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Should Doom 64 for Doom II have a MIDI pack?

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The .wad does have mostly unique tracks but some maps still use stock music from Doom 1 and 2. I feel like someone could give it similar treatment to what Rebirth had and give the remaining maps unique tracks


Would it be worth it or wouldn't it be enough maps to warrant it?

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I think D64D2's soundtrack is fine as is, but I'd love to see a pack of ambient MIDIs in the style of the original Doom 64 soundtrack.

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4 minutes ago, Gemidori said:

Hell yeah, pretty much every new track is awesome, though I believe my favorite is Lurking

Watch Your Rock, Painful Dreams, A Lot to Learn - the covers of these tracks are just at some sky-high masterpiece level.

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It doesn’t need it. The new tracks are incredible and the maps without them had classic tracks hand-selected by the level designers. CoTeCiO actually made quite a few other tracks that could be used to fill in gaps if people feel so inclined, but it absolutely does not need a new MIDI pack.

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