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Feedback on WIP Level

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I just finished the earliest iteration of a level for an upcoming Doom Project and wanted to see what everyone thought, I have play-tested it several times, and have had others inspect it for flaws, only UV is implemented for the time being and it replaces E1M1 in the file I have attached below, only a limit-removing source port is needed.


Leave me any feedback!



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I gave the level a quick spin, here's some thoughts I've had:


- This feels very much like an old-school E1M1/MAP01 opener for a bigger wad.

- The combat is simple but still good, you can just run through the level killing everything which is always fun.

- There are no secrets, though - there should be at least one, it's a staple of opener maps like this.


- It's not very clear that the first green switch opens the hidden door in the first area. I mean, there's not much else you can do other than go there at that point in the stage, but it should still be a bit more obvious. If I were you I would give the hidden door a "suspicious"-looking texture, make the tiny room inside more bright and give it a distinct look (f.eg. blue walls) so that the player immediately notices it on their way back.

- You should synchronize all the lever switches so that they start in an "up" position. As it is now it's inconsistent.

- A Chaingun or Rocket Launcher would be nice for dealing with those Barons at the end. Or maybe both - one could be in a secret, and the other in the middle of the enemy group that appears.

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It looks nice, I like the shades/lighting. I agree with Tiramisu on mostly everything. Since this is supposed to be first level in your poroject, I understand if you want to reveal bigger guns in later levels. However, you should accustome the enemies to that, I would change the barons for cacodemons.
One more tip I would have: make it less "blocky", there is too much right angles for my taste. I like very much how the dark hallway is made, the south one. Try adding more interesting geometry like that to the level. A great example could be a red key area, look how Doom II Entryway's outside area looks, and by that I mean in shape, not in size. Or the whole room would be a bit more interesting, if the red key was on octagonal pedistal, not on square one, try it and see for yourself! But afterall that's up to personal taste, there's nothing wrong if you like it/want it how it is.

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A super fun beta build of a tech map! I do love the atmosphere the map has and the map being tight actually works in its favour. Difficulty is balanced well with the resources given and I enjoyed blasting my way through this map! There are a few gripes I have so far:


For one... Barons... Unlike DooM 2 where they're super easy to take down in DooM 1 you NEED a plasma rifle, BFG or rocket launcher! Or at the very least a chaingun and some bullets. Sadly, you're not given one so I just wormed my way past the pair of them to get to the exit.


And secondly, the red key is in what looks like a semi mandatory secret (I say semi since none are tagged). Glad I read the previous reviews first or I'd be lost, not sure as to what the switch did. Maybe you could add an extra small area to one side to grab the red key and add a rocket launcher in that original key room as a secret? Or possibly move the switch to one side so we can see through some windows and be like "A-ha! A door has opened!" Just an idea though. :3

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Its a cool little map, the texturing and lighting was very well done with some nice shadows. I liked the CEMENT room a lot and the fight in there was good, though the Soulsphere could maybe be replaced with medkits, and at least a chaingun (w/ maybe a secret rocket launcher) would make it a bit better for taking on the two Barons.


Layout wise, the map feels like it goes in sort of a straight line, with some backtracking. That in itself isn't a bad thing, and it kinda works for an opening map, but it makes the space feel more immersive and flows better if you revisit areas from different directions. You could have parts of it loop back round to areas you've already visited (the nukage pool room with the Imps for example), this could be as simple as rotating some bits and adding some more corridors, maybe adding a new area to bridge any gap you come across. 


There's no secret, you may want to add one but personally I don't think its absolutely necessary tbh.

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Thanks fellas! All very useful and straightforward suggestions, I’ll try to change the map a bit to match your feedback, you should be seeing this level at some point in the near future in a more fleshed out project.

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I took a look at it and here's my review on it. Please note that this is my own option and not someone else's and all i'm doing is giving feed back on it so no hard feeling or getting mad at me for my options, I feel like i need to put this here because some times i can get be a little too honest but with that disclammer out of the way here's my feed back on this wad you made.


I played it and i did like it, it felt like a E1M1 map you'll see in someone solo or community project. The combat is fine but i do have one issue though but i will get to that soon enough. It did not feel like it was all over the place, it did not have any un escape able traps, it didn't have the bullshit "hit this switch and run around to hit another switch" gimmick, the layout was good overall. 


Now the bad parts: Felt too short for a E1M1 well yet again it's supposed to be short but i felt like it needed to be a bit longer. Another problem i had was barons in the first map. I won't lie, i kinda got a bit mad and disappointed since i don't like putting barons in the first map...unless your trying to do a " What if plutoina was made in doom 1 and not doom 2?" style. The last one and this is a personal nit pick from me is the midi. Oh man for some reason that midi was driving me insane. When i heard the midi start playing i was like "god i want to get this over with as soon as i can" again that's just a personal nit pick for me.


Overall it was good but could use some flushing out here and there but i did want to ask this: Is this going to be a full episode replacement or is it going to be a full 4 episode megawad? I only ask is because i'm working on a solo ultimate doom mega wad at this moment.

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2 minutes ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

I took a look at it and here's my review on it. Please note that this is my own option and not someone else's and all i'm doing is giving feed back on it so no hard feeling or getting mad at me for my options, I feel like i need to put this here because some times i can get be a little too honest but with that disclammer out of the way here's my feed back on this wad you made.


I played it and i did like it, it felt like a E1M1 map you'll see in someone solo or community project. The combat is fine but i do have one issue though but i will get to that soon enough. It did not feel like it was all over the place, it did not have any un escape able traps, it didn't have the bullshit "hit this switch and run around to hit another switch" gimmick, the layout was good overall. 


Now the bad parts: Felt too short for a E1M1 well yet again it's supposed to be short but i felt like it needed to be a bit longer. Another problem i had was barons in the first map. I won't lie, i kinda got a bit mad and disappointed since i don't like putting barons in the first map...unless your trying to do a " What if plutoina was made in doom 1 and not doom 2?" style. The last one and this is a personal nit pick from me is the midi. Oh man for some reason that midi was driving me insane. When i heard the midi start playing i was like "god i want to get this over with as soon as i can" again that's just a personal nit pick for me.


Overall it was good but could use some flushing out here and there but i did want to ask this: Is this going to be a full episode replacement or is it going to be a full 4 episode megawad? I only ask is because i'm working on a solo ultimate doom mega wad at this moment.

At the moment it is going to be 9 a Level episode.

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  • 2 months later...

Alright yall, I changed some shit regarding difficulty, (i.e. making easy easier and hard harder, mainly hard harder to warrant the barons at the end.) some slight visual changes have been made as well, and secrets have been added. The midi is different, but again, is just a placeholder midi. Also I feel I should clarify this because I don't think I explained it properly and people misunderstood, this is not meant to be a first map, but e1m1 is just the level slot I am using until the all the other levels are completed. Also, please give me any feedback, all will be much appreciated! Thanks!


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