuff in the future. I just have not learned yet that even building an area out of someone else's isn't OK either if done without permission.


I will therefore change the last P1M9 area from what it currently is to something that looks nothing like that area (or any other) from Razza's level and also search the rest of the wad for other instances of this, though I can say even from a cursory glance that if even these kind of areas aren't OK that I still have a lot of work to do...


Again I'm sorry if I upset anyone by what I did, but I let myself get blinded by my desire to wrap this project up as soon as possible again. I suppose I just got to learn once and for all that such huge projects can not be rushed and that the shortcuts I often take in defiance of that can upset people sometimes. 

Edited by epicyolomaster420
fixed typo

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Posted (edited)
39 minutes ago, epicyolomaster420 said:

I will admit that I did for a second consider that it may not be OK, but then couldn't stop thinking how it would be nice to get the megawad wraped up by the end of the year (2023) or if not then at least ASAP after that, so I convinced myself that it is OK and even thought of it as a nice, efficient and clever shortcut for a time. I let my ambition and desire to wrap things up blind me again and I am sorry for that.

listen to yourself man. you know what you are doing is wrong and you do it anyway. You can't seem to help yourself. Literally nobody would give a fuck, if it took months, years or whatever to make it your own work. who is pushing for cleanout to get released asap? who?

Edited by Terrcraft

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