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Where are the config file (Linux)


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I feel silly asking but where do i actually find the config file on Linux? I wanted to set a custom resolution.

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It depends entirely on what source port you're running. It will most likely be in the .config/ or .local/share/ subfolder of your home folder.

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9 hours ago, NoWits said:

It depends entirely on what source port you're running. It will most likely be in the .config/ or .local/share/ subfolder of your home folder.


The guy may be referring to the Freedoom games available on GNU Software stores. (Snap? Flatpak? I dunno for sure)

As for the actual question, can't answer, don't have a GNU installation.

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7 hours ago, ValveMercenary said:


The guy may be referring to the Freedoom games available on GNU Software stores. (Snap? Flatpak? I dunno for sure)

As for the actual question, can't answer, don't have a GNU installation.

I think you've mixed up GNU and Ubuntu

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7 hours ago, houston said:

I think you've mixed up GNU and Ubuntu

There's no mixing, as far as I know, GNU programs is what makes a Linux system alongside the kernel (because if it was only the kernel, you would know what it would be like), and Ubuntu includes these software programs written by the GNU project, therefore being considered a GNU/Linux system, hell even Ubuntu calls it that.


Last moment edit: I used Linux before, I know what it's like.

Edited by ValveMercenary

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Not to say we should start a fight, but I just call it by it's more formal name.

And only that.


And for the actual question, I found it depends on what source port installed via Software stores you're using... Silly me.

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On 6/4/2023 at 11:01 PM, parka said:

I feel silly asking but where do i actually find the config file on Linux? I wanted to set a custom resolution.

It depends if it is a system-wide configuration (mostly in /etc/) or a configuration defined by a user (often in ~/.config, sometimes on dot files or dot folders in ~).

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Check the following directories for folders named like your source port. You may use the command "ls" on the following to reveal it's contents.


For example:

/home/username/.local/share/chocolate-doom/  <--- Here are Chocolate-Doom's pertinent files, for all games, not just Doom.
/home/username/.config/zandronum  <--- Here you should find zandronum's ini file alongside it's saved games.
/home/username/.dsda-doom <--- Self explanatory

If you're using Flatpaks for your source ports (Like GZDoom), check under .var/app/name.of.source.port/

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