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Archvile attacks?

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So I've seen it said before that archvile attacks are not hitscan. Can someone explain to me how it isn't? I've always been under the impression that what happens is that the archvile performs a hitscan action to track the target for a set amount of time and at the end of that time it spawns an area of blast damage on the targets position.

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Hey I think @Shepardus and @RjY covered it well here:

On 5/7/2022 at 1:54 AM, Shepardus said:

To be even more pedantic, the arch-vile's attack is a line of sight check rather than a hitscan.


Then check this out on the Doomwiki:



Note importantly hitscan is "an algorithm that traces a straight path from an origin at a given angle, collects intercepted objects along that path, and then determines the first line or thing hit.". It is an instantaneous hit or not.


Note importantly that as @RjY stated if the archvile used true hitscan you could avoid it by standing behind another monster. You cannot do this so it is not hitscan.

Hence, as @Shepardus states it is a line of sight check - if you are still in line of sight by the time the final check is made you are damaged.

The archvile is an interesting one!

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Come on @Maximum Matt this is a bit harsh! They were only using their understanding of the mechanics to help inform others. Give them a bit of latitude on this occasion.


Sorry, this is about all I can wring out of my aging sense of humour. :)


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On 6/12/2023 at 1:40 PM, Maximum Matt said:

They are still bastards tho
Never a truer word spoken

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The way their attacks "lift" the player always felt a little unusual to me, though I was never able to place how. I think it's the fact that (to my knowledge) they're the only enemy that can do that? Makes them a bit of an outlier in terms of attack design.

Then again, seeing how much doom content (and raycaster content in general) is made with the player being unable to jump in mind those little reminders that there is that sort of verticality at play always stick out to me.

Edited by MissArgent

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5 hours ago, MissArgent said:

The way their attacks "lift" the player always felt a little unusual to me, though I was never able to place how. I think it's the fact that (to my knowledge) they're the only enemy that can do that? Makes them a bit of an outlier in terms of attack design.

Then again, seeing how much doom content (and raycaster content in general) is made with the player being unable to jump in mind those little reminders that there is that sort of verticality at play always stick out to me.

it makes sense more because it's an upwards thrust because of blast damage.

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