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DWANGO30 - Celebrating 30 years of Deathmatch! [Community Project - ALL SLOTS FILLED]

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Hey guys, I haven't been able to start yet but I'm posting in here to reassure everyone I haven't forgotten! I'll have something to show by the 24th, just a bit held up with work

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5 minutes ago, JustAthel said:

Hey guys, I haven't been able to start yet but I'm posting in here to reassure everyone I haven't forgotten! I'll have something to show by the 24th, just a bit held up with work

Same. I have an octagon with random cover so far. 

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I was busy with some other things till today, I've just gotten started and am building the different set pieces to put in place. Every demonic keep needs a throne.


Here's a screenshot:



(I'll probably put a BFG or plasma on it)

Edited by phoo

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The hall is starting to come together. Still a heavy working in progess, ignore the startan1 lol. The carpet is going in next :)



Edited by phoo

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Hey everyone, sorry I’ve been a little quiet - just super busy in my personal life, so much so that I think I’ll need to extend the (soft) submission deadline for my own sake as much as anyone else’s.


Let’s call the new date July 8th to give all of us some more breathing room! Based on some of the badass-looking shots I’ve seen so far, it’s absolutely worth giving you all more time for mapping anyway.


20 hours ago, OpenRift said:


Also @Doomkid could you put my map in slot 12? I designed it to work with an evening sky texture.

No prob at all, I’ll make sure it’s in the right slot/has the right sky!

6 hours ago, t.v. said:

Does this project need a Title/intermission picture? 

I would be happy to make it!

This is an incredible offer, T.V. - that would be awesome!

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3 hours ago, t.v. said:

Cool! I'll start working on it.

Hopefully I'll have something ready by July 8th.

I wonder what it'll be... Maybe something generic, something simple? Or maybe a group photo of everyone who contributed?


Also, haven't forgotten about my map, procrastination is just a mean mistress.

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Base layout for my map is done! First it was a little too large - and probably still may be - so I put initial player starts to have a sense of scale, then shrunk the map a little bit. The position of the player starts may or may not change later.


Actual texturing and detailing is up next, but I already placed some DWANGO signs where I think they would fit well, and had an idea that the south area should have a pond and fall of water, so I put and textured those already. I noticed both in this map and in my TWANGO II map that just building the initial layout takes very long for me, so this is what I've got to show so far. I am still fairly new to mapping, so over time and experience I'm sure building the layout will only be faster!




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4 hours ago, DoctorNuriel said:

Progress update!



I really like the geometry you've added since you last posted screenshots, I'm really interested to see the final version.

Edited by phoo

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And my map is done, in time ! 








Author : Roofi

Map name : Stuck in Suez Canal

Music used : Porcupine Tree - Even Less

Build time : Several weeks

Description : It's my first time making a Deathmatch map for Doom. I don't know if it plays well but I ensured to create lot of interconnectivity and avoid dead ends ! This map is pretty large, not too large for Duel I hope. This map is based on the Evergreen's incident and I had lot of fun building the environments. :)





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Currently I'm trying to break the mapper's block. This level should be ready before the new deadline.

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I've been playing around with a couple layout, this is currently the most promising, obviously WIP! :)




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Loving the progress everyone is making - really looking forward to duking it out in all these lovely arenas!


Here's my map Medicinal Urbs! It has 8 SSG spawns and is a bit on the smaller side - it should support a hectic 6-player match nicely and work for duels too :)


Download here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pz2c61838j7wa1c/doctornuriel_Medicinal+Urbs_dwango30_v1+.zip/file



Edited by DoctorNuriel

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On 6/25/2023 at 6:04 PM, antares031 said:








Currently I'm trying to break the mapper's block. This level should be ready before the new deadline.


I just the other day played Moonstriker's Outpost for the first time in aeons and the first two screenshots here really reminded me of the opening hub/foyer. And given that I still adore MO, that means I'm already getting very good vibes off of this, even in its incomplete form. Best of luck shaking off the block.

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3 hours ago, t.v. said:

Ok, here is the Titlepic!

I took the liberty of making a new logo as well.


I aimed for a 'dynamic shot'.

While making it, I went with the flow. Not overthinking or worrying about the details and composition too much.

 This style helped to convey the feeling of speed and frenzy: like Deathmatch.


Oh, and the marine himself is a -not so- subtle reference to the host of this project :-)





In the zip are 4 BMPs in the Doom colors

- Titlepic 320x200 pixels

- Titlepic 426x200

- Intermission pic 320x200

 - Intermission pic 426x200



I hope you like it!

Holy shit... That's... fucking insane

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Started a new job recently so that's been keeping me a bit more busy; that said, still working on my map.

Here's a random WIP screenshot: 


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I'm a bit busy the coming weeks, so here's an almost done first version of my map. I request that it be placed in a slot with the second sky (dark, stars) if possible. The music is 'Core' by stewboy. I do not yet have a title for the map.

Feedback is welcome. I haven't finished placing ammo and weapons yet. The texturing of the base area is also not yet finished. I assume I will move at least two of the multiplayer starts (centre north and centre south) to a better place or remove them.

I am encountering weird node builder (I think?) issues when playing on non-Zdoom ports. After about 15-30 seconds in the map noclipping starts to occur. I don't know why.

Map file (v01)



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I've given it a lot of thought, and I've decided I'll need to drop out of the project while there's still hopefully time for someone to fill my spot. I've never actually played a game of deathmatch in doom, and that's probably why I've been having such a hard time wrapping my mind around a map layout that'll work well for this. I'm also still just learning the basics of using doom builder, so my progress has been very slow. At this point I know if I manage to force something out in a timely manner, it probably won't be a map I'm happy with.


My apologies if this causes any inconvenience, and best of luck to the rest of you taking part in the project.

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On 6/28/2023 at 4:49 AM, t.v. said:

Ok, here is the Titlepic!

I took the liberty of making a new logo as well.


I aimed for a 'dynamic shot'.

While making it, I went with the flow. Not overthinking or worrying about the details and composition too much.

This style helped to convey the feeling of speed and frenzy: like Deathmatch.


Oh, and the marine himself is a -not so- subtle reference to the host of this project :-)





In the zip are 4 BMPs in the Doom colors

- Titlepic 320x200 pixels

- Titlepic 426x200

- Intermission pic 320x200

- Intermission pic 426x200



I hope you like it!

This is SO good - thank you! I’m so glad to see such a great title pic for this project.


Sorry I haven’t been more active here in general, mappers - just not had the spare time I normally would, to the point where I may extend the deadline a little yet again. I certainly don’t want any mappers stressing about deadlines while I’m not able to work more actively on this.

Shouldn’t be too long til I get that second nap done c:


@jmac, no worries at all man! It’s no trouble whatsoever.


On 6/6/2023 at 2:15 PM, Mr.Rocket said:

Holy shit, I might wanna get in here!

Is it too late?

Hey Rocket, Jmac has pulled out, so do feel free to claim that slot if you are still interested!

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I've barely been able to start but I'd love to still be a part of this, I have a VERY chunky map base but my free time has just been so short it makes me look like Goliath in comparison D: We both need our naps!!

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