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Trying to get a cloud of spawned monsters to work


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I don't have much experience with scripting, but I think that it should be working. The script is designed to spawn 100 shades (I made them able to fly), pushing them each in a random direction. Ideally, they would spawn at a vertical angle, but I don't know how to do that. Thus far, the script spawns only 1 monster. Any help would be appreciated. The script is written below.


#include "zcommon.acs"

int shadecount = 0;
int direction = 0;

script 1 (void)
    until(shadecount > 99)
        direction = (random(45, 135));
        spawnspot("NIGHTSHADE", 1, shadecount, 90);
        thrustthingz(shadecount, 40, 0, 0);
        thrustthing(direction, 20, 0, shadecount);

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I suppose your spawning spot has TID 1 (since I can see you spawn the Shades at spot with TID 1)... so it gets thrusted along with the first Shade (when "shadecount" is 1).

The spot is probably something that ignores most collision physics and it won't be affected by gravity thus it will end up in some invalid position for spawning after the thrust (like inside the ceiling or a wall).



Also keep in mind that ACS uses byte angles (0-255), not degrees.


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