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Second Complete Map - "Ten Two Four"

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Hello!  I've been playing Doom off and on since it came out and decided recently to try my hand at mapping.  This is my second map  (you can find the first one here, if you're interested in tracking my growth), titled "Ten Two Four," It was inspired by a community project limiting mappers to a 1024 space, which I've found to be a very enjoyable restriction to work with.  I'd greatly appreciate any feedback/criticism anyone is kind enough to take the time to offer.  Thanks in advance.  


Download here.  Info and screenshots below.


-Tested with GZ Doom and didn't find any glaring errors

-Doom2 format UDMF - there are some 3d floors, so I don't think this will work in vanilla

-Freelook? - go for it

-Jumping/crouching? - No.  Please don't.

-Doom II IWAD used, with mostly OTEX textures/flats

-Just a single level MAP01 replacement, intended for single player.  

-Incorporates some puzzle elements and some slaughter-ish elements.  Difficulty ramps up very fast, there are some mean teleporter traps (including an Archie who pops in to resurrect dead enemies when you're not watching).

-Difficulty level - I haven't implemented skill levels yet, so this is basically UV.




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