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GLDEFS SkyBox Rumble

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Sides of my SkyBox are not 1:1, but 2:1.

Usually it is not 512x512, but 512x256.


And while being defined in GLDEFS lump, it is appearing as box-shaped SkyBox in the game and it looks ugly due to all this stretching.

It is only possible to have "unusual" SkyBoxes that is made by hand in the level editor?

Can I, somehow, tell GLDEFS that this particular SkyBox must be "short", not "tall"?

Edited by RastaManGames

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The built-in GLDEFS method assumes 1:1 sized textures, AFAIK there's no way around that (assuming you're talking about GZDoom here).


If you have 2:1 sized textures, an alternative approach would be to build a manual skybox out in the void where you place the images on the walls and ceiling like a normal texture, and then place a Skybox Camera in the middle of the room. The view from the Skybox Camera will be projected onto the sky in the level.

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