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A dumb question for a dumb problem.

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I'm working on another mapset. I've tried making a switch-powered door, but when I try interacting with the switch, absolutely nothing happens. It doesnt even change textures. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong! Any help?

Here's the .wad so you guys can analyze my stupidity. You need freedoom2.wad, or Freedoom Phase 2 as the I-WAD.


h e l p

Edited by redbot

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I love that you included the wad. People would find help easier to get if they included concrete info or tangible material whenever possible.


There are no sectors tagged 1 in this map (which is the tag of the switch). You want the door that opens to have a sector tag of 1. 

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Just now, baja blast rd. said:

I love that you included the wad. People would find help easier to get if they included concrete info or tangible material whenever possible.


There are no sectors tagged 1 in this map (which is the tag of the switch). You want the door that opens to have a sector tag of 1. 

oh. i had the linedefs for the door tagged 1. rookie mistake lol
Thanks, man!

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