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Can Someone edit this wad with infinite Health thanks

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Why is that file named DOOM2.WAD? I hope it's not the IWAD, that would be piracy.



Also how do you want infinite health to be added exactly? Putting in an infinite amount of stimpacks all over the levels? By definition not possible. Turning on godmode so that you take no damage at all? Just type iddqd, no need for any editing.

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24 minutes ago, Gez said:

Why is that file named DOOM2.WAD? I hope it's not the IWAD, that would be piracy.



Also how do you want infinite health to be added exactly? Putting in an infinite amount of stimpacks all over the levels? By definition not possible. Turning on godmode so that you take no damage at all? Just type iddqd, no need for any editing.

Also how can I permanently keep those cheats?

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22 minutes ago, Gez said:

Why is that file named DOOM2.WAD? I hope it's not the IWAD, that would be piracy.

Maybe it's secretly installer of whole doom2, lol

Just change .wad to .exe

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26 minutes ago, Gez said:

Why is that file named DOOM2.WAD? I hope it's not the IWAD, that would be piracy.



Also how do you want infinite health to be added exactly? Putting in an infinite amount of stimpacks all over the levels? By definition not possible. Turning on godmode so that you take no damage at all? Just type iddqd, no need for any editing.

Like without putting iddqd just the wad itself has infinite Health where I can't die 

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But why you need this? Just type iddqd, really, it's easier

It will keep between levels, not sure about saves. And with such approach at least you can turn it off or not use it at all when it's not needed.

If you like to play with cheats it's easier method. If you decide to play other wads they also would require editing, no?

Maybe with advanced source port you can have small mod which would constantly reset your health to 100 and respawn if you died, who knows.

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Just now, bobstremglav said:

But why you need this? Just type iddqd, really, it's easier

It will keep between levels, not sure about saves. And with such approach at least you can turn it off or not use it at all when it's not needed.

If you like to play with cheats it's easier method. If you decide to play other wads they also would require editing, no?

Maybe with advanced source port you can have small mod which would constantly reset your health to 100 and respawn if you died, who knows.

Oh ok


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Just remember that cheats between vanilla doom and source ports are different a bit.


In vanilla doom it's enough to just type cheat code during gameplay

In source ports first you probably will need to press ~ to bring up console, and cheats themselves MAY be different (for example, in ZDoom family you can use "god" instead of iddqd)



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47 minutes ago, bobstremglav said:

In source ports first you probably will need to press ~ to bring up console

Vanilla cheats are still supported. You can still type iddqd in-game in GZDoom and it'll work perfectly fine.


The console is just what's preferred for new cheats because a lot more stuff can be added and it will not interfere with player movement (since nearly everyone is using the WASD keys for movement now, typing iddqd will make you move a bit to the right... likewise for idfa or idkfa that will make you move to the right and then forward), plus you can use niceties like history, tab-completion, parameters, and you can also spot and correct your typos while old-fashioned cheat codes have to be entered perfectly with no real way to know what went wrong if you mistype them.

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