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What are your favorite wads that dont require Zdoom or zandronum to play

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i think the title explains it ig ur favorite .wad or .pk3 or .ipk3 whatever that doesnt require like Zdoom,zandronum all that modern shit 
mines is prob idk


Edited by Shakariki Heisenberg

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- Rowdy Rudy 2: Powertrip

- Valiant

- Scythe (the first one)

- an unspeakable amount of QoL mods (Widescreen assets, umapinfo patches, fanmade midi packs, random sprite/sound replacements, ect.)

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Ahhh, old school stuff that doesn't need anything more than Boom-compatible?


Let's see ... Besides stuff that's been mentioned, a few things are comfy old standbys.


Memento Mori series (including Requiem, which is kind of a successor).

TeamTNT stuff. (Icarus, Eternal Doom)

Community Chest series.

It's also a fun stress smasher to stomp out some slaughter wads (with iddqd of course, I'm not really actually that good at Doom, better at mapping and exploring than actually doing the combat fairly LOL ... so I actually use iddqd a lot, though I draw the line at needing to use idclip) like Sunder or Hell Revealed.


I've also seen a few other here-and-theres too, like some Doomer Boards stuff (Lilywhite Lilith was a fun one, to name one in particular).


OP: you might want to omit "pk3 or ipk3" there BTW as I'm pretty certain that these formats are inherently specific to ZDoom-style engines :)

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