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[Boom, FINAL] Violetshift - 13 purple/green levels of challenge and puzzlery

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These maps are good. You should play them. Here's a playthrough of one of my favourites from the set.



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Here's my attempt.  Love the color scheme though! Could lower difficulties have been better accounted for? Well, probably.





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Only played a bit of the first level, but this is great stuff! I've been wanting a challenging boom wad for a while now and this nicely satisfies that feeling. 

Can you give an idea of how difficult it gets? How does it shape up next to Sunlust?

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1 hour ago, nobleflame said:

Only played a bit of the first level, but this is great stuff! I've been wanting a challenging boom wad for a while now and this nicely satisfies that feeling. 

Can you give an idea of how difficult it gets? How does it shape up next to Sunlust?


Honestly I hate doing comparisons, since the gameplay in this set differs in style and difficulty throughout, despite being inspired by Ribbiks' works. Some people may struggle with our style, while others are very skilled or very familiar with it.


The first half I say is comparable to Sunlust, and the easier parts of the latter half are probably similar to 20x7 and Haste. The hardest parts of this set, however, shape up next to Fractured Worlds and Magnolia on UV, which are known to be very difficult and almost niche - requiring a lot of skill and lateral thinking to figure out a setpiece.

Edited by KeaganDunn

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While I'm here, I have posted an EP of the original music I've written for this project! Available for purchase from Bandcamp here: https://keagandunn.bandcamp.com/album/violetshift-ost



And here's the video of the full soundtrack, including all the MIDIs that were used. Thanks to Alexander Brandon, Jimmy, Velvetic, and Tristan Clark.



Appreciate everyone taking the time to play this! It might be a little while before I roll out any updates though, but rest assured I'm keeping an eye on everything.


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1 hour ago, KeaganDunn said:


Honestly I hate doing comparisons, since the gameplay in this set differs in style and difficulty throughout, despite being inspired by Ribbiks' works. Some people may struggle with our style, while others are very skilled or very familiar with it.


The first half I say is comparable to Sunlust, and the easier parts of the latter half are probably similar to 20x7 and Haste. The hardest parts of this set, however, shape up next to Fractured Worlds and Magnolia on UV, which are known to be very difficult and almost niche - requiring a lot of skill and lateral thinking to figure out a setpiece.



ha, yeh I get you in terms of comparisons. I suppose my question was can I complete each level single seg UVMAX when I’ve done the same with Stardate 20x6 and Sunlust. 

I managed the first level of Fractured Worlds single seg UVMAX and could probably do the second with a lot of grinding, but the rest of the set is above my skill level. 

At any rate, I’m enjoying it and I like the fun, frenetic game play. Cheers!

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5 hours ago, nobleflame said:

ha, yeh I get you in terms of comparisons. I suppose my question was can I complete each level single seg UVMAX when I’ve done the same with Stardate 20x6 and Sunlust. 

I managed the first level of Fractured Worlds single seg UVMAX and could probably do the second with a lot of grinding, but the rest of the set is above my skill level. 

At any rate, I’m enjoying it and I like the fun, frenetic game play. Cheers!

My levels tend to be shorter, so those would be my choices to single segment. Otherwise, I feel as if a lot of the maps in this project will require practice to single segment on UV.

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Man im in the minority but why are all the lovely purple map sets i find really hard and/or slaughter (I know theres some that arent like Violence but not many), might suck it up and play this but on HNTR like a coward lmao

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1 hour ago, Bozzy said:

Man im in the minority but why are all the lovely purple map sets i find really hard and/or slaughter (I know theres some that arent like Violence but not many), might suck it up and play this but on HNTR like a coward lmao

There's no shame in HNTR, it's there for a reason. Don't let all our effort on it go to waste!

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Updated Violetshift! Some critical changes, some minor. Huge thanks to @Vile's playthrough today!


- A number of small visual fixes

- Progression in MAP13 slightly improved (but remember, it's still meant to be confusing)

- 4 cybers were present in the BSK fight of MAP02, but only on Easy lmao. Sorry to HNTR players

- Slight changes to lower difficulties across all maps, including some puzzles. (Math problem in MAP05 is now easier on HMP, and so is the torch ordeal. Some secrets in MAP13 have been nerfed on HMP as well.)


The Simon Says games in MAP11 and MAP13 have proven to break somehow, despite me testing the hell out of them. Would appreciate any help on finding the particulars, if anyone's willing to deconstruct the setup lmao.


And yes, @Bozzy, no shame in playing on HNTR! It will be a great help if you do, actually - we do need more testing and opinions on how HNTR/HMP play out. We want to be sure HNTR is enjoyable through and through for the majority of players, but still offering a bit of challenge.

Edited by KeaganDunn

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Would you mind giving a little hint on what to do in Map05? Even after getting the new version I still do not have slightest clue on what to do.



Well, I know that I can summon torches via the very prominent button in the middle and that they show me numbers but besides that and how to get the armor and health bonus I am totally stumped.


EDIT: Okay, I found the shootable switch...


Edited by AdNauseam

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Hey! If anyone's still having trouble with MAP05, the first intermission, I made a quick playthrough video, showcasing it on HNTR and UV.

Keep in mind that the puzzles in this map are COMPLETELY OPTIONAL, and are only required for a UV-Max.



Edited by KeaganDunn

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this is hawt. saw stx playing it the other day. downloaded!

Edited by TheShep

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Do I play this IMMEDIATELY or do I wait for the final version? I suspect I won't be able to keep myself from trying this out. Looks incredible, congratulations! Looks like just the kind of thing I love.

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Thanks for creating this fun wad! I've started a playthrough of it today, planning to go through the whole thing:


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1 hour ago, Vytaan said:

Thanks for creating this fun wad! I've started a playthrough of it today, planning to go through the whole thing


@Vytaan Thanks a bunch for this, and good luck! Excited to see how these practiced runs will play out, and what strategies you can find that we wouldn't have thought of. If you find any softlocks or broken stuff while practicing or doing runs, let me know! Be sure to keep up to date since we're still doing some testing and bugfixing with this.


I'll be leaving my comments in the comment section of the video. 

Edited by KeaganDunn

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47 minutes ago, KeaganDunn said:


@Vytaan Be sure to keep up to date since we're still doing some testing and bugfixing with this.

That's a great point - I'll make sure to download v2 today. I did record MAP02 already with the old version, are there any significant changes? If needed I could rerecord it, but looking at the patch notes it should hopefully be fine.

And thanks! I'll definitely let you know if I find anything.

Edited by Vytaan

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Had fun with this set--nice work.


Would like to report a soft-lock in map 11: you can fall into the gap at top-right corner of sector 363 (next to the metal pillar with the purple torch on top) and can't escape.

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from personal experience, maps from [keagan dunn] and [rivi the warlock] are definitely out of my league. but from the screenies, the maps in [violetshift] are absolutely gorgeous. perhaps one day i may achieve the level of skill to play them. so, downloading :) thanks for making and sharing the mapset!

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This set is great. I've UVMAXd (single seg) maps 1-7 now - I've just started map 8. It's definitely getting much harder. Not sure how much more I'll be able to do before I reach my skill ceiling and it becomes grindy.


On quick thing - think I found a softlock in map 6 - once you've collected the grey (black?) skull key, if you don't open the lower door at the bottom of the stairs and then jump down into the library room from the upper gallery, you softlock yourself and can't continue with the map. You can go back to the starting area, but the library door will remain closed forever. Hope I'm explaining that clearly enough. 

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1 hour ago, nobleflame said:

So what's the strat for the secret BFG room with the three cybers in map 8? Don't die LMAO? 


You're not wrong, honestly. I have a pretty low success rate with it. 😅 I'll definitely nerf it a bit in the next update - replacing one of them with a green cyber oughta do it.

If you can kill the one that teleports in front of the entrance as soon as possible, and *then* pick up the megasphere next to the entrance, you will have more of a fighting chance.

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23 minutes ago, KeaganDunn said:


You're not wrong, honestly. I have a pretty low success rate with it. 😅 I'll definitely nerf it a bit in the next update - replacing one of them with a green cyber oughta do it.

If you can kill the one that teleports in front of the entrance as soon as possible, and *then* pick up the megasphere next to the entrance, you will have more of a fighting chance.

I also noticed you can grab the BFG without triggering the fight - that way you can prefire and kill the cyber in front of the entrance relatively quickly and consistently!

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I like purple, so this'll be easy and not at all challenging.

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9 hours ago, KeaganDunn said:


You're not wrong, honestly. I have a pretty low success rate with it. 😅 I'll definitely nerf it a bit in the next update - replacing one of them with a green cyber oughta do it.

If you can kill the one that teleports in front of the entrance as soon as possible, and *then* pick up the megasphere next to the entrance, you will have more of a fighting chance.

Removing the damaging floor might help?

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