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OSHA-certified E1M1

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A pretty funny little idea, that kinda now makes me wonder what the rest of Episode 1 would look like, if it was OSHA-compliant.

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1 minute ago, Mad22 said:

A pretty funny little idea, that kinda now makes me wonder what the rest of Episode 1 would look like, if it was OSHA-compliant.

I might do the rest of E1 sometime. I originally toyed with the idea of doing E2 as well, but there's so much demonic corruption in E2 that workplace safety is completely out the window.

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2 minutes ago, OkDoomer174 said:

I might do the rest of E1 sometime. I originally toyed with the idea of doing E2 as well, but there's so much demonic corruption in E2 that workplace safety is completely out the window.

That is true, as we all know that demons have an active spite for OSHA. Regardless, should you do ever come out with an OSHA-compliant Episode 1, I'll definitely give it a look!

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Violation of worker safety regulations: Ammunition not stored in a dedicated location. In addition, there are no fire extinguishers and the first aid kits are on the floor instead of on the wall.


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13 hours ago, SuperPIter_DoomWorldthe2nd said:

Feels a little bit more immersive now that's it more compliant with the OSHA... i think.

Don't get too immersed; there's still nowhere to park an aircraft.

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What a fantastic idea! I was talking the other day with a friend about how silly it would be if you had to make Doom maps OSHA-compliant, and here it is. I love it!

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This is excellent. I would love to see the rest of the levels done...especially the Hell levels - it might be Hell, but you still gotta adhere to safety protocols.

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6 hours ago, Phobos Ranger said:

An entire episode adhering to OSHA protocols would be amazing to playthrough.  This was amazing.



// Fucking-A!

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3 hours ago, Lone Courier said:

Can't even imagine trying to do OSHA Certified Chasm, poor inspectors gonna have a triple aneurysm 

Yes! I'd love to see it. Also, Barrels o' Fun without all those dangerous exploding and burning barrels just haphazardly lying around.

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Really loved this funny iteration of E1M1. We don't have OSHA in France, unfortunately, but things close to it like the INRS and the Prud'Hommes Court, while most of the time we are being saved from terrible corporate shenanigans by unions.


Don't know if you will ever do the rest of Knee-Deep Into the Osha Violation, but that would be quite a delightful project :)

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The stairs in the secret hallway don't have handrails. I don't know how you'd add them without custom textures or 3D floor trickery, but I felt it was worth mentioning. Also, it needs to be wheelchair accessible per the ADA. I also don't see emergency floodlights in case of power failure, nor do I see fire alarms.


Not to nitpick, but I think that's kinda the joke.

On 6/4/2023 at 9:20 AM, OkDoomer174 said:

Don't get too immersed; there's still nowhere to park an aircraft.

You could park a helicopter in the outdoor area if it was clearly marked with lights and lines. I think...

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6 hours ago, Aeriz said:

Not to nitpick, but I think that's kinda the joke.

Please, do nitpick. The more nitpicks, the more accurate it can be for the full version of Doom: OSHA Unleashed.

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When i finish making my mod i would love to edit entire Doom Episode in this style, but i think i can work harder to make more stuff safer, like why unknown liquid bottles and some magic helmets are all around the ground? Also no slopes for people on wheelchairs? Im gonna change that! But first i have to finish ColorDoom mod im working on

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8 hours ago, Agent Strange said:

Oh, this sounds fun. Knee Deep in the OSHA would be a cool idea. Can I share a link to this thread on Twitter along with some screenshots?


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Well, I'm happy to announce that a full episode of Doom: OSHA Unleashed is currently in the works. E1M1 now has railings in the secret hallway railings, but wheelchair ramps are still in the works. E1M8 is also done already since it's a small map.

5 hours ago, RaZZoR said:

Hellrider approves


What texture pack is that? It looks really good.

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Wait a minute, what about the glass in the windows. I'm seeing people being shot through the open windows. This is supposed to be a low atmosphere environment, isn't it? I'd like to see glass to be added to the windows, and I guess, strong enough to stand shooting.
And airlocks. :)


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