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Can you survive the Wicked Awakening? (Doom 2) Circa 2006

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Reading over my review of this map from 2006 I have to wonder if it would be as tough a play now as it was then but that is for you to decide.

The author (Chris Antoni) offered a way to complete this map. At the time I found it nigh on impossible - but again, that is for you to judge.

So, if you feel like playing a challenging map - give this one a try - another blast from the past (17 years old now). 


From the author:

End Strategy: Snipe the chaingunners with your own chaingun without triggering the linedef's in the middle of the room while hiding behind the nearest boxes.
Now trigger the monsters to attack from all sides, kill the imps first (you can
run under the skulls thanks to legacy), being sure to stay close to boxes and NEVER stop moving. Now after ALL the monsters are dead obviously save. Open the yellow door and blast away with the plasma gun. As soon as you see the arms move aside and out of the way and count to 3. Pull out the shotty and quickly duck into the corridor to kill the first archi who should be right on top of you. Make sure the second and third are about to shoot at you before you retreat. You might get 1 more round off but that's unlikely. Hide behind a crate and take shots at the archies by running around boxes and working your way back further and further into the middle of the room (by where the stacked 3-d box is). Now you'll be in a position where 2 arch viles are attacking you and are bringing back low life imps or burning skulls. This is difficult under normal circumstances but the maze of boxes provides plenty of duck and fire room for the shotty or what's left of your plasma gun. The level was made to be exceptionally hard and impossible to "speed run" through. Once you have drawn out the archies either run around the side of the room and out the exit or finish em off.

It almost sounds possible.



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That wasn't that hard. It took a few deaths at the start because of the constant ambushes, so I doubt anyone is making it through the whole map on their first try, but otherwise it wasn't that bad. 3 AVs is not so tough with a lot of cover and a lot of cells. I have to assume that 'impossible to "speed run"' is bait or something, HR was almost 10 years old when this was released.


I did play in GZDoom because I assume it can handle a 17 year old Legacy map fine, but it's possible something didn't translate properly. I'm not installing Legacy just to find out though.


Also you should include a link. Here it is for anyone else:


Edited by plums

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13 hours ago, plums said:

That wasn't that hard. It took a few deaths at the start because of the constant ambushes, so I doubt anyone is making it through the whole map on their first try, but otherwise it wasn't that bad. 3 AVs is not so tough with a lot of cover and a lot of cells. I have to assume that 'impossible to "speed run"' is bait or something, HR was almost 10 years old when this was released.


I did play in GZDoom because I assume it can handle a 17 year old Legacy map fine, but it's possible something didn't translate properly. I'm not installing Legacy just to find out though.


Also you should include a link. Here it is for anyone else:


Oh. Damn. I can't believe I did that. lol

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